Comments on [Glimmer Creek] - Hilda Weber in Azzaru Expeditions

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DarkHeartedSorrows Staff Member

Roll: 2/7
Extra Dice Roll:
Roll result: 14 -- Your Hound begins to lose interest, and starts to wander back to the creek.
Wordcount: 110 (again)

Hilda held back while Oak and Fork continued exploring the bank of the creek, watching Deep Sea over her shoulder. He huffed and snuffled, shoving his head deep inside a mangled shrub, until only his tall spiraling horns peeked through the top. He rustled around for a few minutes, but eventually emerged empty-handed and gave a mournful whine to Hilda. Obviously he'd thought he was on to something good.

"Come on," Hilda called, giving Deep Sea a good scratch when he approached. "Every smell can't be a winner. I'm sure we'll find something good farther down the creek." As though he understood, Deep Sea took off after Oak and Fork.

2024-07-10 17:06:39 (Edited 2024-07-10 17:11:10)