Comments on [Llynmere Lake] - Deidra in Ynnis Expeditions

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Sullyhound Staff Member

(3 -- Your Hound sticks close to your handler's side, as if wary.)
The hound wagged her tufted tail and eagerly ran up to Deidra, then back to the kill proudly showing off for her person. "What the actual f...." Deidra came over and knelt by the berdir, verified it was very dead, then looked at the hound who seemed unscathed and happy as could be. "Uh... good job??" She patted and scratched Arri, still somewhat in shock over how sudden the events had transpired. Arribal seemed to have spent her crazy energy and was content to stay by her handler while Deidra gutted the animal and prepared it to lug the large body back to camp. Good thing she always carried her knife on her belt.

(5 of 7)

2022-08-07 15:39:48