At a shallow area in the creek, Deidra found a flat rock to sit on and started fiddling with her gear and pan. The hounds wandered up and down the rocky bank, sniffing everything and looking for trouble. Suddenly Mica let out a loud WOOF and zoomed into the underbrush, Cocoa and Umeshu right on her tail. Branches cracked and bushes swayed as the hounds tussled around. Deidra ignored them, she was on a mission. After several moments the hounds returned, one of them dragging a whole berdir pelt covered in pine needles and twigs. "What in the world have you guys been up to??" She said, shaking her head. The hounds seemed to be laser-focused on hunting and scavaging instead of helping her find whatever treasures the creek held.
Sullyhound Staff Member
Dice Roll Art:
Roll: 13 Your Hound vanishes into the scrub, and returns with a Berdir Pelt!
At a shallow area in the creek, Deidra found a flat rock to sit on and started fiddling with her gear and pan. The hounds wandered up and down the rocky bank, sniffing everything and looking for trouble. Suddenly Mica let out a loud WOOF and zoomed into the underbrush, Cocoa and Umeshu right on her tail. Branches cracked and bushes swayed as the hounds tussled around. Deidra ignored them, she was on a mission. After several moments the hounds returned, one of them dragging a whole berdir pelt covered in pine needles and twigs. "What in the world have you guys been up to??" She said, shaking her head. The hounds seemed to be laser-focused on hunting and scavaging instead of helping her find whatever treasures the creek held.
Roll 5/7
WC: 130 / TWC: 609
2024-07-12 00:53:20 (Edited 2024-07-12 01:04:55)
Feature Comment