
<a href=" Spotted Inverted Trifin Eel Pelt" class="display-item">Exquisite Spotted Inverted Trifin Eel Pelt</a>

Exquisite Spotted Inverted Trifin Eel Pelt

Category: Materials

Rarity: 7

Artist: Sullyhound

Resale Value: 140 Cogs

Wow, you could frame that pelt.

<a href=" Albino Berdir Pelt" class="display-item">Exquisite Albino Berdir Pelt</a>

Exquisite Albino Berdir Pelt

Category: Materials

Rarity: 8

Artist: Sullyhound

Resale Value: 460 Cogs

Wow, so bright it sparkles in the sun.

<a href=" Melanistic Berdir Pelt" class="display-item">Mauled Melanistic Berdir Pelt</a>

Mauled Melanistic Berdir Pelt

Category: Materials

Rarity: 7

Artist: Sullyhound

Resale Value: 120 Cogs

The rarest of the Berdir, but slightly chewed upon.

<a href=" Berdir Pelt" class="display-item">Melanistic Berdir Pelt</a>

Melanistic Berdir Pelt

Category: Materials

Rarity: 8

Artist: Sullyhound

Resale Value: 375 Cogs

Hard to spot, hard to catch. 

<a href=" Melanistic Berdir Pelt" class="display-item">Exquisite Melanistic Berdir Pelt</a>

Exquisite Melanistic Berdir Pelt

Category: Materials

Rarity: 9

Artist: Sullyhound

Resale Value: 975 Cogs

Dark as the darkest night, and worth a small fortune of cogs.

<a href=" Banded Trifin Eel Pelt" class="display-item">Mauled Banded Trifin Eel Pelt</a>

Mauled Banded Trifin Eel Pelt

Category: Materials

Rarity: 2

Artist: Sullyhound

Resale Value: 2 Cogs

Not sure what you're planning on doing with it, but it's yours.

<a href=" Trifin Eel Pelt" class="display-item">Banded Trifin Eel Pelt</a>

Banded Trifin Eel Pelt

Category: Materials

Rarity: 3

Artist: Sullyhound

Resale Value: 4 Cogs

One very average eel pelt.

<a href=" Banded Trifin Eel Pelt" class="display-item">Exquisite Banded Trifin Eel Pelt</a>

Exquisite Banded Trifin Eel Pelt

Category: Materials

Rarity: 4

Artist: Sullyhound

Resale Value: 8 Cogs

So stripey, so whole.

<a href=" Splashed Trifin Eel Pelt" class="display-item">Mauled Splashed Trifin Eel Pelt</a>

Mauled Splashed Trifin Eel Pelt

Category: Materials

Rarity: 3

Artist: Sullyhound

Resale Value: 4 Cogs

Well, that sure looked better in the water. 

<a href=" Trifin Eel Pelt" class="display-item">Splashed Trifin Eel Pelt</a>

Splashed Trifin Eel Pelt

Category: Materials

Rarity: 4

Artist: Sullyhound

Resale Value: 6 Cogs

That's pretty flashy for an eel.

<a href=" Splashed Trifin Eel Pelt" class="display-item">Exquisite Splashed Trifin Eel Pelt</a>

Exquisite Splashed Trifin Eel Pelt

Category: Materials

Rarity: 5

Artist: Sullyhound

Resale Value: 11 Cogs

One awfully nice eel pelt.

<a href=" Spotted Trifin Eel Pelt" class="display-item">Mauled Spotted Trifin Eel Pelt</a>

Mauled Spotted Trifin Eel Pelt

Category: Materials

Rarity: 4

Artist: Sullyhound

Resale Value: 7 Cogs

Sort hard to tell what that pattern is.

<a href=" Trifin Eel Pelt" class="display-item">Spotted Trifin Eel Pelt</a>

Spotted Trifin Eel Pelt

Category: Materials

Rarity: 5

Artist: Sullyhound

Resale Value: 11 Cogs

Spotty. And sorta damp.

<a href=" Spotted Trifin Eel Pelt" class="display-item">Exquisite Spotted Trifin Eel Pelt</a>

Exquisite Spotted Trifin Eel Pelt

Category: Materials

Rarity: 6

Artist: Sullyhound

Resale Value: 16 Cogs

Spotty and in perfect shape.

<a href=" Spotted Inverted Trifin Eel Pelt" class="display-item">Mauled Spotted Inverted Trifin Eel Pelt</a>

Mauled Spotted Inverted Trifin Eel Pelt

Category: Materials

Rarity: 5

Artist: Sullyhound

Resale Value: 13 Cogs

Dramatic, but totally wrecked.

<a href=" Inverted Trifin Eel Pelt" class="display-item">Spotted Inverted Trifin Eel Pelt</a>

Spotted Inverted Trifin Eel Pelt

Category: Materials

Rarity: 6

Artist: Sullyhound

Resale Value: 19 Cogs

High contrast, in eel form.

<a href=" Pellet" class="display-item">Hairy Pellet</a>

Hairy Pellet

Category: Materials

Rarity: 5

Artist: Sullyhound

Resale Value: 15 Cogs


Are you sure you want to touch that?

<a href=" Dunes Vista" class="display-item">Hallowed Dunes Vista</a>

Hallowed Dunes Vista

Category: Special

Artist: Sullyhound


An ominous sunset, and circling duskrats.

This vista can be seen on a hound here.

Uses: Open this item to unlock this vista on a specific Hound!

<a href=" Squash Hound Treats" class="display-item">Autumn Squash Hound Treats</a>

Autumn Squash Hound Treats

Category: Seasonal

Rarity: 4

Artist: Sullyhound

Resale Value: 8 Cogs

A crunchy squash biscuit popular in autumn months, hounds love them!

Uses: Hound treats are used to help tame Stray and Wild Hounds.

<a href=" Cove Vista" class="display-item">Coastal Cove Vista</a>

Coastal Cove Vista

Category: Special

Artist: Sullyhound


A beautiful cove, just north of Ynnis.

This vista can be seen on a hound here.

Uses: Open this item to unlock this vista on a specific Hound!

253 results found.