Expedition Approval: https://itona.io/submissions/view/1594
Primary Handler: https://itona.io/user/DarkHeartedSorrows
Bonuses: Brace Handling
Hounds: S-00040 Deep Sea
Instincts: Biddable
Hounds: S-00055 Oak
Instincts: Azzaruan
Hounds: K-00057 Fork
Roll: 1/7
Extra Dice Roll: https://www.deviantart.com/darkheartedsorrows/art/Itona-Glimmer-Creek-Expedition-1-1073416071
Roll: 14 - Event! Your Hound alerts you to something in the scrubby brush. Submit a claim to investigate!
Wordcount: 110
Hilda sat patiently through Roderick's demonstration of ore panning, but she could feel her hounds buzzing to be let go so they could explore the area. By the time he finally turned them loose, both Oak and Fork were struggling to listen to commands. She made a mental note that they'd have to get some more training soon, or there would be future problems.
She guided them down to the very edge of the creek, smiling quietly as Fork immediately took a dip in the cool water. Deep Sea hung back, interested more in where the bank met the scrubby incline of the valley. Suddenly, he barked, getting everyone's attention.
Dice Rolled:
20-Sided Die
Rolled 2 times
Your handler hikes up the side of the valley, into some scrubby brush to investigate whatever the Hound is so interested in.
Roll -- Result
1 -- Your handler wanders around a bit, and comes across a small smeared foot print.
2 -- The scrub gets too thick to make any more progress.
3 -- Your handler nearly turns an ankle on a twisted root.
4 -- Event! -- A berdir bursts from the scrub, and begins to run. Submit a claim to follow!
5 -- Your Hound hovers over a hole in the valleyside. Perhaps a duskrat lives there ...
6 -- Your handler looks around, and notices a Duskrat Tail Feather.
7 -- Your Hound startles a duskrat from its hiding place. Receive a Duskrat Hunt Tag.
8 -- Your handler hikes around for a while, but doesn't find anything of interest.
9 -- Your Hound keeps rushing ahead, but you manage to call them back. Receive +5 training on this expedition.
10 -- Event! -- Under a scrubby tree your handler notices a little garden of herbs. Submit a claim to investigate.
11 -- Something runs through the brush, but your handler can't make it out.
12 -- Your handler spends several hours hiking around the valley, but eventually returns to the creek.
13 -- Your handler notices a tuft of fur caught on a bush, but isn't sure what left it there.
14 -- Your Hound begins to lose interest, and starts to wander back to the creek.
15 -- Your handler finds a good vantage point, but doesn't catch sight of anything interesting.
16 -- Your handler finds a nice tree and spends some time in its shade.
17 -- Event! -- As your handler creeps forward they catch sight of a melanistic berdir. Submit a claim to attempt to follow!
18 -- Your handler is suddenly face-to-face with a berdir, but it bolts away before anything can happen.
19 -- The feeling of begin watched never goes away, but your handler can't find the source.
20 -- Event -- Your handler hears a bark!?! And it wasn't their Hound. Submit a claim to investigate.
Roll: 2/7
Extra Dice Roll: https://www.deviantart.com/darkheartedsorrows/art/Itona-Glimmer-Creek-Expedition-2-1073416061
Roll result: 14 -- Your Hound begins to lose interest, and starts to wander back to the creek.
Wordcount: 110 (again)
Hilda held back while Oak and Fork continued exploring the bank of the creek, watching Deep Sea over her shoulder. He huffed and snuffled, shoving his head deep inside a mangled shrub, until only his tall spiraling horns peeked through the top. He rustled around for a few minutes, but eventually emerged empty-handed and gave a mournful whine to Hilda. Obviously he'd thought he was on to something good.
"Come on," Hilda called, giving Deep Sea a good scratch when he approached. "Every smell can't be a winner. I'm sure we'll find something good farther down the creek." As though he understood, Deep Sea took off after Oak and Fork.
Dice Rolled:
20-Sided Die
Rolled 2 times
Roll: 3/7
Extra Dice Roll: https://www.deviantart.com/darkheartedsorrows/art/Itona-Glimmer-Creek-Expedition-3-1073416050
Roll result: 10 — Your Hound hears something squeak, and runs after it. After a few moments they return. Receive a Duskrat Hunt Tag!
Wordcount: 112
Hilda, Oak, Fork, and Deep Sea wandered along the winding creek, turning over the occassional stone or trying their hand (or paw) at panning. The voices of the other expeditioners began to fade into the background as each team took their own path, or stopped to study something at their own pace. Deep Sea and Oak chased each other through the shallows, chomping both at each others heels and at the droplets of water they kicked up.
Fork plodded by her side, occassionally pausing to explore a new smell, until she and Fork both suddenly heard an squeak to their right. Fork, ever the puppy, took off before Hilda could stop him.
Dice Rolled:
20-Sided Die
Rolled 2 times
Roll: 4/7
Extra Dice Roll: https://www.deviantart.com/darkheartedsorrows/art/Itona-Glimmer-Creek-Expedition-4-1073416042
Roll Result: 13 Your Hound vanishes into the scrub, and returns with a Berdir Pelt!
Wordcount: 110 (yes, really)
Hilda, frustrated by Fork running off, took off toward the shrubby incline to follow him. She only made it a couple feet into a rough wildlife trail cut into the mountain by generations of animal use before Fork came trotting happily back. In his maw was... a pelt?
