Comments on [Llynmere Lake] - Deidra in Ynnis Expeditions

Sullyhound Avatar
Sullyhound Staff Member

Approved Joining Submission:
Primary Handler:
Bonuses: basic handling

Hounds: Arribal s-00010
Instinct: n/a
Bonuses: basic obedience, basic hunt training

2022-08-04 23:52:54

Sullyhound Avatar
Sullyhound Staff Member

Deidra had no time to recover from nearly being trampled, she could hear the animals crashing about in the brush. Arri was growling and there was a thud of hooves. She was terrified for the hound who had never faced something so large before. They had barely passed the basic hunt training before coming on the expedition!
Arribal cornered the prey creature; she knew it was a prey creature because it RAN FROM HER and it smelled like food and fear. That's all that mattered as far as her hound instincts were concerned. It was quite large, but she did not hesitate to attack the thing, leveraging all her might to topple it to the forest floor.
By the time Deidra forced her way through the dense bushes, Arri was already standing triumphantly over the motionless berdir panting a toothy hound grin.

(4 of 7)

2022-08-07 15:33:02 (Edited 2022-08-07 15:33:32)

Sullyhound Avatar
Sullyhound Staff Member

Choosing to let Arri go after the berdir! Art:

(this will be roll 3 of 7)

2022-08-07 00:56:07 (Edited 2022-08-07 00:58:49)

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Admin Staff Member

Your Hound and handler have hit a special event! You may choose to proceed with this special event or return to rolling on the above chart. Choosing to participate in this special event will cost 1 roll. If you choose to participate in this special event please submit a claim with a link to your completed response in order to receive the next roll chart.

The berdir leaps from the brush, right in front of Arri and Dee. If Dee allows Arri to go after the berdir it seems that the hunt will be guaranteed to be successful!

You may choose to complete a piece of art or literature that meet our hunting prompt requirements in response to this special event. You will receive a guaranteed successful berdir hunt with a boost to the rarity outcome of your rewards! All Hound and handler bonuses may be applied.

2022-08-06 17:28:11

Sullyhound Avatar
Sullyhound Staff Member

Choosing: 10 -- Event! -- A berdir breaks across your path!

Arribal wove her way through the underbrush, unbothered by the closeness of the forest. Dee lost sight of her while investigating the strange tracks. Arri stopped here and there to snoof at bushes and trees excitedly before rushing off in random directions. Following the sounds of brush snapping and loud panting, Dee managed to spot the waving puff tail of the excited hound among some bushes. Suddenly a large blur crashed out of the thicket where Arri was sniffing, nearly trampling the hound as it bolted. Dee leaped aside as Arri gave chase to some sort of deer creature, howling her fool head off.

2022-08-05 23:39:05 (Edited 2022-08-05 23:50:37)

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Admin Staff Member

Your handler notices what looks to be a berdir track, heading deep into the woods, and simply must investigate. Very quickly the woods become incredibly thick ...

Roll -- Result
1 -- Your handler gets all turned around, but eventually ends up on the right path.
2 -- Just into the brush you catch sight of a berdir! Receive a Berdir Hunt Tag!
3 -- Your Hound sticks close to your handler's side, as if wary.
4 -- Your handler finds a break in the trees and makes good progress! You may take two additional exploration rolls.
5 -- Your handler notices a fresh berdir track, they must be on the right path!
6 -- Your Hound ventures out ahead, and spooks a berdir! Receive a Berdir Hunt Tag!
7 -- Your Hound sniffs at a patch of plants, and turns up a nice herb! Receive a Ynnisi plant.
8 -- All along the berdir track Parsage seems to be growing! Your handler stops to pick some.
9 -- Your handler finds a little creek, and spends a few moments sitting beside it. They feel refreshed. You may take one additional exploration rolls.
10 -- Event! -- A berdir breaks across your path!
11 -- The woods are peaceful and quiet. It's a nice day for a little hike.
12 -- Your handler reaches a rise in the ground, but can't see much of anything because of all the trees.
13 -- The berdir track is winding, and at times hard to pick out. Your handler does their best to stay the course.
14 -- The scent of herbs drifts in the air, leading your handler and Hound to a little herb patch! Receive a Ynnisi plant.
15 -- You handler is briefly convinced they've passed by the tree up ahead already ...
16 -- Your handler sees a trainable moment with your Hound, and really reinforces a point! +2 training to one Hound on this expedition.
17 -- It takes your handler and Hound(s) ages to make any forward progress, the woods are just so thick ...
18 -- Your handler just catches a glimpse of something deeper in the woods ...
19 -- Event! Your Hound guides your handler into thick brush, but up ahead it seems to lead to a clearing ...
20 -- Your handler catches sight of a family of berdir just off of the track! Receive 3 Berdir Hunt Tag!

2022-08-05 10:11:21