Comments on [Evermist] Ollie Tiller in Paet Expeditions

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MoonRazor Staff Member

Roll: 14/19
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Chosen die: 20 - A wild hound, curled up in a pine needle nest against the trunk of a tree. Maybe you can tame it? Gain access to wild hound thread at conclusion of expedition.

WC: 108/1512
Berdir Pelt
Paet Plant
Wild houndo

Suddenly, a loud drumming noise seemed to vibrate Ollie's very core, and he felt the hairs on his arm stand on end. Was it... behind him??

The hounds lost it. Niblet and He's So Mice threw themselves into the brush, while Roadstead and Sunshower danced by his side, deep throaty barks ringing out of them.

Despite a little bit of fear tickling the back of his throat, Ollie forced his feet to move forward, and soon he was running in the direction that his two hounds had gone, with the other two by his side. "What is it??" he called out, pushing aside brush and ferns to follow.

2024-09-18 20:42:09 (Edited 2024-09-26 08:23:38)