Weekly Trade Guild Meeting

Category: Trade Guilds
Ends: 15 September 2024, 00:00:00 PDT (1 week from now)


Each week each of the guilds meet and set out tasks for members to improve their trade. Participating in these meetings is key for improving standing within guilds, and handler development. 


Note! This system is currently in beta, and this prompt will run until September 15, as opposed to rotating next Monday. You may only complete the Weekly Trade Guild Meeting once during this time. 


Breeders' Guild


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Early training is key to set a puppy up for success later in its life. Depict your handler training a young puppy in basic life skills, like being handled or socializing with new stimuli.

Requirements: Must depict your handler and a Hound as a puppy.
Bonus Reward: +10 training to depicted Hound. (Maximum 1)


Trainers' Guild


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Spending one on one time is key for a trainer to bond with thier hounds. Depict your trainer spending some personal time with their hound.

Requirements: Must depict your handler and a Hound
Bonus Reward:  A random Kelp Brew.


Fanciers' Guild


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To coax the best performance out of a hound, a fancier must establish a strong relationship. Depict your handler spending time bonding with their hound.

Requirements: Must depict your handler and a Hound
Bonus Reward: +10 training to depicted Hound. (Maximum 1)


Expeditioneers' Guild


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If you didn't get a keepsake, did the trip even count? Depict your handler seeking out a souvenir on their latest expedition.

Requirements: Must depict your handler in a countryside setting.
Bonus Reward: 1x No Fail Countryside Roll


Merchants' Guild


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A good merchant knows exactly what stock they've got. Depict your handler taking inventory of their wares.

Requirements: Must depict your handler.
Bonus Reward: x1 Random Crate


Scientists' Guild


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It's nice to get out of the lab sometimes. Depict your handler conducting some field research into the habitat or behavior of wild animals

Requirements: Must depict your handler in a countryside setting.
Bonus Reward: 1x No Fail Countryside roll




You must have membership in the trade guild you are doing the prompt for.


- Each piece can only feature as many hounds as your handler is able to control.
- You must include all bonuses that apply to the piece in your form.
- Bonuses that you do not include will not be rolled.
- Forms must be included in the comment section of your submission.
- You may submit up to 1 Weekly Trade Guilde Meeting per week. New weeks begin on Monday.

Visual Art

- Piece must depict at least 50% of your handler
- Piece should focus on the prompt as described above.
- Piece must adhere to Itona visual art guidelines.


- Piece must be 750 or more words.
- Piece should focus on the prompt as described above.
- Piece must adhere to Itona literature guidelines.



Visual Art GuidelinesLiterature GuidelinesHandler Guidelines
Trade Guilds Guide ✦ Training


1x Trade Token
Any extra rewards listed in each prompt
Any applicable Hound bonuses




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Trade Guild:

Primary Handler:
(link to account)
Bonuses: (list all the apply)
Additional Handler:
(link to account, remove if not needed)
Bonuses: (list all the apply, remove if not needed)

Hounds: (character code of Hound, duplicate if needed)
Instinct: (list all that apply, duplicate if needed)
Bonuses: (list all that apply, duplicate if needed)





Reward Amount
Trade Tokens 1



No skill increase.