All Prompts
Berdir Hunting Class
Basic berdir hunt training improves the odds of a Hound having a successful berdir hunt, and lessens the odds of mauled pelts. The class covers basic berdir hunting techniques, and some tracking work.
Your Hound attends a class that covers berdir hunting.
- This class costs 50 training and 250 cogs
- The Hound must have completed at least three berdir hunts
- The Hound must have Advanced Obedience training and Basic hunt training
- Submitter must be the owner of the Hound
- Only 1 Hound per submission may attend a class
- Reminder! Previous task requirements for training classes can only be used once!
- Reminder! Attach training earned to your Hound!
- A Hound may only attend this class once.
Visual Art
- Piece must depict at least 50% of your hound.
- Piece requires a City or Wilderness background.
- Piece must adhere to Itona visual art guidelines.
- Piece must be 750 or more words.
- Piece should focus on your hound attending a hunting class
- Piece must adhere to Itona literature guidelines.
Visual Art Guidelines ✦ Literature Guidelines ✦ Handler Guidelines
Training Guide
Berdir Hunt Training
Primary Handler: (link to account)
Bonuses: (list all the apply)
Hounds: (character code of Hound, duplicate if needed)
Bonuses: (list all that apply, duplicate if needed)
Required Activities: (links to required activities, duplicate if needed)
No rewards.Unlocks
Skill | Amount |
Berdir Hunting
This skill requires Basic Hunt Training level 1 on all focus characters. This skill requires Advanced Obedience on all focus characters. |
1 |
Masters Agility Class
Masters level agility classes are for Hounds who are already excelling at the game of agility, but are looking for refining their skills even further.
Your Hound attends an agility class! Tasks may include doing course run through, working on obstalces at a distance from the handler, and working in improving speed.
- This class costs 250 training & 750 cogs
- The Hound must have been entered in at least twenty-five cumulative different agillity shows
- Submitter must be the owner of the Hound
- Only 1 Hound per submission may attend a class
- Reminder! Attach training earned to your Hound!
- A Hound may only attend this class once.
Visual Art
- Piece must depict at least 50% of your hound.
- Piece requires a City or Countryside background.
- Piece must adhere to Itona visual art guidelines.
- Piece must be 750 or more words.
- Piece should focus on your hound attending an agility class
- Piece must adhere to Itona literature guidelines.
Visual Art Guidelines ✦ Literature Guidelines ✦ Handler Guidelines
Training Guide
Masters Agility Training
Primary Handler: (link to account)
Bonuses: (list all the apply)
Hounds: (character code of Hound, duplicate if needed)
Bonuses: (list all that apply, duplicate if needed)
Required Activities: (links to required activities, duplicate if needed)
No rewards.Unlocks
Skill | Amount |
Masters Agility
This skill requires Expert Agility level 1 on all focus characters. This skill requires Expert Agility on all focus characters. |
1 |
Expert Agility Class
Once Hounds have mastered how to navigate agility course obstacles, there's still plenty of room to fine tune speed and technique!
Your Hound attends an agility class! Tasks may include doing course run through, working on tight corners and improving Hound response time.
- This class costs 75 training & 250 cogs
- The Hound must have been entered in at least ten cumulative different agillity shows
- Submitter must be the owner of the Hound
- Only 1 Hound per submission may attend a class
- Reminder! Attach training earned to your Hound!
- A Hound may only attend this class once.
Visual Art
- Piece must depict at least 50% of your hound.
- Piece requires a City or Countryside background.
- Piece must adhere to Itona visual art guidelines.
- Piece must be 750 or more words.
- Piece should focus on your hound attending an agility class
- Piece must adhere to Itona literature guidelines.
Visual Art Guidelines ✦ Literature Guidelines ✦ Handler Guidelines
Training Guide
Expert Agility Training
Primary Handler: (link to account)
Bonuses: (list all the apply)
Hounds: (character code of Hound, duplicate if needed)
Bonuses: (list all that apply, duplicate if needed)
Required Activities: (links to required activities, duplicate if needed)
No rewards.Unlocks
Skill | Amount |
Expert Agility
This skill requires Advanced Agility level 1 on all focus characters. This skill requires Advanced Agility on all focus characters. |
1 |
Advanced Agility Class
Agility is far more than just being well trained and having great handler-Hound communication. This class helps introduce handlers and Hounds to more strategy to use in the ring!
Your Hound attends an agility class! Tasks may include practicing on various equipment, planning how the Hound will navigate obstacles, and getting Hounds comfortable with things like seesaws, chutes and more.
