All Prompts


This prompt requires you to have completed Arrival 1 time.

You cannot view any details until you have completed the prerequisite.

Hound Handling

This prompt requires you to have completed Citizenship 1 time.

You cannot view any details until you have completed the prerequisite.

Trade Opportunities

This prompt requires you to have completed Hound Handling 1 time.

You cannot view any details until you have completed the prerequisite.

City Exploration

This prompt requires you to have completed Trade Opportunities 1 time.

You cannot view any details until you have completed the prerequisite.

Countryside Exploration

This prompt requires you to have completed City Exploration 1 time.

You cannot view any details until you have completed the prerequisite.

An Expedition

This prompt requires you to have completed Countryside Exploration 1 time.

You cannot view any details until you have completed the prerequisite.

A new handler arrives in Ynnis ...


The journey across the East Sea is trying, regardless of season. The cooler seasons have fierce storms that can toss even the largest of ships to and fro, while the warmer have doldrums and calms that can strand a ship for days. The voyage takes two months when all goes well, but can stretch to as long as four if difficulties are encountered. Despite the risks, each ship that dares the crossing is full.

Itona offers opportunities simply not present elsewhere in the world. Noted for its sweeping expanses and technological innovations, the continent welcomes those looking to author their own futures. Earning passage on one of the ships is a driving goal for many. Some achieve it via luck, winning a lottery for passage from a consulate. Others buy their way on board. Regardless of how a person came to secure passage, Itona offers a path to citizenship for any that can make it to the shore and are willing to dedicate themselves.


A new ship has arrived in Ynnis' port, packed full of folks ready to start a new life. Just off the dock, a huddle of people waits, eager to welcome new arrivals. They offer various opportunities for those willing to take them. 



Design your handler! Players are allowed to have as many handlers as they wish, so in the future you may create additional handlers. When you've completed your entry link to it in your submission and in the comment box indicate which reward option you'd like! On all Itona prompts you only have to submit your choice of art OR literature that meet the below requirements!


Visual Art

- Piece must depict at least 50% of your handler, and must include their face.
- Handler must meet Itona handler guidelines.
- Piece does not require a background.
- Piece must adhere to Itona visual art guidelines.


- Piece must be 500 or more words.
- Piece should focus on your handler arriving at the Ynnis dock, be it off of a boat, or from the city itself.
- Handler must meet Itona handler guidelines.
- Piece must adhere to Itona literature guidelines.



Visual Art GuidelinesLiterature GuidelinesHandler Guidelines
Ynnis Lore


1x New Player Hound Phenotype or 1x New Player Designed Hound

Reward Details

1x New Player Hound Phenotype
Receive a randomly rolled starter phenotype! You can choose the sex and one feature of this phenotype from the feature options list below. Please note that you will need to design this hound yourself, or find someone to design it for you before you can use it in game. 
1x New Player Predesigned Hound
Receive a randomly rolled already designed hound! You can choose the sex and one feature of this Hound from the feature options list below.

Feature Options
You may select the sex (male or female) and one feature from the list below for your hound! You may also choose to have your hound rolled entirely at random. 

- Black
- Chocolate
- Horned
- Bob Tailed
- Sabre Tailed
- Solid
- Sable
- Recessive Red
- White Marked




No rewards.




No skill increase.


Hello closed beta buddies! As we prepare for our grand opening there's a lot of content we need to put onto the site. Guides, descriptions, prompts, you name it! In all that information there's bound to be a few typos lurking! If you spot a typo and turn it into this raffle you'll earn a ticket for a cool Hound phenotype! We'll draw the raffle just before closed beta closes. Thanks for helping us crush the typos!



Locate typos! If you find one, submit its url to the submission box, and make a note of what it is in the comment section! 


You must submit an url that contains a typo of some sort, and a description of what the typo is in the comment section!


Phenotype #1
Phenotype #2


Reward Amount
Typo Crusher Raffle (Raffle Ticket) 1



No skill increase.

Weekly Trade Guild Meeting

Category: Trade Guilds
Ends: 16 August 2024, 00:00:00 PDT (2 weeks from now)


Each week each of the guilds meet and set out tasks for members to improve their trade. Participating in these meetings is key for improving standing within guilds, and handler development. 


