Coastal Cove Dawn Vista
A beautiful cove at dawn, just north of Ynnis.
This vista can be seen on a hound here.
Uses: Open this item to unlock this vista on a specific Hound!
Winter Dunes Vista
Ynnisi coastal dunes in winter.
This vista can be seen on a hound here.
Uses: Open this item to unlock this vista on a specific Hound!
Glow Up Token
This token allows you to redesign a Hound that you own. To use this item select "Update Design" from the settings menu on a Hound. Attach this item in the "Add Ons" section. Proceed as though you were submitting a new phenotype!
Purchaseable At:
Duskrat Dog
Made with only the finest parts of the Duskrat. (No more than 25% feather.)
Uses: This item may be used on a Hound entering a tolling show. Attach it to your entry. 1 may be applied per Hound.
Berdir Burger
The kelp garnish adds a certain something special.
Uses: This item may be used on a Hound entering an agility show. Attach it to your entry. 1 may be applied per Hound.
Paetian Hound Token
Open this token to receive a Paetian Hound phenotype! You'll be able to choose the Hound's sex and up to three traits following the below rules:
- Traits must be Paetian, Coastal, Western, Divide or Ubiqituous.
- Traits must be in the type, eumelanin, phaemelanin, pattern, white marking, ear, tail, horn, coat, instinct or physical categories.
- Only one instinct trait may be selected.
- Traits must not conflict.
Uses: Submit a claim with the phenotype linked and your desired traits listed in the comments.
Black Ink
Keep well away from fingers and paws.
Breeding Pamphlet
Knowledge straight from the Breeders' Guild!
Uses: This item allows you to submit an additional breeding. A maximum of 1 may be used per week.
Western Touse Hunt Tag
This tag allows you to go on one Western Touse hunt.
Halayna Dalkier's Merchant Token
A special token accepted by Halayna Dalkier.
Uses: Attach this item to a breeding to be able to use a breeding slot to any Hound on the Halayna_Dalkier account.
Alice Blackwood's Merchant Token
A special token accepted by Alice Blackwood.
Uses: Attach this item to a breeding to be able to use a breeding slot to any Hound on the Alice_Blackwood account.
Azzaru Merchant Token
A special token accepted by merchants in Azzaru
Uses: Attach this item to a breeding to be able to use a breeding slot to any Hound on the Merchant_of_Azzaru account.
Ynnis Merchant Token
A special token accepted by merchants in Ynnis.
Uses: Attach this item to a breeding to be able to use a breeding slot to any Hound on the Merchant_of_Ynnis account.
Ethereal Hound Treats
The most beautiful hand crafted Hound treat, straight from the local barkery.
Uses: This item allows you to attempt to befriend any active stray. Attach it to your first befriending submission to gain access.
Conformation Show Pamphlet
A pamphlet all about a recent conformation show! Maybe you should go enter ...
Uses: This item allows you to enter an extra Hound into a conformation show. 1 extra Hound per pamphlet, up to your handling limit.
Agility Show Pamphlet
A pamphlet all about a recent agility show! Maybe you should go enter ...
Uses: This item allows you to enter an extra Hound into an agility show. 1 extra Hound per pamphlet, up to your handling limit.
Green Ink
Maybe not a common colour for ink, but still quite readable.