(2 -- Just into the brush you catch sight of a berdir! Receive a Berdir Hunt Tag!)
Something shiny up ahead caught the setting sun, and Deidra went to see what it was. A metal object was dangling like a decoration from a bramble vine. It was a berdir tag! She couldn't help but laugh, as they had just caught quite a nice specimen. But it would come in handy. It must have gotten snagged off someone's pack or something, but it was finders keepers out in the wilderness right? "Apparently hunting is our thing now!" She told Arribal, letting the hound sniff the tag. She wagged her puff tail eagerly and Deidra pocketed the tag for later use.
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Sullyhound Staff Member
(2 -- Just into the brush you catch sight of a berdir! Receive a Berdir Hunt Tag!)
Something shiny up ahead caught the setting sun, and Deidra went to see what it was. A metal object was dangling like a decoration from a bramble vine. It was a berdir tag! She couldn't help but laugh, as they had just caught quite a nice specimen. But it would come in handy. It must have gotten snagged off someone's pack or something, but it was finders keepers out in the wilderness right? "Apparently hunting is our thing now!" She told Arribal, letting the hound sniff the tag. She wagged her puff tail eagerly and Deidra pocketed the tag for later use.
( 8 of 8)
2022-08-07 16:01:05
Feature Comment