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39 Posts

08/01/2022 Edited 08/01/2022

Llynmere Lake Expedition

In order to play in this expedition you must have signed up here.

Llynmere Lake lies deep within the Haartvale Expanse, to the north east of Ynnis. It is a huge, deep freshwater lake surrounded by towering ancient trees. An expedition has been arrange to the lake by a prominent botanist from Ynnis - Anne Duvale. The ride from Ynnis to the lake is quiet and uneventful, despite taking three solid days. As the steam carriages rattle along a very rough path, and eventually come to rest near a rustic cabin. This will be the expedition's base camp. Nothing fancy, but it will keep the weather off. At present the early summer weather is mild and quite lovely, but it's unusual for the rain to hold off more than a couple days in a row here.

Once everyone is unpacked into the cabin or their own tent the expedition can being in proper! The botanist gives a quick talk about what species of plants she's hoping to locate here - primarily parsage and its rarer subspecies. She expects to to found in groves near the lake, but it will take some searching!



- All rolls must be completed and submitted by 11:59pm August 8.
- You must make a thread for your handler to complete their exploration. It should be titled [Llynmere Lake] - Your Handler's Name.
- Link to your approved expedition submission in your first post, include your handler's bonuses, link to which Hound(s) they are bringing and any bonuses or instincts they have.
- Randomize between 1 and the total chart number for the expedition chart you are rolling on.
- If you include a minimum 100 words of writing with each roll you'll earn an extra loot expedition roll!
- Any item listed in bold on the roll charts is an item (or loot roll) that you will receive!
- You may choose to by pass Event! rolls on the chart. If you choose to not by pass the Event! roll submit a claim with a link to your Expedition thread and you will receive an updated roll chart, posted to your thread. Do not continue to roll until this update is posted!
- Once you've completed all of your rolls make a summary post that links to any items, training or penalties that your handler found.
- If you are not planning on completing the bonus prompt you can then submit the link to your summary post to the expedition prompt!
- If you choose to complete the bonus prompt submit a link to the bonus prompt and your summary post.

Initial Roll Chart

1Your handler wanders around for a while, and ends up back at the cabin.
2Your Hound spots something out on a the lake - a duskrat! Receive a Duskrat Hunt Tag.
3Your handler spends some time hiking along the lake side, but doesn't find any herbs.
4Your Hound bounds off down the shore, and returns with a pieces of trash. You pick it up, to help keep the area clean.
5Your Hound bolts into the edge of the lake, entered the water up to their chest but going no further.
6The sun glitters off of the deep waters and your handler feels extra energized! You may take two additional exploration rolls.
7 - Event!Your handler notices what looks to be a berdir track, heading deep into the woods ... Submit a claim to follow the path!
8Your handler finds a piece of Parsage growing near the lake.
9 Just up hill from the lake shore your handler spots a grouping of herbs. Receive a Ynnisi plant.
10Your Hound catches sight of something in the undergrowth - a berdir! Receive a Berdir Hunt Tag!
11Your handler can hear something in moving around up in the woods, but can't see anything through the thick undergrowth.
12Hound hound's ears perk, and they turn towards the woods, as if they've heard something...
13 Your handler and Hound(s) explore the woods near the edge of the lake, but don't find anything much of interest.
14Your handler spots a ripple in the water, but can't make out anything else.
15Near the edge of the water your handler spots a duskrat tail feather!
16 Your Handler and Hound(s) spend a bit of time navigating some slippery logs on the lakeshore.
17Just back from the lakeshore your Hound finds a piece of Silver Parsage!
18 A perfect cool breeze blows off of the lake, you may take an additional roll for this expedition.
19Your handler doesn't see much of interest, but the view is quite lovely.
20 - Event! Your handler stumbles across a very large, very strange animal print in the soft lake mud ... Submit a claim to investigate further!

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