Comments on [Llynmere Lake] - Deidra in Ynnis Expeditions

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Sullyhound Staff Member

(9 -- Your handler finds a little creek, and spends a few moments sitting beside it. They feel refreshed. You may take one additional exploration rolls. )
After doing the messy gross parts, with Arribal inspecting and ...sampling her prize, Deidra had the animal dressed out and ready to carry back. But she was a mess. Standing and stretching the cricks from her back, she paused, thinking. Hadn't she heard water during the mad dash into the woods? "I think there's some water around here hound..." she commented. They got moving, Arri leading the way but staying close this time. As if she had understood her handler, she sniffed and snoofed and brought the pair to a tiny bubbling creek. Dee sat down to take a breather and freshen up while the hound lapped greedily at the clear water.
(6 of 8 because bonus roll)

2022-08-07 15:47:45