
<a href=" Cove Dawn Vista" class="display-item">Coastal Cove Dawn Vista</a>

Coastal Cove Dawn Vista

Category: Special

Artist: Sullyhound


A beautiful cove at dawn, just north of Ynnis.

This vista can be seen on a hound here.

Uses: Open this item to unlock this vista on a specific Hound!

<a href=" Dunes Vista" class="display-item">Winter Dunes Vista</a>

Winter Dunes Vista

Category: Special

Artist: Sullyhound


Ynnisi coastal dunes in winter.

This vista can be seen on a hound here.

Uses: Open this item to unlock this vista on a specific Hound!

<a href=" Up Token" class="display-item">Glow Up Token</a>

Glow Up Token

Category: Special

Artist: Sullyhound

This token allows you to redesign a Hound that you own. To use this item select "Update Design" from the settings menu on a Hound. Attach this item in the "Add Ons" section. Proceed as though you were submitting a new phenotype!


Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Dog" class="display-item">Duskrat Dog</a>

Duskrat Dog

Category: Crafted Items

Artist: Sullyhound

Made with only the finest parts of the Duskrat. (No more than 25% feather.) 

Uses: This item may be used on a Hound entering a tolling show. Attach it to your entry. 1 may be applied per Hound.

<a href=" Burger" class="display-item">Berdir Burger</a>

Berdir Burger

Category: Crafted Items

Artist: Sullyhound

The kelp garnish adds a certain something special. 

Uses: This item may be used on a Hound entering an agility show. Attach it to your entry. 1 may be applied per Hound.

<a href=" Hound Token" class="display-item">Paetian Hound Token</a>

Paetian Hound Token

Category: Special

Artist: Sullyhound


Open this token to receive a Paetian Hound phenotype! You'll be able to choose the Hound's sex and up to three traits following the below rules:
- Traits must be Paetian, Coastal, Western, Divide or Ubiqituous.
- Traits must be in the type, eumelanin, phaemelanin, pattern, white marking, ear, tail, horn, coat, instinct or physical categories.
- Only one instinct trait may be selected.
- Traits must not conflict.

Uses: Submit a claim with the phenotype linked and your desired traits listed in the comments.

<a href=" Ink" class="display-item">Black Ink</a>

Black Ink

Category: Crafted Items

Artist: Sullyhound

Resale Value: 35 Cogs

Keep well away from fingers and paws. 

<a href=" Ink" class="display-item">Blue Ink</a>

Blue Ink

Category: Crafted Items

Artist: Sullyhound

A popular ink colour, to be sure. 

<a href=" Pamphlet" class="display-item">Breeding Pamphlet</a>

Breeding Pamphlet

Category: Breeding Items

Artist: Sullyhound

Knowledge straight from the Breeders' Guild!

Uses: This item allows you to submit an additional breeding. A maximum of 1 may be used per week.

<a href=" Passport Page" class="display-item">Paet Passport Page</a>

Paet Passport Page

Category: Special

Artist: Sullyhound

<a href=" Touse Hunt Tag" class="display-item">Western Touse Hunt Tag</a>

Western Touse Hunt Tag

Category: Special

Artist: Sullyhound

This tag allows you to go on one Western Touse hunt. 

<a href=" Dalkier's Merchant Token" class="display-item">Halayna Dalkier's Merchant Token</a>

Halayna Dalkier's Merchant Token

Category: Breeding Items

Artist: Sullyhound

A special token accepted by Halayna Dalkier.

Uses: Attach this item to a breeding to be able to use a breeding slot to any Hound on the Halayna_Dalkier account.

<a href=" Blackwood's Merchant Token" class="display-item">Alice Blackwood's Merchant Token</a>

Alice Blackwood's Merchant Token

Category: Breeding Items

Artist: Sullyhound

A special token accepted by Alice Blackwood.

Uses: Attach this item to a breeding to be able to use a breeding slot to any Hound on the Alice_Blackwood account.

<a href=" Merchant Token" class="display-item">Azzaru Merchant Token</a>

Azzaru Merchant Token

Category: Breeding Items

Artist: Sullyhound

A special token accepted by merchants in Azzaru

Uses: Attach this item to a breeding to be able to use a breeding slot to any Hound on the Merchant_of_Azzaru account.

<a href=" Merchant Token" class="display-item">Ynnis Merchant Token</a>

Ynnis Merchant Token

Category: Breeding Items

Artist: Sullyhound

A special token accepted by merchants in Ynnis. 

Uses: Attach this item to a breeding to be able to use a breeding slot to any Hound on the Merchant_of_Ynnis account.

<a href=" Hound Treats" class="display-item">Ethereal Hound Treats</a>

Ethereal Hound Treats

Category: Crafted Items

Artist: Sullyhound

The most beautiful hand crafted Hound treat, straight from the local barkery. 

Uses: This item allows you to attempt to befriend any active stray. Attach it to your first befriending submission to gain access.

<a href=" Ink" class="display-item">Red Ink</a>

Red Ink

Category: Crafted Items

Artist: Sullyhound

For making all of your corrections. 

<a href=" Show Pamphlet" class="display-item">Conformation Show Pamphlet</a>

Conformation Show Pamphlet

Category: Crafted Items

Artist: Sullyhound

A pamphlet all about a recent conformation show! Maybe you should go enter ... 

Uses: This item allows you to enter an extra Hound into a conformation show. 1 extra Hound per pamphlet, up to your handling limit.

<a href=" Show Pamphlet" class="display-item">Agility Show Pamphlet</a>

Agility Show Pamphlet

Category: Crafted Items

Artist: Sullyhound

A pamphlet all about a recent agility show! Maybe you should go enter ... 

Uses: This item allows you to enter an extra Hound into an agility show. 1 extra Hound per pamphlet, up to your handling limit.

<a href=" Ink" class="display-item">Green Ink</a>

Green Ink

Category: Crafted Items

Artist: Sullyhound

Maybe not a common colour for ink, but still quite readable.

247 results found.