Masters Conformation Class


Hounds in the masters conformation class are typically already champions in the ring, but that doesn't mean there isn't more to achieve! After all, there are season rankings to conquer ... 


Your Hound attends a conformation class! Masters level classes involve simulating the full judging experience, as well as practicing complicated patterns and free stacking. 


- This class costs 250 training & 750 cogs
- The Hound must have been entered in at least twenty-five cumulative different conformation shows
- Submitter must be the owner of the Hound
- Only 1 Hound per submission may attend a class
- Reminder! Attach training earned to your Hound!
- A Hound may only attend this class once.

Visual Art

- Piece must depict at least 50% of your hound.
- Piece requires a City background.
- Piece must adhere to Itona visual art guidelines.


- Piece must be 750 or more words.
- Piece should focus on your hound attending a conformation class
- Piece must adhere to Itona literature guidelines.



Visual Art GuidelinesLiterature GuidelinesHandler Guidelines
Training Guide



Masters Conformation Training
3 Breeding Assessments



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Primary Handler: (link to account)
Bonuses: (list all the apply)

Hounds: (character code of Hound, duplicate if needed)
Bonuses: (list all that apply, duplicate if needed)
Required Activities: (links to required activities, duplicate if needed)




No rewards.



Skill Amount
Masters Conformation
This skill requires Expert Conformation level 1 on all focus characters.