Note! This system is currently in beta, and this prompt will run util August 15, as opposed to rotating next Monday. You may only complete the Weekly Trade Guild Meeting once during this time. 


Breeders' Guild


Toggle Spoiler
 The Breeders' Guild had recently received some new Hounds for their stock. Depict your handler assessing one of these new Hounds for quality. 

Requirements: Must depict your handler and a Hound not owned by you in a city setting.
Bonus Reward: Chanced to receive a Breeding Assessment.    


Trainers' Guild


Toggle Spoiler

A good trainer equips their hounds with the proper life skills. Depict your handler training their hound to do simple tricks

Requirements: Must depict your handler and a Hound
Bonus Reward: +10 Training to the depicted Hound. Only applicable to 1 Hound.


Fanciers' Guild


Toggle Spoiler

A good fancier loves nothing more than a fancy Hound. Depict your handler grooming their Hound to perfection before a show.

Requirements: Must depict your handler and a Hound.
Bonus Reward: x1 random Crimped Kelp Brew


Expeditioneers' Guild


Toggle Spoiler

The wide, open world is calling, and you must go. Depict your handler exploring a new place.

Requirements: Must depict your handler in a countryside setting.
Bonus Reward: x1 No Fail Countryside roll


Merchants' Guild


Toggle Spoiler

Buying and selling are a merchant's game. Depict your handler purchasing or selling some of their wares.

Requirements: Must depict your handler in a city setting.
Bonus Reward: x1 random Crate


Scientists' Guild


Toggle Spoiler

A good scientist is always curious. Depict your handler conducting research on a prey animal's behavior.

Requirements: Must depict your handler and a prey animal.
Bonus Reward: x1 random Hunt Tag




You must have membership in the trade guild you are doing the prompt for.


- Each piece can only feature as many hounds as your handler is able to control.
- You must include all bonuses that apply to the piece in your form.
- Bonuses that you do not include will not be rolled.
- Forms must be included in the comment section of your submission.
- You may submit up to 1 Weekly Trade Guilde Meeting per week. New weeks begin on Monday.

Visual Art

- Piece must depict at least 50% of your handler
- Piece should focus on the prompt as described above.
- Piece must adhere to Itona visual art guidelines.


- Piece must be 750 or more words.
- Piece should focus on the prompt as described above.
- Piece must adhere to Itona literature guidelines.



Visual Art GuidelinesLiterature GuidelinesHandler Guidelines
Trade Guilds Guide ✦ Training


1x Trade Token
Any extra rewards listed in each prompt
Any applicable Hound bonuses




Toggle Spoiler

Trade Guild:

Primary Handler:
(link to account)
Bonuses: (list all the apply)
Additional Handler:
(link to account, remove if not needed)
Bonuses: (list all the apply, remove if not needed)

Hounds: (character code of Hound, duplicate if needed)
Instinct: (list all that apply, duplicate if needed)
Bonuses: (list all that apply, duplicate if needed)





Reward Amount
Trade Tokens 1



No skill increase.


Once a week each player may submit a breeding. The new week begins each Monday. Each breeding costs 1 breeding assessment or breeding permission per Hound. 



- Both Hounds are attached to the submission
- One Hound is male, one Hound is female
- Both Hounds must have a breeding assessment in their bank, or you must provide a link to a breeding permission to that Hound
- Any items you want to use are attached to the submission
- Any bonuses that you don't list on the form won't be rolled


- Average litters produce 1-4 puppies
- Inbreeding can have serious penalties
- Each item can only be used once, unless otherwise stated


Breeding 101Inbreeding Breeding Assessments



A litter!



Toggle Spoiler

Handler: (link to account)
Bonuses: (list all that apply)

Is Inbreeding Present: (Yes/No - if listed incorrectly submission will be rejected)
Sire's Bonuses: (list all that apply)
Sire's Breeding Permission: (list number or leave blank if owned by you)
Dam's Bonuses:
(list all that apply)
Dam's Breeding Permission: (list number or leave blank if owned by you)




No rewards.



No skill increase.


Did you find a Foundling? Submit them here to see their phenotype!



- A Foundling Pup item is attached to the submission.
- You note where your currently is in the comment box.


- The location of your handler determines how your pup will end up!




A foundling pup phenotype!


No rewards.



No skill increase.

Ynnis Hunt

Category: Ynnis


Many huntable creatures live around Ynnis, and a few are even bold enough to venture right into the city!



