Comments on [Glimmer Creek] Phaedra Amnell in Azzaru Expeditions

Ellanoire Avatar
Ellanoire Staff Member

Expedition Approval:

Primary Handler:
Bonuses: Brace Handler

Hounds: K-00028
Instincts: -
Bonuses: -

Hounds: K-00047
Instincts: -
Bonuses: -

Hounds: K-00059
Instincts: Biddable
Bonuses: -

2024-07-08 11:11:16

Ellanoire Avatar
Ellanoire Staff Member


Loot: - Ore - Azzaruan Plant - Ore - Azzaruan Plant - Ore

Bonus Prompt

Bonus Prompt Rewards
1x Expedition Rolls
3x Randomized Ore Rolls
1x Berdir Hunt Tag
Bramble tame attempt

2, 159 words + Non-Com + Handler = 10 training

2024-07-23 18:34:14 (Edited 2024-07-23 18:36:59)

Ellanoire Avatar
Ellanoire Staff Member

Phaedrae and her Hounds had hiked back to base camp after a long day of exploring along the creek. Her bag with filled with ore chunks, and a few plants. The Hounds' energy was used up. At least mostly. Tangie looked like she could head straight back out, but Interloper and Black Gold seemed fully tuckered out.

Base camp itself wasn't anything fancy. Some tarp tents near the steam carriages, some bedrolls, a cookfire. But at the moment is seemed like a haven after all the walking. Other explorers were still filtering in, just as the sun started to dip behind the valley walls. She suspected that night would come quickly. As the last few stragglers made their way into camp, and into line for food Roderick appeared out of his tent. It was easy to tell that it was his tent, it was significantly more luxurious than the rest of the camp.

The merchant positioned himself on a rock, and began addressing the group. "It's been quite a successful day. We've found two places of interested to scout - a runnel down the valley side and a cave. We'll spend half the day scouting those tomorrow before we head back. Also, it's been reported that there's a wild Hound in the vicinity, so please be aware."

Phaedra perked up at the new about a wild Hound. How curious! She knew that Hounds were native to the area, but she'd never actually heard of a wild one appearing before. Considering this news she gathered Tangie, Interloper and Black Gold and headed towards her bedroll. The Hounds settled near her for the night.


The next day dawned bright and clear. Phaedra's tent, which was mostly just a waxed tarp, didn't block much of the light. Her trio of Hounds danced around her as she got up. "Well Hounds, runnel or cave?" She waited a moment while Tangie barked and Interloper and Black Gold watcher her closely. "Cave, then?"

She grabbed her bag, and her Hounds were close to her heels. Tangie tried to rush ahead, as if she knew right where she was going. Occasionally one of the Hounds would pause and put their nose to the ground, and take a long sniff. Phaedra pondered if they had caught scent of the wild Hound. "You smelling a new friend, Hounds?" It would be exciting to even catch sight of a wild Hound ...

The group hiked for a couple of hours before the creek started to get steeper. Phaedrae carefully picked her way along the bank, not wanting to sprain an ankle. Her Hounds were quite eager, and frequently scented the air. Finally up ahead she could make out the cave entrance. If was like a dark maw on the side of the valley.

Phaedrae cut across the creek, taking care not to get her feet too wet. Her Hounds didn't bother, and splash right through. Tangie seemed to want to stop and play in the water, but followed Interloper and Black Gold within a few heart beats. Whatever was up ahead must have been of too great of interest.

The cave wasn't far from the creek. Phaedra wandered inside, and was immediately surprised with just how dark it was. "I think we should have brought a torch. But maybe we can find something to use outside?" She ducked back out, and nearly fell over. Standing just past the cave mouth, near the river, was a brindle Hound. No collar or leash marked the Hound as owned, and she looked extra wily.

Tangie gave a friendly bark, and bounded over the Hound. Interloper and Black Gold stayed near Phaedra, unsure of this new development. Tangie began sniffing the wild Hound, wagging her tail happily. The wild Hound sniffed her back enthusiastically. With the wild Hound occupied Phaedrae started fishing around in her satchel, hoping to find a treat to lure the Hound with. Her fingers brushed against a crumbled treat, and she pulled it out.

She carefully threw it towards the wild Hound, not wanting to spook her. The brindle Hound regarded the treat chunk with a moment of interest, before turning around and taking off. Phaedra let out a sigh. Of course it wouldn't be that easy. The brindle Hound was already into where the scrubby brush grew, and was growing harder to track by the second. Her stripey pattern seemed to be the perfect camouflage. "Well Hounds, what do you think? Think we can win her over?" Tangie spared a glance at her before taking the opportunity to eat the fallen treat.

2024-07-23 18:28:28

Ellanoire Avatar
Ellanoire Staff Member

Roll: 12/12
Extra Roll Art: -
Word Count: 112/1398

Result: Your handler's foot slip on a rock at the end of the creek and ends up ankle deep in the water.

Phaedra sat on the bank, enjoying the cool water. Her three Hounds splashed around a little bit up creek. Interloper attempted to bite the surface of the water, chasing a glimmer of the sun. Phaedra chuckled, watching their antics. It was a nice break after the walking.

While the expedition hadn't make them rich, it certainly had been interesting. The valley was quite beautiful. And so secluded. Perhaps eventually a vacation outpost would be built here, so more folks could enjoy it. Or maybe it would be best just left wild. She contemplated these options as her Hounds played. She was glad she wasn't the one who'd have to make that choice.

Loot: Ore, Azzaruan Plant, Ore, Azzaruan Plant, Ore

2024-07-14 15:13:33 (Edited 2024-07-14 15:13:52)

Ellanoire Avatar
Ellanoire Staff Member

Roll: 11/12
Extra Roll Art: -
Word Count: 110/1286

Result: Your Hound splashes happily into the creek.

As they made their way back towards base camp, the sun finally reached its peak. It was making everything hot. The ground, the rocks. Well, everything but the creek. Having made good time thus far, Phaedra decided it was a reasonable time to take a break. She clicked her tongue to catch the Hound's attention. "Time for a break, Hounds!"

She carefully removed her boots and set them to the side of the creek. Getting them soaked would make for an unpleasant walk back. Once she was sure they were secured and out of the way, she dipped her feet into the cool water. Her Hounds followed, enjoying the coolness.

Loot: Ore, Azzaruan Plant, Ore, Azzaruan Plant, Ore

2024-07-14 15:02:25 (Edited 2024-07-14 15:02:46)

Ellanoire Avatar
Ellanoire Staff Member

Roll: 10/10
Extra Roll Art: -
Word Count: 110/1176

Result: Your Hound and handler spend a few moments wading in the cool water of the creek.! You may take two additional exploration rolls.

Now that the Hounds were calmer, the little group was making good time. They walked and walked, and walked some more. But unlike earlier in the day there was no ore to be found. Phaedra considered if it was time to turn back. They'd walked a long way, and had possibly missed the source of the ore.

"Hounds? Ready to head back?" Ears perked, and heads turned. Interloper was the first to return to her side, followed by Black Gold and then Tangie. Phaedra turned around, and started to head back towards base camp. Maybe there would be a bit more ore for them to find on the way back.

Loot: Ore, Azzaruan Plant, Ore, Azzaruan Plant, Ore

2024-07-14 14:56:08 (Edited 2024-07-14 14:56:42)