- This class costs 50 training & 50 cogs
- The Hound must have been entered in at least three cumulative different agillity shows
- Submitter must be the owner of the Hound
- Only 1 Hound per submission may attend a class
- Reminder! Attach training earned to your Hound!
- A Hound may only attend this class once.
Visual Art
- Piece must depict at least 50% of your hound.
- Piece requires a City or Countryside background.
- Piece must adhere to Itona visual art guidelines.
- Piece must be 750 or more words.
- Piece should focus on your hound attending an agility class
- Piece must adhere to Itona literature guidelines.
Visual Art Guidelines ✦ Literature Guidelines ✦ Handler Guidelines
Training Guide
Advanced Agility Training
Primary Handler: (link to account)
Bonuses: (list all the apply)
Hounds: (character code of Hound, duplicate if needed)
Bonuses: (list all that apply, duplicate if needed)
Required Activities: (links to required activities, duplicate if needed)
No rewards.Unlocks
Skill | Amount |
Advanced Agility
This skill requires Basic Agility level 1 on all focus characters. This skill requires Basic Agility on all focus characters. |
1 |
Basic Agility Class
Agility is a show that requires an excellent working bond between Hounnd and handler, as well as very strong obedience. Agility class is the perfect place to work on both of these!
Your Hound attends a basic agility class! Tasks may include getting familiar with agility equipment and working on obedience skills.
- This class costs 25 training
- The Hound must have completed at least one exploration
- Submitter must be the owner of the Hound
- Only 1 Hound per submission may attend a class
- Reminder! Previous task requirements for training classes can only be used once!
- Reminder! Attach training earned to your Hound!
- A Hound may only attend this class once.
Visual Art
- Piece must depict at least 50% of your hound.
- Piece requires a City or Countryside background.
- Piece must adhere to Itona visual art guidelines.
- Piece must be 750 or more words.
- Piece should focus on your hound attending an agility class
- Piece must adhere to Itona literature guidelines.
Visual Art Guidelines ✦ Literature Guidelines ✦ Handler Guidelines
Training Guide
Basic Agility Training
Primary Handler: (link to account)
Bonuses: (list all the apply)
Hounds: (character code of Hound, duplicate if needed)
Bonuses: (list all that apply, duplicate if needed)
Required Activities: (links to required activities, duplicate if needed)
No rewards.Unlocks
Skill | Amount |
Basic Agility | 1 |
Masters Tolling Class
Masters tolling classes draws in Hounds who excell in the ring, and are trying to achieve true dominance in all aspects of tolling.
Your Hound attends a tolling class! Masters level classes involve simulating complex tolling retrievals, including blind, multi-dummy, and fully obscured retriveals.
- This class costs 250 training & 750 cogs
- The Hound must have been entered in at least twenty-five cumulative different tolling shows
- Submitter must be the owner of the Hound
- Only 1 Hound per submission may attend a class
- Reminder! Attach training earned to your Hound!
- A Hound may only attend this class once.
Visual Art
- Piece must depict at least 50% of your hound.
- Piece requires a City background.
- Piece must adhere to Itona visual art guidelines.
- Piece must be 750 or more words.
- Piece should focus on your hound attending a tolling class
- Piece must adhere to Itona literature guidelines.
Visual Art Guidelines ✦ Literature Guidelines ✦ Handler Guidelines
Training Guide
Masters Tolling Training
3 Breeding Assessments
Primary Handler: (link to account)
Bonuses: (list all the apply)
Hounds: (character code of Hound, duplicate if needed)
Bonuses: (list all that apply, duplicate if needed)
Required Activities: (links to required activities, duplicate if needed)
No rewards.Unlocks
Skill | Amount |
Masters Tolling
This skill requires Expert Tolling level 1 on all focus characters. This skill requires Expert Tolling on all focus characters. |
1 |
Expert Tolling Class
Advanced tolling classes are perfect for Hounds that seem to excell in the sport, but are still working towards true mastery.
Your Hound attends a tolling class! Expert level classes involve practice blind and multiple dummy retrievals in the water.
- This class costs 75 training & 250 cogs
- The Hound must have been entered in at least ten cumulative different tolling shows
- Submitter must be the owner the Hound
- Only 1 Hound per submission may attend a class
- Reminder! Attach training earned to your Hound!
- A Hound may only attend this class once.
Visual Art
- Piece must depict at least 50% of your hound.
- Piece requires a City background.
- Piece must adhere to Itona visual art guidelines.