He pranced right up to her and deposited the mass of fur at her feet. When she reached down to unravel it, it was entirely too big for the duskrat she had expected. "Is this a berdir? How did you even find this?" Fork just looked at her dumbly, but proudly, before taking off to catch up with Oak and Deep Sea.
Dice Rolled:
20-Sided Die
Rolled 2 times
Roll: 5/7
Extra Dice Roll: https://www.deviantart.com/darkheartedsorrows/art/Itona-Glimmer-Creek-Expedition-5-1073416029
Roll Result: 15 — Your handler find a perfectly smooth topped rock and stops for a break. They feel reinvigorated! You may take an additional roll for this expedition
Wordcount: 102
As the sun rose higher in the sky, it beat on Hilda's back. She'd expected slightly cooler weather, but the valley held onto the heat unexpectedly well. Eventually, the warmth coupled with the uneven terrain of rough river rock had Hilda scouring the bank for a place to take a quick rest. Thankfully, she came across a huge smooth rock just under the shade of a scrubby little tree. She gratefully sprawled across it on her belly, and as her hounds realized she was no longer following them they returned one by one to take a needed, but begrudging, rest with her.
Dice Rolled:
20-Sided Die
Rolled 2 times
Roll: 6/8
Extra Dice Roll: https://www.deviantart.com/darkheartedsorrows/art/Itona-Glimmer-Creek-Expedition-6-1073416021
Roll Result: 15 — Your handler find a perfectly smooth topped rock and stops for a break. They feel reinvigorated! You may take an additional roll for this expedition
Wordcount: 110 (now its a game)
Hilda rolled to her back and considered returning to their exploration of the creek, but her spot on the smooth rock was just too nice. Oak curled up against her ribs, tail dangling off the rock and over the back of Fork who was sprawled in the sand beside them. Deep Sea had taken a watchful pose nearby, observing the flow of the water and the quiet movement of the wind through the leaves. They'd been working so hard lately, prepping for shows and hunting so they could even afford those shows, that they all deserved this sweet little break. They could hang here and absorb nature a little longer.
Dice Rolled:
20-Sided Die
Rolled 2 times
Roll: 7/9
Extra Dice Roll: https://www.deviantart.com/darkheartedsorrows/art/Itona-Glimmer-Creek-Expedition-7-1073416013
Roll Result: 3 Your handler wanders alongside the creek but doesn't notice anything of interest
Wordcount: 107
Eventually, the ragtag crew had to get on the move again. Before her eyelids become heavy with the desire to nap, Hilda stretched and oozed off the most comfortable rock she was sure she'd ever find. All three hounds bounced up as if they had never been resting at all and took off down the bank, nipping at each other playfully. Hilda laughed at their antics and followed at a slower pace, keeping an eye out for anything shiny or interesting. She felt like she'd slacked a little so far, but even now that she was paying more attention she didn't seem to find anything of note.
Dice Rolled:
20-Sided Die
Rolled 2 times
Roll: 8/9
Extra Dice Roll: https://www.deviantart.com/darkheartedsorrows/art/Itona-Glimmer-Creek-Expedition-8-1073416002
Roll Result: 11 As your handler wanders along the creek they notice a small grouping of herbs. Receive an Azzaruan plant
Wordcount: 106
Hilda thought briefly about the panning demonstration that Roderick had given, but to be honest she didn't have much interest in the metal riches this place had to offer. She was much more interested in the kinds of plants and animals that could be found here, which is why when she found a strange little patch of herbs right on the edge of the bank, she stooped to examine them. They seemed pretty familiar, she was pretty sure she'd seen them elsewhere in Azzaru, but just im case she took a few samples, leaving plenty behind so as not to kill the whole patch of plants.
Dice Rolled:
20-Sided Die
Rolled 2 times
Roll: 9/9
Extra Dice Roll: https://www.deviantart.com/darkheartedsorrows/art/Itona-Glimmer-Creek-Expedition-9-1073415995
Roll Result: 2 Your Hound starts barking at something in the scrub, but your handler can't make anything out
Wordcount: 134
Pockets full of herbs and the berdir pelt hanging over her should, Hilda was feeling a little better anout her progress exploring Glimmer Creek. The creek began to narrow the farther they walked, until the hounds were only barely splashing their toes in the water. Just as she was about to turn around, Oak's hesd snapped up and he went tearing up the bank and through the shrubs. Hilda froze, listening to his baying until it faded and then finally quieted. Moments later, Oak came trudging back toward the creek with his head hung low.
"Aw, lose it, bud? That's okay, it's time for us to go anyways. Come on." She turned on her heel and began leading all three hounds back the way they came. Hopefully the other expeditioners had seen something cool.
Dice Rolled:
20-Sided Die
Rolled 2 times
###Expedition Report###
Total Rolls: 9
Total Word Count: 1001
Total art pieces: 10
Bonus Prompt: https://www.deviantart.com/darkheartedsorrows/art/1077982302
Duskrat Hunt Tag - https://itona.io/comment/587
Berdir Pelt - https://itona.io/comment/588
Azzaruan Plant - https://itona.io/comment/592
Hound Training from images
S-00040 Deep Sea - 5 x 10 = 50
S-00055 Oak - 6 x 10 = 60
K-00057 Fork - 5 x 10 = 50