Comments on [Glimmer Creek] Phaedra Amnell in Azzaru Expeditions

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Ellanoire Staff Member

Roll: 4/10
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Word Count: 116/497

Result: Your Hound plunged into the creek and returns with a chunk of Ore!

The trek down the side of the valley was a little harrowing. Phaedrae was thankful that none of the Hounds tried to pull on their leads on the way down. It would have ended poorly. After a lot of carefully watching where each foot and paw needed to be placed, the group made it back to the creek. After all, that's where they were meant to explore.

Interloper splashed right into the water, seeming to enjoy the coolness. Tangie quickly followed, but Black Gold remained firmly on the bank. As they made their way further up the creek, Phaedra noticed a distinctive grouping of plants. She bent and picked one, carefully stowing it in her pack.

Loot: Ore, Azzaruan plant, Ore

2024-07-13 21:59:29 (Edited 2024-07-13 22:07:14)