- Piece must be 750 or more words.
- Piece should focus on your hound attending a tolling class
- Piece must adhere to Itona literature guidelines.
Visual Art Guidelines ✦ Literature Guidelines ✦ Handler Guidelines
Training Guide
Expert Tolling Training
1 Breeding Assessment
Primary Handler: (link to account)
Bonuses: (list all the apply)
Hounds: (character code of Hound, duplicate if needed)
Bonuses: (list all that apply, duplicate if needed)
Required Activities: (links to required activites, duplicate if needed)
No rewards.Unlocks
No skill increase.Advanced Tolling Class
Tolling is a highly skill oriented show type, and practice makes perfect!
Your Hound attends a tolling class! Tasks may include practicing commands in water, finding a dummy in the water, and various obedience commands.
- This class costs 50 training & 50 cogs
- The Hound must have been entered in at least three cumulative different tolling shows
- Submitter must be the owner of the Hound
- Only 1 Hound per submission may attend a class
- Reminder! Attach training earned to your Hound!
- A Hound may only attend this class once.
Visual Art
- Piece must depict at least 50% of your hound.
- Piece requires a City or Countryside background.
- Piece must adhere to Itona visual art guidelines.
- Piece must be 750 or more words.
- Piece should focus on your hound attending a tolling class
- Piece must adhere to Itona literature guidelines.
Visual Art Guidelines ✦ Literature Guidelines ✦ Handler Guidelines
Training Guide
Advanced Tolling Training
Primary Handler: (link to account)
Bonuses: (list all the apply)
Hounds: (character code of Hound, duplicate if needed)
Bonuses: (list all that apply, duplicate if needed)
Required Activities: (links to required activities, duplicate if needed)
No rewards.Unlocks
Skill | Amount |
Advanced Tolling
This skill requires Basic Tolling level 1 on all focus characters. This skill requires Basic Tolling on all focus characters. |
1 |
Basic Tolling Class
Getting a Hound used to Tolling requires some training, and a class is the perfect place to get started!
Your Hound attends a basic tolling class! Tasks may include practicing being in water, following commands from a distance, or making a retrieval in water.
- This class costs 25 training
- The Hound must have completed at least one Duskrat Hunt
- Submitter must be the owner of the Hound
- Only 1 Hound per submission may attend a class
- Reminder! Previous task requirements for training classes can only be used once!
- Reminder! Attach training earned to your Hound!
- A Hound may only attend this class once.
Visual Art
- Piece must depict at least 50% of your hound.
- Piece requires a City or Countryside background.
- Piece must adhere to Itona visual art guidelines.
- Piece must be 750 or more words.
- Piece should focus on your hound attending a tolling class
- Piece must adhere to Itona literature guidelines.
Visual Art Guidelines ✦ Literature Guidelines ✦ Handler Guidelines
Training Guide
Basic Tolling Training
Primary Handler: (link to account)
Bonuses: (list all the apply)
Hounds: (character code of Hound, duplicate if needed)
Bonuses: (list all that apply, duplicate if needed)
Required Activities: (links to required activities, duplicate if needed)
No rewards.Unlocks
Skill | Amount |
Basic Tolling | 1 |
Trifin Eel Hunting Class
Basic trifin eel hunt training improves the odds of a Hound having a successful trifin eel hunt, and lessens the odds of mauled pelts. The class covers basic trifin eel hunting techniques, and some water work.
Your Hound attends a class that covers trifin eel hunting.
- This class costs 50 training and 250 cogs
- The Hound must have completed at least three trifin eel hunts
- The Hound must have Advanced Obedience training and Basic Hunt training
- Submitter must be the owner of the Hound
- Only 1 Hound per submission may attend a class
- Reminder! Previous task requirements for training classes can only be used once!
- Reminder! Attach training earned to your Hound!
- A Hound may only attend this class once.
Visual Art
- Piece must depict at least 50% of your hound.
- Piece requires a City or Wilderness background.
- Piece must adhere to Itona visual art guidelines.
- Piece must be 750 or more words.
- Piece should focus on your hound attending a hunting class
- Piece must adhere to Itona literature guidelines.
Visual Art Guidelines ✦ Literature Guidelines ✦ Handler Guidelines
Training Guide
Trifin Eel Hunt Training
Primary Handler: (link to account)
Bonuses: (list all the apply)
Hounds: (character code of Hound, duplicate if needed)
Bonuses: (list all that apply, duplicate if needed)
Required Activities: (links to required activities, duplicate if needed)
No rewards.Unlocks
Skill | Amount |
Trifin Eel Hunting
This skill requires Basic Hunt Training level 1 on all focus characters. This skill requires Advanced Obedience on all focus characters. |
1 |
Basic Obedience Class
Every Hound has to start their training somewhere, and Basic Obedience is the place that most begin! This class covers basic Hound manners, and helps handlers get more comfortable with their Hounds.
