- Literature for activities must be at least 750 words.
- The literature must focus on the activity at hand, be it exploring, hunting, or a guild task.
- Literature should have a clear beginning, middle and end.
- Each hound participating must be mentioned by name at least once each 200 words.
- For handler participation to count they must be mentioned by name at least once every 200 words.
- Literature may not be padded with excessive descriptions.
- You may not recycle, reuse or plagiarize any work you submit. All work submitted must be created by you, or a player you are collaborating with, for the specific activity it is being submitted to.
- Literature may be uploaded to our on-site gallery or Deviantart for processing.
- If submitting to Deviantart comments must be allowed on the work.
- If submitting to Deviantart it must be submitted as a journal, not a
- Collaborations are welcome!
- Different activities have different collaboration limits - most activities have a collaboration limit of two or three players.
- Each collaborator must contribute at least 500 words.