MoonRazor Avatar

59 Posts

09/17/2024 Edited 09/26/2024

Expedition Approval:

Primary Handler:
Bonuses: Trio Handling

Hounds: K-00066
Bonuses: -

Hounds: K-00079
Instincts: -
Bonuses: -

Hounds: K-00011
Instincts: Biddable
Bonuses: -

Hounds: S-00041
Instincts: Packmate
Bonuses: -

Ellanoire Avatar

72 Posts


1 - A wild hound! There’s no way it was making that sound, but your handler is willing to give up the chase for this new friend. Gain access to wild hound thread at conclusion of expedition.
2 - The noise suddenly stops, and your handler isn’t sure where to go next. Maybe they should just head back toward camp.
3 - Something shiny distracts your handler. They pick up a token belonging to Alice. Was she on the trail of something? Receive Alice Blackwood’s Merchant Token.
4 - Your handler chases the noise for some time, but isn’t able to find the source. Exhausted, they settle down below a nice tree to rest.
5 - Something round catches your handler’s eye, but then it disappears.
6 - After a while of looking for the noise, your hound gets bored and trots off in another direction. Guess the chase is over.
7 - The noise slowly fades, even though you were sure you were on to something. After a while, the forest is totally quiet.
8 - A patch of tonatos that have been ravaged, but one tonato is left untouched. Maybe it didn’t like this flavor? Receive Icy Tonato.
9 - Your hound grows tired and stops at a small ephemeral pool for a drink. Your handler decides to join them and rest.
10 - A family of berdir, resting in a misty grove. They weren’t making that sound, were they? Receive x2 Berdir Hunt Tag.
11 - There are footprints everywhere here, but no footprint-maker! What the heck is this thing?
12 - Unfortunately, the forest goes quiet and your handler is unable to locate whatever was making that sound.
13 - An old duskrat nest. This definitely isn’t what was making the noise, but your handler is able to collect some shed tail feathers, so that’s nice. Receive 2x Duskrat Tail Feather
14 - Every time your handler thinks they’re on the right path, the direction of the noise randomly changes. Maybe there are multiple creatures?
15 - A nest on the ground, protected by a tall root and made of fur and pine needles. It’s empty.
16 - One huge mushroom catches your handler’s attention, and they’re distracted from their pursuit to go collect it. Receive Elusive Mistcloak Mushroom.
17 - Nothing. The sound fades and even though your handler waits to hear it again, it’s gone.
18 - The sound stops, but at your feet are tonatos and mushrooms growing together. This gives you an idea for a recipe. Receive Recipe Book.
19 - The noise leads you in circles, until you’re well and truly lost. It takes you some time to find your way back to the campsite.
20 - A wild hound, curled up in a pine needle nest against the trunk of a tree. Maybe you can tame it? Gain access to wild hound thread at conclusion of expedition.

MoonRazor Avatar

59 Posts

09/18/2024 Edited 09/26/2024

Roll: 14/19
Additional roll image:
Chosen die: 20 - A wild hound, curled up in a pine needle nest against the trunk of a tree. Maybe you can tame it? Gain access to wild hound thread at conclusion of expedition.

WC: 108/1512
Berdir Pelt
Paet Plant
Wild houndo

Suddenly, a loud drumming noise seemed to vibrate Ollie's very core, and he felt the hairs on his arm stand on end. Was it... behind him??

The hounds lost it. Niblet and He's So Mice threw themselves into the brush, while Roadstead and Sunshower danced by his side, deep throaty barks ringing out of them.

Despite a little bit of fear tickling the back of his throat, Ollie forced his feet to move forward, and soon he was running in the direction that his two hounds had gone, with the other two by his side. "What is it??" he called out, pushing aside brush and ferns to follow.

Dice Rolled:
20-Sided Die
Rolled 2 times



MoonRazor Avatar

59 Posts

09/18/2024 Edited 09/26/2024

Roll: 15/19

Additional roll image:
Chosen die: 16 Where there’s a beach, there’s kelp. Receive Crimped Kelp.

WC: 111/1623
Berdir Pelt
Paet Plant
Wild houndo
Crimped Kelp

The wild chase gave way to a screeching halt as the five of them tumbled out into a clearing, and... saw a hound?

Roadstead, Sunshower, Niblet and He's So Mice seemed just as confused as Ollie to see the hound curled up in a nest of pine needles, nestled peacefully against the trunk of a tree. The hound's eyes whipped open and head came up, staring at them wide-eyed before frantically bolting from the nest.

"Oh... well. Now I feel like a bit of a villain," Ollie said quietly, watching the hound flee. "We'll have to come back and try to find it again, but with a peace offering next time."

