Dice Roll Art:
Roll: 20 - Event! Your handler stops to pan in the river, and notices something interesting as they wash away the silt ... Submit a claim to investigate further!
Deidra had barely managed to get her travel tent all set up and sorted with the hounds constantly trying to "help". It had been a mistake to take three of them, she knew it. They were all over the place, and so were their toys! The other travelers had already gone off to explore, and Deidra was eager to get to work. She tossed a last sack into the tent and grabbed her gear. Whistling, she called for Cocoa, Ume, and Mica to follow and beelined for the sparkling creek. Mica and Coca immediately splashed in and started to play, barking and pouncing in the clear water. "I guess this is the spot then," Deidra said with a smile and dropped her things to pull out an ore pan. "Oh, what's that?" She said, shaking the first scoop back and forth curiously.
Roll 1/7
WC: 142
Dice Rolled:
20-Sided Die
Rolled 2 times
As the silt starts to wash away your handler notices ...
Roll -- Result
1 -- What ends up just being a shiny rock. Bummer.
2 -- A piece of Broken Glass Bottle. Careful not to get cut!
3 -- A piece of Dark Ore that glimmers slightly.
4 -- Something in the creek, but your Hound bounds off, distracting you.
5 -- A bright piece of Silvery Ore, that is a good size.
6 -- A beautiful Glittering Ore Chunk!
7 -- A Berdir Hunt Tag?!? How did that end up here?
8 -- A Duskrat Hunt Tag?!? Someone must have dropped it earlier ...
9 -- A dark vein in the lower silt. Maybe there's more ore upstream?
10 -- Event! -- A crystal. Your handler will need help identifying this! Submit a claim to learn about the results.
11 -- A little fish in the creek. But that's about all.
12 -- Your Hounds starting to grow restless. Time to move on.
13 -- Event -- That they feel like they are being watched from the valley sides ... Submit a claim to attempt to investigate.
14 -- A bone. Ew?
15 -- Your Hounds start to drift away. You call them back. Receive +2 training for this expedition.
16 -- Just a collection of tiny rocks.
17 -- An old bent Discarded Nail.
18 -- A single lost cog. A cog ... found is a cog earned?
19 -- A lost cog pouch! Score!
20 -- Event -- A glimmering trail of ore in your pan, that seems to be even stronger up the creek. Submit a claim to investigate.
Dice Roll Art:
Roll: 5 -- A bright piece of Silvery Ore, that is a good size.
A bright silvery glint appeared among the silt and Deidra washed some creek water over the pan to reveal the good sized chunk of ore. Nice! That Cogswell character had been right about Glimmer Creek it seemed. She was excited to see what else she might find. After checking that the hounds were not wandering too far off, Deidra hunkered down with another pan of silt and rocks to hunt for more treasures. Umeshu snooped along the bank for potential snacks or treats while Mica and Cocoa waded around in the shallow areas, splashing the water and pawing at minnows.
Roll 2/7
WC: 100 / TWC: 242
Dice Rolled:
20-Sided Die
Rolled 2 times
Dice Roll Art:
Roll: 10 Your Hound hears something squeak, and runs after it. After a few moments they return. Receive a Duskrat Hunt Tag!
Cocoa waded along the creek toward a large flat stone. She leaped up onto it and looked around, dripping wet and tail wagging happily. The others followed her, sniffing around curiously. After a moment, there was a rustle in the nearby brush and a little squeak caught all the hounds' attention. Umeshu boofed loudly and all three tore off into the thicker underbrush away from the creek. Deidra stood, shielding her eyes from the sun to watch the trio dart in and out of the brush. Eventually, the panting group of excited hounds returned, looking quite satisfied with themselves. Clearly there were duskrats around the area, she would have to take them hunting when she grew bored of the ore hunt!
Roll 3/7
WC: 121 / TWC: 363
Dice Rolled:
20-Sided Die
Rolled 2 times
Dice Roll Art:
Roll: 2 Your Hound starts barking at something in the scrub, but your handler can't make anything out.
After a break to lounge around in the cool shade by the creek, Deidra decided they should try another area. She was having no luck after her initial ore find, so maybe if they wandered downstream a while they could find a better spot. Her back popped as she stood and stretched. Stooping over the creek with her ore pan like a treasure goblin was maybe not the best approach anyway. Whistling for the hounds, she strolled along the rocky creekbed, careful to keep an eye out for anything interesting. Cocoa boofed at something and darted away, the others trailed after, but Deidra couldn't make anything out in the shadows of the trees. Probably more rats.
Roll 4/7
WC: 116/ TWC: 479
Dice Rolled:
20-Sided Die
Rolled 2 times
Dice Roll Art:
Roll: 13 Your Hound vanishes into the scrub, and returns with a Berdir Pelt!
At a shallow area in the creek, Deidra found a flat rock to sit on and started fiddling with her gear and pan. The hounds wandered up and down the rocky bank, sniffing everything and looking for trouble. Suddenly Mica let out a loud WOOF and zoomed into the underbrush, Cocoa and Umeshu right on her tail. Branches cracked and bushes swayed as the hounds tussled around. Deidra ignored them, she was on a mission. After several moments the hounds returned, one of them dragging a whole berdir pelt covered in pine needles and twigs. "What in the world have you guys been up to??" She said, shaking her head. The hounds seemed to be laser-focused on hunting and scavaging instead of helping her find whatever treasures the creek held.