Your Hound attends a basic obedience class!
- This class costs 10 training
- The Hound must have completed at least one exploration
- Submitter must be the owner of the Hound
- Only 1 Hound per submission may attend a class
- Reminder! Previous task requirements for training classes can only be used once!
- Reminder! Attach training earned to your Hound!
- A Hound may only attend this class once.
Visual Art
- Piece must depict at least 50% of your hound.
- Piece requires a City background.
- Piece must adhere to Itona visual art guidelines.
- Piece must be 750 or more words.
- Piece should focus on your hound attending an obedience class
- Piece must adhere to Itona literature guidelines.
Visual Art Guidelines ✦ Literature Guidelines ✦ Handler Guidelines
Training Guide
Basic Obedience Training
Primary Handler: (link to account)
Bonuses: (list all the apply)
Hounds: (character code of Hound, duplicate if needed)
Bonuses: (list all that apply, duplicate if needed)
Required Activities: (links to required activities, duplicate if needed)
No rewards.Unlocks
Skill | Amount |
Basic Obedience | 1 |
Duskrat Hunting Class
Basic duskrat hunt training improves the odds of a Hound having a successful hunt, and lessens the odds of mauled pelts. The class covers basic duskrat hunting techniques, and some water work.
Your Hound attends a class that covers duskrat hunting.
- This class costs 50 training and 250 cogs
- The Hound must have completed at least three duskrat hunts
- The Hound must have Advanced Obedience training and Basic Hunt training
- Submitter must be the owner of the Hound
- Only 1 Hound per submission may attend a class
- Reminder! Previous task requirements for training classes can only be used once!
- Reminder! Attach training earned to your Hound!
- A Hound may only attend this class once.
Visual Art
- Piece must depict at least 50% of your hound.
- Piece requires a City or Wilderness background.
- Piece must adhere to Itona visual art guidelines.
- Piece must be 750 or more words.
- Piece should focus on your hound attending a hunting class
- Piece must adhere to Itona literature guidelines.
Visual Art Guidelines ✦ Literature Guidelines ✦ Handler Guidelines
Training Guide
Duskrat Hunt Training
Primary Handler: (link to account)
Bonuses: (list all the apply)
Hounds: (character code of Hound, duplicate if needed)
Bonuses: (list all that apply, duplicate if needed)
Required Activities: (links to required activities, duplicate if needed)
No rewards.Unlocks
Skill | Amount |
Duskrat Hunting
This skill requires Basic Hunt Training level 1 on all focus characters. This skill requires Advanced Obedience on all focus characters. |
1 |
Masters Conformation Class
Hounds in the masters conformation class are typically already champions in the ring, but that doesn't mean there isn't more to achieve! After all, there are season rankings to conquer ...
Your Hound attends a conformation class! Masters level classes involve simulating the full judging experience, as well as practicing complicated patterns and free stacking.
- This class costs 250 training & 750 cogs
- The Hound must have been entered in at least twenty-five cumulative different conformation shows
- Submitter must be the owner of the Hound
- Only 1 Hound per submission may attend a class
- Reminder! Attach training earned to your Hound!
- A Hound may only attend this class once.
Visual Art
- Piece must depict at least 50% of your hound.
- Piece requires a City background.
- Piece must adhere to Itona visual art guidelines.
- Piece must be 750 or more words.
- Piece should focus on your hound attending a conformation class
- Piece must adhere to Itona literature guidelines.
Visual Art Guidelines ✦ Literature Guidelines ✦ Handler Guidelines
Training Guide
Masters Conformation Training
3 Breeding Assessments
Primary Handler: (link to account)
Bonuses: (list all the apply)
Hounds: (character code of Hound, duplicate if needed)
Bonuses: (list all that apply, duplicate if needed)
Required Activities: (links to required activities, duplicate if needed)
No rewards.Unlocks
Skill | Amount |
Masters Conformation
This skill requires Expert Conformation level 1 on all focus characters. |
1 |
Expert Conformation Class
Even Hounds with experience in the ring can further improve! Expert conformation class caters to Hounds that are well experienced but are still working towards excellence.
