Comments on [Llynmere Lake] - Deidra in Ynnis Expeditions

Sullyhound Avatar
Sullyhound Staff Member

Approved Joining Submission:
Primary Handler:
Bonuses: basic handling

Hounds: Arribal s-00010
Instinct: n/a
Bonuses: basic obedience, basic hunt training

2022-08-04 23:52:54

Sullyhound Avatar
Sullyhound Staff Member

Final Results:

Items Found
Berdir Tag:
Ynnis Plant:

Other Deets
Did bonus words for 7 posts
WC total: 832
Did 3 images:

Bonus Prompt

Bonuses Prompt Rewards
1x Expedition Rolls
1x Randomized Parsage Roll
1x Randomized Hunt Tag

2022-08-07 16:09:21 (Edited 2022-08-09 23:52:00)

Sullyhound Avatar
Sullyhound Staff Member

(2 -- Just into the brush you catch sight of a berdir! Receive a Berdir Hunt Tag!)
Something shiny up ahead caught the setting sun, and Deidra went to see what it was. A metal object was dangling like a decoration from a bramble vine. It was a berdir tag! She couldn't help but laugh, as they had just caught quite a nice specimen. But it would come in handy. It must have gotten snagged off someone's pack or something, but it was finders keepers out in the wilderness right? "Apparently hunting is our thing now!" She told Arribal, letting the hound sniff the tag. She wagged her puff tail eagerly and Deidra pocketed the tag for later use.
( 8 of 8)

2022-08-07 16:01:05

Sullyhound Avatar
Sullyhound Staff Member

(1 -- Your handler gets all turned around, but eventually ends up on the right path. )
After relaxing for some time by the little creek, both handler and hound were feeling refreshed and ready to get back to camp. It had turned out to be a long day! Deidra took the lead, dragging the large berdir carcass. It managed to get tangled in just about every branch and vine along the way and before long she realized she had no idea where they were going. "Do you know where camp is...?" She asked the hound hopefully, but Arribal just sat back on her haunches and stared up at her happily not a thought in her brain. Except maybe for a berdir steak dinner. After a long while of searching and backtracking, Deidra managed to find a trail, no thanks to Arri. It looked familiar and she thought it would lead back to the expedition camp if they followed it.
(7 of 8)

2022-08-07 15:54:16

Sullyhound Avatar
Sullyhound Staff Member

(9 -- Your handler finds a little creek, and spends a few moments sitting beside it. They feel refreshed. You may take one additional exploration rolls. )
After doing the messy gross parts, with Arribal inspecting and ...sampling her prize, Deidra had the animal dressed out and ready to carry back. But she was a mess. Standing and stretching the cricks from her back, she paused, thinking. Hadn't she heard water during the mad dash into the woods? "I think there's some water around here hound..." she commented. They got moving, Arri leading the way but staying close this time. As if she had understood her handler, she sniffed and snoofed and brought the pair to a tiny bubbling creek. Dee sat down to take a breather and freshen up while the hound lapped greedily at the clear water.
(6 of 8 because bonus roll)

2022-08-07 15:47:45

Sullyhound Avatar
Sullyhound Staff Member

(3 -- Your Hound sticks close to your handler's side, as if wary.)
The hound wagged her tufted tail and eagerly ran up to Deidra, then back to the kill proudly showing off for her person. "What the actual f...." Deidra came over and knelt by the berdir, verified it was very dead, then looked at the hound who seemed unscathed and happy as could be. "Uh... good job??" She patted and scratched Arri, still somewhat in shock over how sudden the events had transpired. Arribal seemed to have spent her crazy energy and was content to stay by her handler while Deidra gutted the animal and prepared it to lug the large body back to camp. Good thing she always carried her knife on her belt.

(5 of 7)

2022-08-07 15:39:48