Roll 5/7
WC: 130 / TWC: 609
Dice Rolled:
20-Sided Die
Rolled 2 times
Dice Roll Art:
Roll: 5 Your Hound and handler spend a few moments wading in the cool water of the creek.! You may take two additional exploration rolls.
The hounds, all clearly quite proud of themselves, proceeded to flop down by the cool creek for a break. Their tongues lolled as they panted. Deidra added the pelt to her pile of gear and went back to the creek. Mica came over and waded in, lapping some water every few steps. Maybe she would be a good luck charm and help her find some minerals? Deidra was suddenly happy she hadn't brought Fool's Gold with her. The rest and the sparkling water seemed to revive the hounds' energy in no time, and they were back up and rustling through the underbrush before long.
Roll 6/7 +2
WC: 104 / TWC: 713
Dice Rolled:
20-Sided Die
Rolled 2 times
Dice Roll Art:
Roll: 15 Your handler finds a perfectly smooth topped rock and stops for a break. They feel reinvigorated! You may take an additional roll for this expedition
The silt and rocks of the creek were not offering any new clues or treasures. Maybe the hounds had the right idea. It was getting late and she had thought about heading back, but seeing them get a second wind, Deidra decided to kick back on her flat river rock and take a little break herself. There were some treats and jerky in her pack, so she had a quick snack and tossed a treat to each of the hounds. The weather was perfect and the sun wouldn't set for a few more hours she judged. Maybe they could stay for just a little longer...
Roll 7/7 +3
WC: 105/ TWC: 818
Dice Rolled:
20-Sided Die
Rolled 2 times
Dice Roll Art:
Roll: Your Hound and handler spend a few moments wading in the cool water of the creek.! You may take two additional exploration rolls.
While the other hounds wandered off into the underbrush again, Umeshu stayed behind to watch Deidra play in the creek with the rocks and dirt and bowl thing. He wasn't sure what the point of the dish was that she just kept dumping water from, but his owner was pretty engrossed in the task. Maybe he could help too? Umeshu waded into the creek and stared hard at the moving water and the pebbles and rocks below the surface. There were no treats that he could see, but the water was so refreshing on his paws, he was content to stay at the creek all day if they could.
Roll 7/7 ... extra roll 1/3 +2 more XD
WC: 109 / TWC: 927
Dice Rolled:
20-Sided Die
Rolled 2 times
Dice Roll Art:
Roll: 6 Your handler tries to hike up the side of the valley, but it proves to be too steep.
Roll 7/7 ... extra roll 2/5
WC: / TWC: 927
Dice Rolled:
20-Sided Die
Rolled 2 times
Dice Roll Art:
Roll: 13 Your Hound vanishes into the scrub, and returns with a Berdir Pelt!
After quite a while of Umeshu and Deidra enjoying the peace and quiet, Mica and Cocoa finally came bounding out of the underbrush. Deidra was confused but not that surprised to see they were dragging along another pelt. It looked like another berdir pelt. There must be an old hunt camp or something nearby. At least she hoped it was abandoned. She was slightly worried the hounds were sneaking off to bother the other adventurers and stealing goods from their camps. Well, she would just have to ask around when they went back to make sure no one was missing any pelts...
Roll 7/7 ... extra roll 3/5
WC: 102 / TWC: 1029
Dice Rolled:
20-Sided Die
Rolled 2 times
Dice Roll Art:
Roll: 13 Your Hound vanishes into the scrub, and returns with a Berdir Pelt!
When Deidra went to gather the new pelt the hounds had brought back, she really was astonished to find that EACH hound had dragged a whole berdir pelt out of the underbrush.
"Ok you guys this is just getting ridiculous... We are here to look for ores and metals and stuff. I think you all missed the memo?"
Three happy hounds stared up at her, tails thumping on the river rock. As if they had any clue what she was saying. Deidra sighed in exasperation. You could take the hounds away from the hunt, but you could not take the hunt away from her hounds.
Roll 7/7 ... extra roll 4/5
WC: 105 / TWC: 1134
Dice Rolled:
20-Sided Die
Rolled 2 times
Dice Roll Art:
Roll: Rng v determined we roll a 1 but we are done lol
Roll 7/7 ... extra roll 5/5
WC: / TWC: 1134
Dice Rolled:
20-Sided Die
Rolled 2 times
###Expedition Report###
Total Rolls: 12
Total Word Count: 1134
Total art pieces: 12
Silvery Ore - https://itona.io/comment/597
Duskrat Hunt Tag - https://itona.io/comment/598
Berdir Pelt 1 - https://itona.io/comment/602
Berdir Pelt 2 - https://itona.io/comment/613
Berdir Pelt 3 - https://itona.io/comment/614
Final Bonus Prompt:
Bonus Prompt Rewards
1x Expedition Rolls
3x Randomized Ore Rolls
1x Berdir Hunt Tag
(Plus included Bramble wild hound in final image :D )
Hound Training from images
Umeshu - K-00049 6 x12 = 72
Mica - K-00055 6x 10 = 60
Cocoa - S-00052 6x7 = 42