Comments on [Glimmer Creek] - Hilda Weber in Azzaru Expeditions

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Your handler hikes up the side of the valley, into some scrubby brush to investigate whatever the Hound is so interested in.

Roll -- Result
1 -- Your handler wanders around a bit, and comes across a small smeared foot print.
2 -- The scrub gets too thick to make any more progress.
3 -- Your handler nearly turns an ankle on a twisted root.
4 -- Event! -- A berdir bursts from the scrub, and begins to run. Submit a claim to follow!
5 -- Your Hound hovers over a hole in the valleyside. Perhaps a duskrat lives there ...
6 -- Your handler looks around, and notices a Duskrat Tail Feather.
7 -- Your Hound startles a duskrat from its hiding place. Receive a Duskrat Hunt Tag.
8 -- Your handler hikes around for a while, but doesn't find anything of interest.
9 -- Your Hound keeps rushing ahead, but you manage to call them back. Receive +5 training on this expedition.
10 -- Event! -- Under a scrubby tree your handler notices a little garden of herbs. Submit a claim to investigate.
11 -- Something runs through the brush, but your handler can't make it out.
12 -- Your handler spends several hours hiking around the valley, but eventually returns to the creek.
13 -- Your handler notices a tuft of fur caught on a bush, but isn't sure what left it there.
14 -- Your Hound begins to lose interest, and starts to wander back to the creek.
15 -- Your handler finds a good vantage point, but doesn't catch sight of anything interesting.
16 -- Your handler finds a nice tree and spends some time in its shade.
17 -- Event! -- As your handler creeps forward they catch sight of a melanistic berdir. Submit a claim to attempt to follow!
18 -- Your handler is suddenly face-to-face with a berdir, but it bolts away before anything can happen.
19 -- The feeling of begin watched never goes away, but your handler can't find the source.
20 -- Event -- Your handler hears a bark!?! And it wasn't their Hound. Submit a claim to investigate.

2024-07-10 15:52:29