Your Hound attends a conformation class! Expert level classes involve simulating the full judging experience, as well as practicing complicated patterns and free stacking.
- This class costs 75 training & 250 cogs
- The Hound must have been entered in at least ten cumulative different conformation shows
- Submitter must be the owner the Hound
- Only 1 Hound per submission may attend a class
- Reminder! Attach training earned to your Hound!
- A Hound may only attend this class once.
Visual Art
- Piece must depict at least 50% of your hound.
- Piece requires a City background.
- Piece must adhere to Itona visual art guidelines.
- Piece must be 750 or more words.
- Piece should focus on your hound attending a conformation class
- Piece must adhere to Itona literature guidelines.
Visual Art Guidelines ✦ Literature Guidelines ✦ Handler Guidelines
Training Guide
Expert Conformation Training
1 Breeding Assessment
Primary Handler: (link to account)
Bonuses: (list all the apply)
Hounds: (character code of Hound, duplicate if needed)
Bonuses: (list all that apply, duplicate if needed)
Required Activities: (links to required activites, duplicate if needed)
No rewards.Unlocks
Skill | Amount |
Expert Conformation
This skill requires Advanced Conformation level 1 on all focus characters. |
1 |
Advanced Conformation Class
After getting started with conformation training, far more practice is required to have a truly well-trained Hound!
Your Hound attends a conformation class! Tasks may include practicing being stacked, walking nicely on their show lead, and having a judge go over them. Some Hounds may begin learning how to free stack.
- This class costs 50 training & 50 cogs
- The Hound must have been entered in at least three cumulative different conformation shows
- Submitter must be the owner of the Hound
- Only 1 Hound per submission may attend a class
- Reminder! Attach training earned to your Hound!
- A Hound may only attend this class once.
Visual Art
- Piece must depict at least 50% of your hound.
- Piece requires a City background.
- Piece must adhere to Itona visual art guidelines.
- Piece must be 750 or more words.
- Piece should focus on your hound attending a conformation class
- Piece must adhere to Itona literature guidelines.
Visual Art Guidelines ✦ Literature Guidelines ✦ Handler Guidelines
Training Guide
Advanced Conformation Training
Primary Handler: (link to account)
Bonuses: (list all the apply)
Hounds: (character code of Hound, duplicate if needed)
Bonuses: (list all that apply, duplicate if needed)
Required Activities: (links to required activities, duplicate if needed)
No rewards.Unlocks
Skill | Amount |
Advanced Conformation
This skill requires Basic Conformation level 1 on all focus characters. |
1 |
Basic Conformation Class
Before taking to the ring most handlers want to get their Hound comfortable first! Basic conformation class is the perfect starting point!
Your Hound attends a basic conformation class! Tasks may include practicing being stacked, walking nicely on their show lead, and having a judge go over them.
- This class costs 25 training
- The Hound must have completed at least one exploration
- Submitter must be the owner of the Hound
- Only 1 Hound per submission may attend a class
- Reminder! Previous task requirements for training classes can only be used once!
- Reminder! Attach training earned to your Hound!
- A Hound may only attend this class once.
Visual Art
- Piece must depict at least 50% of your hound.
- Piece requires a City background.
- Piece must adhere to Itona visual art guidelines.
- Piece must be 750 or more words.
- Piece should focus on your hound attending a conformation class
- Piece must adhere to Itona literature guidelines.
Visual Art Guidelines ✦ Literature Guidelines ✦ Handler Guidelines
Training Guide
Basic Conformation Training
Primary Handler: (link to account)
Bonuses: (list all the apply)
Hounds: (character code of Hound, duplicate if needed)
Bonuses: (list all that apply, duplicate if needed)
Required Activities: (links to required activities, duplicate if needed)
No rewards.Unlocks
Skill | Amount |
Basic Conformation | 1 |
Basic Hunt Training Class
Basic hunt training improves the odds of a Hound having a successful hunt. The class covers handler and Hound safety, as well as some basic techniques.
Your Hound attends a class that covers the basics of hunting.
- This class costs 10 training and 25 cogs
- The Hound must have completed at least three explorations
- Submitter must be the owner of the Hound
- Only 1 Hound per submission may attend a class
- Reminder! Previous task requirements for training classes can only be used once!
- Reminder! Attach training earned to your Hound!
- A Hound may only attend this class once.
Visual Art
- Piece must depict at least 50% of your hound.
- Piece requires a City background.
- Piece must adhere to Itona visual art guidelines.
- Piece must be 750 or more words.