You must have a Hound on your account. Your handler must currently be in Ynnis. You must have a Hunt Token for an applicable huntable animal. 


- Each piece can only feature as many hounds as your handler is able to control.
- A hunt tag item for the prey type you want to hunt must be attached.
- You must include all bonuses that apply to the piece in your form.
- Bonuses that you do not include will not be rolled.
- Animals huntable in Ynnis City are: Duskrat
- Animals huntable in Ynnis Countryside are: Duskrat, Trifin Eel, Berdir.
- Duskrats receive a bonus when hunted in Ynnis.
- Forms must be included in the comment section of your submission.

Visual Art

- Piece must depict at least 50% of your hound.
- Piece must depict at least 25% of the huntable animal.
- Piece requires a Ynnis background.
- Piece must adhere to Itona visual art guidelines.


- Piece must be 750 or more words.
- Piece should focus on your handler and hound hunting the animal from the license.
- Piece must adhere to Itona literature guidelines.



Visual Art GuidelinesLiterature GuidelinesHandler Guidelines
Hunt Guide ✦ Ynnis LoreTraining


1x Ynnis Roll per Hound
1x Hunt Roll per Prey
Any applicable Hound bonuses
Any applicable Handler bonuses



Toggle Spoiler

Primary Handler: (link to account)
Bonuses: (list all the apply)
Additional Handler:
(link to account, remove if not needed)
Bonuses: (list all the apply, remove if not needed)

Hounds: (character code of Hound, duplicate if needed)
Instinct: (list all that apply, duplicate if needed)
Bonuses: (list all that apply, duplicate if needed)



No rewards.



No skill increase.


The countryside outside of Ynnis is a fascinating place. Rocky coastline stretches in both directions, replete with curious tidal pools and shallow caves carved into the rocky ledged. Further inland is filled with temperate forests, and frequent rain squalls soak the region year round. Many beautiful vistas await those willing to explore ... 


You must have a Hound on your account. Your handler must currently be in Ynnis. 


- Each piece can only feature as many hounds as your handler is able to control.
- You must include all bonuses that apply to the piece in your form.
- Bonuses that you do not include will not be rolled.
- Forms must be included in the comment section of your submission.
- You may submit up to 3 countryside explorations per day.

Visual Art

- Piece must depict at least 50% of your hound.
- Piece requires a Ynnis countryside background.
- Piece must adhere to Itona visual art guidelines.


- Piece must be 750 or more words.
- Piece should focus on your handler and hound exploring the Ynnis countryside.
- Piece must adhere to Itona literature guidelines.



Visual Art GuidelinesLiterature GuidelinesHandler Guidelines
Exploration Guide ✦ Ynnis LoreTraining


1x Ynnis Countryside Roll per Hound
Any applicable Hound bonuses
Any applicable Handler bonuses




Toggle Spoiler

Primary Handler: (link to account)
Bonuses: (list all the apply)
Additional Handler:
(link to account, remove if not needed)
Bonuses: (list all the apply, remove if not needed)

Hounds: (character code of Hound, duplicate if needed)
Instinct: (list all that apply, duplicate if needed)
Bonuses: (list all that apply, duplicate if needed)



Reward Amount
Ynnis Countryside 1



No skill increase.


Ynnis is a bustling port city with many exciting adventures to offer. Who knows what a handler and hound could find ...



You must have a Hound on your account. Your handler must currently be in Ynnis. 


- Each piece can only feature as many hounds as your handler is able to control.
- You must include all bonuses that apply to the piece in your form.
- Bonuses that you do not include will not be rolled.
- Forms must be included in the comment section of your submission.
- You may submit up to 3 city explorations per day.

Visual Art

- Piece must depict at least 50% of your hound.
- Piece requires a Ynnis City background.
- Piece must adhere to Itona visual art guidelines.


- Piece must be 750 or more words.
- Piece should focus on your handler and hound exploring Ynnis.
- Piece must adhere to Itona literature guidelines.



