
<a href=" Western Touse Feather" class="display-item">Sunny Western Touse Feather</a>

Sunny Western Touse Feather

Category: Materials

Rarity: 6

Artist: Sullyhound

Resale Value: 19 Cogs

A pleasing looking feather. 

<a href=" Western Touse Feather" class="display-item">Foggy Western Touse Feather</a>

Foggy Western Touse Feather

Category: Materials

Rarity: 7

Artist: Sullyhound

Resale Value: 136 Cogs

A near perfect feather. 

<a href=" Western Touse Feather" class="display-item">Stormy Western Touse Feather</a>

Stormy Western Touse Feather

Category: Materials

Rarity: 8

Artist: Sullyhound

Resale Value: 392 Cogs

The most sought after Western Touse feather of them all. 

<a href=" Coast Vista" class="display-item">Evermist Coast Vista</a>

Evermist Coast Vista

Category: Special

Artist: MoonRazor


The Evermist Coast at its finest. 

This vista can be seen on a hound here.

Uses: Open this item to unlock this vista on a specific Hound!

<a href=" Densewoods Vista" class="display-item">The Densewoods Vista</a>

The Densewoods Vista

Category: Special


Have you found the biggest tree in the Densewood?

This vista can be seen on a hound here.

Uses: Open this item to unlock this vista on a specific Hound!

<a href=" Densewood Vista" class="display-item">Midnight Densewood Vista</a>

Midnight Densewood Vista

Category: Special


In the dead of night the Densewood is particularly magical ... 

This vista can be seen on a hound here.

247 results found.