Dice Roll Art: https://itona.io/gallery/view/914 Roll: 15 Your handler finds a perfectly smooth topped rock and stops for a break. They feel reinvigorated! You may take an additional roll for this expedition
The silt and rocks of the creek were not offering any new clues or treasures. Maybe the hounds had the right idea. It was getting late and she had thought about heading back, but seeing them get a second wind, Deidra decided to kick back on her flat river rock and take a little break herself. There were some treats and jerky in her pack, so she had a quick snack and tossed a treat to each of the hounds. The weather was perfect and the sun wouldn't set for a few more hours she judged. Maybe they could stay for just a little longer...
Sullyhound Staff Member
Dice Roll Art:

Roll: 15 Your handler finds a perfectly smooth topped rock and stops for a break. They feel reinvigorated! You may take an additional roll for this expedition
The silt and rocks of the creek were not offering any new clues or treasures. Maybe the hounds had the right idea. It was getting late and she had thought about heading back, but seeing them get a second wind, Deidra decided to kick back on her flat river rock and take a little break herself. There were some treats and jerky in her pack, so she had a quick snack and tossed a treat to each of the hounds. The weather was perfect and the sun wouldn't set for a few more hours she judged. Maybe they could stay for just a little longer...
Roll 7/7 +3
WC: 105/ TWC: 818
2024-07-12 01:13:57 (Edited 2024-07-12 01:20:05)
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