Visual Art GuidelinesLiterature GuidelinesHandler Guidelines
Exploration Guide ✦ Ynnis Lore Training


1x Ynnis City Roll per Hound
Any applicable Hound bonuses




Toggle Spoiler

Primary Handler: (link to account)
Bonuses: (list all the apply)
Additional Handler:
(link to account, remove if not needed)
Bonuses: (list all the apply, remove if not needed)

Hounds: (character code of Hound, duplicate if needed)
Instinct: (list all that apply, duplicate if needed)
Bonuses: (list all that apply, duplicate if needed)



Reward Amount
Ynnis City 1



No skill increase.

Azzaru Hunt

Category: Azzaru


The area around Azzaru is rich with huntable prey, and a few even seem to be present inside the city!



You must have a Hound on your account. Your handler must currently be in Azzaru. You must have a Hunt Token for an applicable huntable animal. 


- Each piece can only feature as many hounds as your handler is able to control.
- A hunt tag item for the prey type you want to hunt must be attached.
- You must include all bonuses that apply to the piece in your form.
- Bonuses that you do not include will not be rolled.
- Animals huntable in Azzaru City are: Duskrat
- Animals huntable in Azzaru Countryside are: Duskrat, Berdir.
- Berdir receive a bonus when hunted in Azzaru.
- Forms must be included in the comment section of your submission.

Visual Art

- Piece must depict at least 50% of your hound.
- Piece must depict at least 25% of the huntable animal.
- Piece requires an Azzaru background.
- Piece must adhere to Itona visual art guidelines.


- Piece must be 750 or more words.
- Piece should focus on your handler and hound hunting the animal from the token.
- Piece must adhere to Itona literature guidelines.



Visual Art GuidelinesLiterature GuidelinesHandler Guidelines
Hunt Guide ✦ Azzaru LoreTraining


1x Azzaru Roll per Hound
1x Hunt Roll per Prey
Any applicable Hound bonuses



Toggle Spoiler

Primary Handler: (link to account)
Bonuses: (list all the apply)
Additional Handler:
(link to account, remove if not needed)
Bonuses: (list all the apply, remove if not needed)

Hounds: (character code of Hound, duplicate if needed)
Instinct: (list all that apply, duplicate if needed)
Bonuses: (list all that apply, duplicate if needed)



No rewards.



No skill increase.


The countryside outside of Azzaru is marked by rolling hills, many filled with mineshafts, both in use and long abaonded. Many of the hills are blanketed with lush, temperate forests. Some of the hills are high enough that microbiomes exist, filled with much more cold hardy plants. 


You must have a Hound on your account. Your handler must currently be in Azzaru. 


- Each piece can only feature as many hounds as your handler is able to control.
- You must include all bonuses that apply to the piece in your form.
- Bonuses that you do not include will not be rolled.
- Forms must be included in the comment section of your submission.
- You may submit up to 3 countryside explorations per day.

Visual Art

- Piece must depict at least 50% of your hound.
- Piece requires an Azzaru countryside background.
- Piece must adhere to Itona visual art guidelines.


- Piece must be 750 or more words.
- Piece should focus on your handler and hound exploring the Azzaru countryside.
- Piece must adhere to Itona literature guidelines.



Visual Art GuidelinesLiterature GuidelinesHandler Guidelines
Exploration Guide ✦ Azzaru LoreTraining


1x Azzaru Countryside Roll per Hound
Any applicable Hound bonuses




Toggle Spoiler

Primary Handler: (link to account)
Bonuses: (list all the apply)
Additional Handler:
(link to account, remove if not needed)
Bonuses: (list all the apply, remove if not needed)

Hounds: (character code of Hound, duplicate if needed)
Instinct: (list all that apply, duplicate if needed)
Bonuses: (list all that apply, duplicate if needed)



Reward Amount
Azzaru Countryside 1



No skill increase.


Azzuru sits among rolling hills, and is an up and coming commerce hub. The city bustles with merchants, miners and new comers. 



You must have a Hound on your account. Your handler must currently be in Azzaru. 


- Each piece can only feature as many hounds as your handler is able to control.
- You must include all bonuses that apply to the piece in your form.
- Bonuses that you do not include will not be rolled.
- Forms must be included in the comment section of your submission.
- You may submit up to 3 city explorations per day.

Visual Art

- Piece must depict at least 50% of your hound.
- Piece requires an Azzur City background.
- Piece must adhere to Itona visual art guidelines.


- Piece must be 750 or more words.
- Piece should focus on your handler and hound exploring Azzuru.
- Piece must adhere to Itona literature guidelines.



