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44 Posts

07/06/2024 Edited 07/08/2024

Glimmer Creek Expedition

In order to play in this expedition you must have signed up here.

Glimmer Creek is located in a steep valley in the Silferfell Hills, north of Azzaru. The creek itself isn't particularly deep, but has been reported to be an excellent source of ore. The sides of the valley are covered with scrubby trees and shrubs, making the creek itself hard to spot initially.

Roderick Cogswell IV, who is interested in determining if the Creek is a steady source of ore, is leading the expedition. The group has spent the last 4 days on a steam carriage out of Azzaru. While at first they had a bit of a struggle finding the valley, the group has now arrived and can settle in. The base camp is located in the bottom of a valley, and is made up of a grouping of tents. It's not fancy, but thankfully the weather has been particularly nice

Once all the tents have been pitched one of Roderick's employee begins giving ore panning demonstrations, so everyone is ready to spot ore deposits. Once the demonstration is finished the group is turned loose in the valley to see what they can find.



- All rolls must be completed and submitted by 11:59pm July 15.
- You must make a thread for your handler to complete their exploration. It should be titled [Glimmer Creek] - Your Handler's Name.
- Link to your approved expedition submission in your first post, include your handler's bonuses, link to which Hound(s) they are bringing and any bonuses or instincts they have.
- Randomize between 1 and the total chart number for the expedition chart you are rolling on.
- If you include a minimum 100 words of writing with each roll you'll earn an extra loot expedition roll!
- Any item listed in bold on the roll charts is an item (or loot roll) that you will receive!
- You may choose to by pass Event! rolls on the chart. If you choose to not by pass the Event! roll submit a claim with a link to your Expedition thread and you will receive an updated roll chart, posted to your thread. Do not continue to roll until this update is posted!
- Once you've completed all of your rolls make a summary post that links to any items, training or penalties that your handler found.
- If you are not planning on completing the bonus prompt you can then submit the link to your summary post to the expedition prompt!
- If you choose to complete the bonus prompt submit a link to the bonus prompt and your summary post.

Initial Roll Chart

1 - Event!Your handler hikes up the creek, far out of sight of the base camp. They notice that more and more traces of ore can be seen on the creek bottom. Submit a claim to investigate!
2Your Hound starts barking at something in the scrub, but your handler can't make anything out.
3Your handler wanders alongside the creek but doesn't notice anything of interest.
4Your Hound plunged into the creek and returns with a chunk of Ore!
5Your Hound and handler spend a few moments wading in the cool water of the creek.! You may take two additional exploration rolls.
6Your handler tries to hike up the side of the valley, but it proves to be too steep.
7Your Hound splashes happily into the creek.
8Your handler notices a glimmer in the water! Receive an Ore!
9 Your handler hikes up the creek, but doesn't see anything that looks like ore.
10Your Hound hears something squeak, and runs after it. After a few moments they return. Receive a Duskrat Hunt Tag!
11As your handler wanders along the creek they notice a small grouping of herbs. Receive an Azzaruan plant
12Your Hound takes a long drink from the creek.
13 Your Hound vanishes into the scrub, and returns with a Berdir Pelt!
14 - Event! Your Hound alerts you to something in the scrubby brush. Submit a claim to investigate!
15Your handler find a perfectly smooth topped rock and stops for a break. They feel reinvigorated! You may take an additional roll for this expedition
16 Your handler spends some time looking at a rock in the creek, before determining it's just a nice looking stone.
17Your handler's foot slip on a rock at the end of the creek and ends up ankle deep in the water.
18 Your handler notices a Mature Candleweed growing near a rocky outcropping.
19Your handler hikes up the side of the valley, and finds a nice overlook.
20 - Event! Your handler stops to pan in the river, and notices something interesting as they wash away the silt ... Submit a claim to investigate further!

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