Dice Rolled:
20-Sided Die
Rolled 2 times



MoonRazor Avatar

59 Posts

09/18/2024 Edited 09/26/2024

Roll: 16/19

Additional roll image:
Chosen die: 9 Your handler stops to observe a tidal pool. There’s so much life here, but also a lot of kelp. Receive Crimped Kelp.

WC: 110/1733
Berdir Pelt
Paet Plant
Wild houndo
Crimped Kelp
Crimped Kelp

After the excitement of stumbling across a wild hound, Ollie decided it was time for the lot of them to calm down. He spent a few minutes petting Roadstead, Sunshower, Niblet and He's So Mice each in turn, letting them sniff the hound's nest a little, before calling them back and heading away from the nest. Better not disturb the poor creature any further.

They headed back out toward the beach, and after a while, managed to pick up some crimped kelp along the shore. Ollie was more than happy to pocket it before continuing on their search. "Let's see if we can find anything else before we head back!"

Dice Rolled:
20-Sided Die
Rolled 2 times



MoonRazor Avatar

59 Posts

09/18/2024 Edited 09/26/2024

Roll: 17/19

Additional roll image:
Chosen die: 9 Your handler stops to observe a tidal pool. There’s so much life here, but also a lot of kelp. Receive Crimped Kelp.

WC: 107/1840
Berdir Pelt
Paet Plant
Wild houndo
Crimped Kelp
Crimped Kelp
Crimped Kelp

They wandered forward again, hounds sniffing here and there, pausing once in a while to dig in the sand. Ollie climbed up onto some rocks with Roadstead and Sunshower in tow, while Niblet and He's So Mice wandered about. As he peered down into the tidal pool between the rocks, Ollie was able to see various shellfish sitting in the cold, clear water.

And what was that? More kelp? He reached out and plucked another piece of crimped kelp from the water. You could never have too much kelp. It was much needed in the brews he liked to make for the hounds before they entered shows.

Dice Rolled:
20-Sided Die
Rolled 2 times



MoonRazor Avatar

59 Posts

09/18/2024 Edited 09/26/2024

Roll: 18/19

Additional roll image:
Chosen die: 8 Your hound gets in a fight with the waves gently lapping into the shore. The waves seem to be winning.

WC: 114/1954
Berdir Pelt
Paet Plant
Wild houndo
Crimped Kelp
Crimped Kelp
Crimped Kelp

He stayed for quite a while, just watching the waves come in and out, watching the little life forms go about their lives. Roadstead and Sunshower eventually tired of the waves, and hopped off the rock to join Niblet and He's So Mice in frolicking about on the sand, but Ollie was happy to keep watching.

After a while, the waves seemed to want to reward him for his patience, washing another piece of crimped kelp up onto the rock, within reach. Ollie smiled and reached out to snag it off the rock and place it into his pack with the other pieces. It wouldn't be a visit to the beach without some kelp.

Dice Rolled:
20-Sided Die
Rolled 2 times



MoonRazor Avatar

59 Posts

09/18/2024 Edited 09/26/2024

Roll: 19/19

Additional roll image:
Chosen die: 5 Your handler takes off their shoes and dips their toes in the lapping waves. It’s cold, but reinvigorating. You may take two additional exploration rolls.

WC: 302/2256
Berdir Pelt
Paet Plant
Wild houndo
Crimped Kelp
Crimped Kelp
Crimped Kelp

At long last, it felt like time to go. The sun - what little of it they could even see through the clouds - had finally sunk low enough that everything was getting dark. The sky began to deepen into a cold blue, and as they had already wandered quite a ways from base camp, Ollie decided it was time to turn around. He clambered down from the rocks, watching He's So Mice nip valiantly at some waves and fail to catch anything.

Roadstead, Sunshower and Niblet came running up to greet him, each one soggier than the last, after running into the water a few more times.

"You lot are going to take some work to clean up," Ollie said, patting each one fondly on the head. "Come on, it's been a long day, and we have quite a walk back."

He headed back in the direction of base camp, the four hounds trotting alongside, happy and tired after the day's adventures. Now, he was looking forward to a nice hot meal by the campfire, swapping stories with the other expeditioners. That was always his favorite part of these trips, enjoying the camaraderie of the others, learning from them, making new friends.

He would have to make sure to note down everything he saw and heard today - in particular the odd footprints and the full-body vibrating sounds. Perhaps others would have discovered the same? Perhaps others would have more information? He couldn't wait to find out.

After what felt like an age of walking, the tents came into view. Already, someone had prepared campfire, and he could see the flames flickering in the distance.

"Let's go hounds!" he called out, and Roadstead, Sunshower, Niblet and He's So Mice picked up the pace to run with him. "Last one back is a rotten egg!"

