Comments on [Evermist] Ollie Tiller in Paet Expeditions

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Ellanoire Staff Member

1 - A wild hound! There’s no way it was making that sound, but your handler is willing to give up the chase for this new friend. Gain access to wild hound thread at conclusion of expedition.
2 - The noise suddenly stops, and your handler isn’t sure where to go next. Maybe they should just head back toward camp.
3 - Something shiny distracts your handler. They pick up a token belonging to Alice. Was she on the trail of something? Receive Alice Blackwood’s Merchant Token.
4 - Your handler chases the noise for some time, but isn’t able to find the source. Exhausted, they settle down below a nice tree to rest.
5 - Something round catches your handler’s eye, but then it disappears.
6 - After a while of looking for the noise, your hound gets bored and trots off in another direction. Guess the chase is over.
7 - The noise slowly fades, even though you were sure you were on to something. After a while, the forest is totally quiet.
8 - A patch of tonatos that have been ravaged, but one tonato is left untouched. Maybe it didn’t like this flavor? Receive Icy Tonato.
9 - Your hound grows tired and stops at a small ephemeral pool for a drink. Your handler decides to join them and rest.
10 - A family of berdir, resting in a misty grove. They weren’t making that sound, were they? Receive x2 Berdir Hunt Tag.
11 - There are footprints everywhere here, but no footprint-maker! What the heck is this thing?
12 - Unfortunately, the forest goes quiet and your handler is unable to locate whatever was making that sound.
13 - An old duskrat nest. This definitely isn’t what was making the noise, but your handler is able to collect some shed tail feathers, so that’s nice. Receive 2x Duskrat Tail Feather
14 - Every time your handler thinks they’re on the right path, the direction of the noise randomly changes. Maybe there are multiple creatures?
15 - A nest on the ground, protected by a tall root and made of fur and pine needles. It’s empty.
16 - One huge mushroom catches your handler’s attention, and they’re distracted from their pursuit to go collect it. Receive Elusive Mistcloak Mushroom.
17 - Nothing. The sound fades and even though your handler waits to hear it again, it’s gone.
18 - The sound stops, but at your feet are tonatos and mushrooms growing together. This gives you an idea for a recipe. Receive Recipe Book.
19 - The noise leads you in circles, until you’re well and truly lost. It takes you some time to find your way back to the campsite.
20 - A wild hound, curled up in a pine needle nest against the trunk of a tree. Maybe you can tame it? Gain access to wild hound thread at conclusion of expedition.

2024-09-18 19:28:12