Your hound’s phenotype contains all of the information you will need to understand how to design it, including: Species, Coat, Ears, Tail, Eumelanin, Phaeomelanin, Pattern, and White Marking.
Before you begin designing, make sure to read through your hound’s genotype and review our Design Guides page, where you will find our design rules, hound import templates, and dedicated guides for every pattern.
Choosing the Right Template
Our templates are organized based on Species and Coat type. To find the right template, refer to your phenotype’s Species and Coat and download the Import file from the Itona Expeditions folder.
All additional trait variations, from Ears to Tails to Horns and beyond can be found in all template files. When you open the file, simply make the trait folders visible as needed, based on your phenotype’s specifications.
There are no visible anatomical differences in the Import templates for male and female hounds.
Choosing the Right Colours
Every hound has a Eumelanin colour and a Phaeomelanin colour, which can be found on your phenotype.
Both eumelanin and phaeomelanin colours must be picked from the official Itona Expedition swatches. When selecting phaeomelanin to complement your eumelanin you should select a swatch from the same or adjacent column in the provided grid of swatches.
Deciphering the Pattern
Every hound will have one or more patterns listed on their phenotype. To understand how to design each pattern, visit our dedicated Pattern Guides for information on their minimum and maximum ranges, as well as guidance on how they should look.
In our guides, visual representations of ranges for eumelanin colours are shown in shades of blue, while ranges for phaeomelanin colours are shown in shades of peach/brown.
If your hound has a listed white marking, the white must show above its pattern. Refer to the White Marking Guides to understand the designated ranges for each type of white marking. All hounds with no listed white markings may optionally have up to the maximum range of Vestigial White.
To finish, don’t forget to check the Eye, Horn & Detail Colours guide for guidance on the final touches of your hound’s design.