Llynmere Lake Expedition

Category: Ynnis
Ends: 24 August 2022, 00:00:00 PDT (2 years ago)

An expedition to Llynmere Lake!


A short expedition to Llynmere Lake is about to get underway! Llynmere Lake is a huge, deep freshwater lake in the Haartvale Expanse. This expedition will be lead by a botanist looking for herb groves! It is expected that this expedition will be low risk.  This expedition can be joined and completed from August 1 - August 8. The bonus prompt will appear on August 9, and will be submittable from August 9 -16.


Your handler has an opportunity to explore the countryside near Ynnis!



- Your handler must currently be in Ynnis
- An expedition ticket must be attached to your joining submission. Standard expedition tickets will allow for 7 expedition rolls. Superior expedition tickets will allow for 10 expedition rolls. Luxury expedition tickets will allow for 15 expedition rolls. Ultimate expedition tickets will allow for 20 expedition rolls.


- You must make a thread for your handler in the Ynnis Expeditions forum, following the pinned setup post.
- You must complete all your expedition rolls before August 8, 11:59 pm PDT.
- Once complete you must submit your thread results to this prompt.


Expedition Bonuses

In your thread, before you roll, you may complete a piece of visual art or literature that meets the below requirements in order to roll 2 dice instead of one. You may pick the die result of your choosing from these two. You may complete 1 piece per roll you take.

Visual Art

- Piece must depict at least 50% of your hound.
- Piece requires a background that reflects the Llynmere Lake area.
- Piece must adhere to Itona visual art guidelines.


- Piece must be 750 or more words.
- Piece should focus on your handler exploring the Llynmere Lake area.
- Piece must adhere to Itona literature guidelines.

Expedition Bonus Prompt

This is a bonus prompt, and may be completed from August 9 - 16! Completing this prompt will earn you the bonus rewards listed below.

The expedition has been quite the success! Several lovely groves of parsage were located, but even more interestingly Ollie seems to have found evidence of some sort of creature that makes its home near the Lake! Back at the base camp the botanist and several others are busy examining a large hairy pellet that Ollie's Hound discovered! On top of that, a large footprint was found in the soft lake mud. Clearly further expeditions to this area will be needed to determine what sort of creature is out there! 


Complete a piece of art or literature that meets Itona activity guidelines that depicts your favourite moment from the expedition! This may be collaborated with up to three players. 

 Bonuses Prompt Rewards
1x Expedition Rolls
1x Randomized Parsage Roll
1x Randomized Hunt Tag


Visual Art GuidelinesLiterature GuidelinesHandler Guidelines
Ynnis LoreExpedition GuideTraining Guide


All rewards rolled during your expedition!



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Primary Handler: (link to account)
Bonuses: (list all the apply)
Additional Handler:
(link to account, remove if not needed)
Bonuses: (list all the apply, remove if not needed)

Hounds: (character code of Hound, duplicate if needed)
Instinct: (list all that apply, duplicate if needed)
Bonuses: (list all that apply, duplicate if needed)



No rewards.



No skill increase.
This prompt has ended.