Dice Rolled:
20-Sided Die
Rolled 2 times



MoonRazor Avatar

59 Posts

09/19/2024 Edited 09/26/2024

Roll: 20/21

Additional roll image:
Chosen die: 2 - Event! Your hound furiously sniffs the ground and races into the forest. Your handler chases after them to see what they’re on the trail of. Submit a claim to investigate!

WC: 108/2364
Berdir Pelt
Paet Plant
Wild houndo
Crimped Kelp
Crimped Kelp
Crimped Kelp

Just when Ollie thought they had reached base camp, the group was distracted again. Roadstead, Sunshower, Niblet and He's So Mice veered off course together and Ollie screeched to a halt as the Hounds dashed into the brush.

"WHERE are you all going?!" He bellowed before diving after them. He too had noticed the rustling in the ferns, so he couldn't very well tell them to come back when he was fascinated himself. Base camp would have to wait. Something much more important was waiting for them in the trees. Maybe he'd catch another glimpse of whatever had made that hair raising noise. Maybe it was... following him?

Dice Rolled:
20-Sided Die
Rolled 2 times



Ellanoire Avatar

72 Posts


Your handler wanders deeper into the woods after their hound and notices…

1 - Nothing of note, maybe your hound is just crazy.
2 - A down tree. It looks like… it’s been pushed over?
3 - A patch of mushrooms growing amongst the trees. Receive a Mature Mistcloak Mushroom.
4 - Event! - Your hound is hot on the tail of something. Submit a claim to investigate.
5 - Your hound stops to sniff the largest footprint you have ever seen. Alice would be interested in this.
6 - A patch of tonatos growing in the woods - growing among them is a single Spicy Tonato.
7 - Your hound seems to grow nervous, slowing its chase.
8 - Your handler trips over an exposed root and loses sight of their hound.
9 - Three mauled berdir pelts - something left a stash here.
10 - A berdir flits through the trees, alarmed - that must be what your hound was after. Receive Berdir Hunt Tag.
11 - A colorful feather peeking out from the ferns. Receive a Duskrat Tailfeather.
12 - The pine needles have been collected into one large spot, as though something big bedded down here.
13 - The pine needles are soft under your handler’s boots, so they take a moment to enjoy the forest.
14 - Your hound’s barking is briefly drowned out by a terrifying call you’ve never heard before.
15 - A scratched up tree trunk. What could have done this?
16 - Another handler must have been here before you - you find a few cogs lost among the pine needles. Receive a random amount of cogs.
17 - Event! - A shadow passes quickly through the light filtering through the trees. Submit a claim to investigate.
18 - What looks like a massive torn up feather resting on the forest floor. Before your handler can reach it, it blows away in the wind.
19 - Something dragged its meal into the forest. Receive a Trifin Eel Pelt.
20 - Your handler nearly steps on a Mature Mistcloak Mushroom.

MoonRazor Avatar

59 Posts

09/20/2024 Edited 09/26/2024

Roll: 21/21

Additional roll image:
Chosen die: 11 - A colorful feather peeking out from the ferns. Receive a Duskrat Tailfeather.

WC: 103/2467
Berdir Pelt
Paet Plant
Wild houndo
Crimped Kelp
Crimped Kelp
Crimped Kelp
Duskrat Tailfeather

A final burst of excitement for the group felt good. Ollie followed Roadstead, Sunshower, Niblet and He's So Mice into the tree cover. They chased whatever had made the noise for a few minutes, but found nothing at the end other than a nice duskrat tailfeather laying in the middle of the path.

Ollie bent to pick it up and add it to his stash of items, before calling for the hounds.

"Alright guys, that's enough adventure for one day, I think," he said, giving them all a pat as they came running back. "Let's go back to camp, for real this time."

Dice Rolled:
20-Sided Die
Rolled 2 times



MoonRazor Avatar

59 Posts

09/26/2024 Edited 09/26/2024

Expedition Summary

Bonus prompt:

WC: 2467
Berdir Pelt
Paet Plant
Wild houndo
Crimped Kelp
Crimped Kelp
Crimped Kelp
Duskrat Tailfeather

2x Expedition Rolls
+1x Expedition Roll (Bonus Prompt)
+1x Expedition Roll (Packmate)
3x Paet Plant Rolls
3x Hunt Tags

Roadstead: 12 (Lit) + 6 (Bonus prompt) = 18
Sunshower: 12 (Lit) + 6 (Bonus prompt) = 18
Niblet: 12 (Lit) + 6 (Bonus prompt) + 50 (Roll images) = 68
He's So Mice: 12 (Lit) + 6 (Bonus prompt) + 55 (Roll images) = 73