After quite a while of Umeshu and Deidra enjoying the peace and quiet, Mica and Cocoa finally came bounding out of the underbrush. Deidra was confused but not that surprised to see they were dragging along another pelt. It looked like another berdir pelt. There must be an old hunt camp or something nearby. At least she hoped it was abandoned. She was slightly worried the hounds were sneaking off to bother the other adventurers and stealing goods from their camps. Well, she would just have to ask around when they went back to make sure no one was missing any pelts...
Sullyhound Staff Member
Dice Roll Art:
Roll: 13 Your Hound vanishes into the scrub, and returns with a Berdir Pelt!
After quite a while of Umeshu and Deidra enjoying the peace and quiet, Mica and Cocoa finally came bounding out of the underbrush. Deidra was confused but not that surprised to see they were dragging along another pelt. It looked like another berdir pelt. There must be an old hunt camp or something nearby. At least she hoped it was abandoned. She was slightly worried the hounds were sneaking off to bother the other adventurers and stealing goods from their camps. Well, she would just have to ask around when they went back to make sure no one was missing any pelts...
Roll 7/7 ... extra roll 3/5
WC: 102 / TWC: 1029
2024-07-13 14:51:24 (Edited 2024-07-13 14:56:08)
Feature Comment