- Piece should focus on your hound attending a hunting class
- Piece must adhere to Itona literature guidelines.
Visual Art Guidelines ✦ Literature Guidelines ✦ Handler Guidelines
Training Guide
Basic Hunt Training
Primary Handler: (link to account)
Bonuses: (list all the apply)
Hounds: (character code of Hound, duplicate if needed)
Bonuses: (list all that apply, duplicate if needed)
Required Activities: (links to required activities, duplicate if needed)
No rewards.Unlocks
Skill | Amount |
Basic Hunt Training
This skill requires Basic Obedience on all focus characters. |
1 |
Masters Obedience Class
Few Hounds can be called obedience masters, but this class is for those that aspire to that lofty goal. The class focuses on complex, multi-part commands and intense communication between handler and Hound.
Your Hound attends a master level obedience class!
- This class costs 100 training and 750 cogs
- The Hound must have completed at least 10 explorations
- Submitter must be the owner of the Hound
- Only 1 Hound per submission may attend a class
- Reminder! Previous task requirements for training classes can only be used once!
- Reminder! Attach training earned to your Hound!
- A Hound may only attend this class once
Visual Art
- Piece must depict at least 50% of your hound.
- Piece requires a City background.
- Piece must adhere to Itona visual art guidelines.
- Piece must be 750 or more words.
- Piece should focus on your hound attending an obedience class
- Piece must adhere to Itona literature guidelines.
Visual Art Guidelines ✦ Literature Guidelines ✦ Handler Guidelines
Training Guide
Masters Obedience Training
3 Breeding Assessments
Primary Handler: (link to account)
Bonuses: (list all the apply)
Hounds: (character code of Hound, duplicate if needed)
Bonuses: (list all that apply, duplicate if needed)
Required Activities: (links to required activities, duplicate if needed)
No rewards.Unlocks
Skill | Amount |
Masters Obedience
This skill requires Expert Obedience level 1 on all focus characters. |
1 |
Expert Obedience Class
After truly mastering the fundamentals of obedience some Hounds are able to advance further. This class focuses heavily on off-leash work.
Your Hound attends an expert level obedience class!
- This class costs 50 training and 250 cogs
- The Hound must have completed at least 5 explorations
- Submitter must be the owner of the Hound
- Only 1 Hound per submission may attend a class
- Reminder! Previous task requirements for training classes can only be used once!
- Reminder! Attach training earned to your Hound!
- A Hound may only attend this class once
Visual Art
- Piece must depict at least 50% of your hound.
- Piece requires a City background.
- Piece must adhere to Itona visual art guidelines.
- Piece must be 750 or more words.
- Piece should focus on your hound attending an obedience class
- Piece must adhere to Itona literature guidelines.
Visual Art Guidelines ✦ Literature Guidelines ✦ Handler Guidelines
Training Guide
Expert Obedience Training
1 Breeding Assessment
Primary Handler: (link to account)
Bonuses: (list all the apply)
Hounds: (character code of Hound, duplicate if needed)
Bonuses: (list all that apply, duplicate if needed)
Required Activities: (links to required activities, duplicate if needed)
No rewards.Unlocks
Skill | Amount |
Expert Obedience
This skill requires Advanced Obedience level 1 on all focus characters. |
1 |
Advanced Obedience Class
With the fundamentals of basic obedience mastered, some Hounds move on to more advanced commands. This class focuses on improving the communication between handler and Hound.
Your Hound attends an advanced obedience class!
- This class costs 25 training and 25 cogs
- The Hound must have completed at least three explorations
- Submitter must be the owner of the Hound
- Only 1 Hound per submission may attend a class
- Reminder! Previous task requirements for training classes can only be used once!
- Reminder! Attach training earned to your Hound!
- A Hound may only attend this class once.
Visual Art
- Piece must depict at least 50% of your hound.
- Piece requires a City background.
- Piece must adhere to Itona visual art guidelines.
- Piece must be 750 or more words.
- Piece should focus on your hound attending an obedience class
- Piece must adhere to Itona literature guidelines.
Visual Art Guidelines ✦ Literature Guidelines ✦ Handler Guidelines
Training Guide
Advanced Obedience Training
Primary Handler: (link to account)
Bonuses: (list all the apply)
Hounds: (character code of Hound, duplicate if needed)
Bonuses: (list all that apply, duplicate if needed)
Required Activities: (links to required activities, duplicate if needed)
No rewards.Unlocks
Skill | Amount |
Advanced Obedience
This skill requires Basic Obedience level 1 on all focus characters. |
1 |