Comments on [Evermist] Ollie Tiller in Paet Expeditions

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MoonRazor Staff Member

Roll: 19/19

Additional roll image:
Chosen die: 5 Your handler takes off their shoes and dips their toes in the lapping waves. It’s cold, but reinvigorating. You may take two additional exploration rolls.

WC: 302/2256
Berdir Pelt
Paet Plant
Wild houndo
Crimped Kelp
Crimped Kelp
Crimped Kelp

At long last, it felt like time to go. The sun - what little of it they could even see through the clouds - had finally sunk low enough that everything was getting dark. The sky began to deepen into a cold blue, and as they had already wandered quite a ways from base camp, Ollie decided it was time to turn around. He clambered down from the rocks, watching He's So Mice nip valiantly at some waves and fail to catch anything.

Roadstead, Sunshower and Niblet came running up to greet him, each one soggier than the last, after running into the water a few more times.

"You lot are going to take some work to clean up," Ollie said, patting each one fondly on the head. "Come on, it's been a long day, and we have quite a walk back."

He headed back in the direction of base camp, the four hounds trotting alongside, happy and tired after the day's adventures. Now, he was looking forward to a nice hot meal by the campfire, swapping stories with the other expeditioners. That was always his favorite part of these trips, enjoying the camaraderie of the others, learning from them, making new friends.

He would have to make sure to note down everything he saw and heard today - in particular the odd footprints and the full-body vibrating sounds. Perhaps others would have discovered the same? Perhaps others would have more information? He couldn't wait to find out.

After what felt like an age of walking, the tents came into view. Already, someone had prepared campfire, and he could see the flames flickering in the distance.

"Let's go hounds!" he called out, and Roadstead, Sunshower, Niblet and He's So Mice picked up the pace to run with him. "Last one back is a rotten egg!"

2024-09-18 21:07:13 (Edited 2024-09-26 08:22:35)