Visual Art GuidelinesLiterature GuidelinesHandler Guidelines
Exploration Guide ✦ Azzaru LoreTraining


1x Azzaru City Roll per Hound
Any applicable Hound bonuses



Toggle Spoiler

Primary Handler: (link to account)
Bonuses: (list all the apply)
Additional Handler:
(link to account, remove if not needed)
Bonuses: (list all the apply, remove if not needed)

Hounds: (character code of Hound, duplicate if needed)
Instinct: (list all that apply, duplicate if needed)
Bonuses: (list all that apply, duplicate if needed)



Reward Amount
Azzaru City 1



No skill increase.

Azzaru Sticks and Feathers Tolling Entry

Category: Shows
Ends: 1 August 2024, 00:00:00 PDT (4 days from now)


After the success of the last tolling show, the Azzaru trainers guild is eager to get back to the stream! You're invited to join them for another round of tolling!


This tolling show is offering a qualifying round, and open classes for Hounds with a TQ. 

Hounds that receive a passing score will receive their TQ title. 


- This show costs 5 training to enter
- Handler must be in Azzaru
- Submitter must be the owner of the Hound
- A Handler may enter as many Hounds into the show over all as their handling limit allows


Tolling Guide


QT title for Hounds with qualifying scores.
1 Tolling Points for the top 4 winners in each open class.


No rewards.



No skill increase.


Basic trifin eel hunt training improves the odds of a Hound having a successful trifin eel hunt, and lessens the odds of mauled pelts. The class covers basic trifin eel hunting techniques, and some water work.


Your Hound attends a class that covers trifin eel hunting.


- This class costs 50 training and 250 cogs
- The Hound must have completed at least three trifin eel hunts
- The Hound must have Advanced Obedience training and Basic Hunt training
- Submitter must be the owner of the Hound
- Only 1 Hound per submission may attend a class
- Reminder! Previous task requirements for training classes can only be used once!
- Reminder! Attach training earned to your Hound!
- A Hound may only attend this class once.

Visual Art

- Piece must depict at least 50% of your hound.
- Piece requires a City or Wilderness background.
- Piece must adhere to Itona visual art guidelines.


- Piece must be 750 or more words.
- Piece should focus on your hound attending a hunting class
- Piece must adhere to Itona literature guidelines.



Visual Art GuidelinesLiterature GuidelinesHandler Guidelines
Training Guide



Trifin Eel Hunt Training



Toggle Spoiler

Primary Handler: (link to account)
Bonuses: (list all the apply)

Hounds: (character code of Hound, duplicate if needed)
Bonuses: (list all that apply, duplicate if needed)
Required Activities: (links to required activities, duplicate if needed)




No rewards.



Skill Amount
Trifin Eel Hunting
This skill requires Basic Hunt Training level 1 on all focus characters.
This skill requires Advanced Obedience on all focus characters.


Basic berdir hunt training improves the odds of a Hound having a successful berdir hunt, and lessens the odds of mauled pelts. The class covers basic berdir hunting techniques, and some tracking work.


Your Hound attends a class that covers berdir hunting.


- This class costs 50 training and 250 cogs
- The Hound must have completed at least three berdir hunts
- The Hound must have Advanced Obedience training and Basic hunt training
- Submitter must be the owner of the Hound
- Only 1 Hound per submission may attend a class
- Reminder! Previous task requirements for training classes can only be used once!
- Reminder! Attach training earned to your Hound!
- A Hound may only attend this class once.

Visual Art

- Piece must depict at least 50% of your hound.
- Piece requires a City or Wilderness background.
- Piece must adhere to Itona visual art guidelines.


- Piece must be 750 or more words.
- Piece should focus on your hound attending a hunting class
- Piece must adhere to Itona literature guidelines.



Visual Art GuidelinesLiterature GuidelinesHandler Guidelines
Training Guide



Berdir Hunt Training



Toggle Spoiler

Primary Handler: (link to account)
Bonuses: (list all the apply)

Hounds: (character code of Hound, duplicate if needed)
Bonuses: (list all that apply, duplicate if needed)
Required Activities: (links to required activities, duplicate if needed)




No rewards.



Skill Amount
Berdir Hunting
This skill requires Basic Hunt Training level 1 on all focus characters.
This skill requires Advanced Obedience on all focus characters.
31 results found.