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39 Posts

06/16/2024 Edited 06/16/2024


Befriending rolls for Drift will take place in this thread. To learn more about Strays, check out the Strays Guide!

Players with Access
MoonRazor (#11771)

50-image.png - Duskrat Meat - 1 in 10

41-image.png - Fancy Hound Treats - 1 in 10
- Berdir Meat - 1 in 15

- Autumn Squash Hound Treats - 1 in 15

- Hound Treats - 1 in 15

- Trifin Eel Meat - 1 in 20

- Spooky Treat - 1 in 25

Other Bonuses
Affable - Removes 2 from total odds.


Roll for submission #1207

Hound Treats + Affable

1 in 13 befriends.

Rolled Between:
1 & 13

Result: 12


Roll for submission #1208

Hound Treats + Affable

1 in 13 befriends.

Rolled Between:
1 & 13

Result: 2


Roll for submission #1209

Hound Treats + Affable

1 in 13 befriends.

Rolled Between:
1 & 13

Result: 6


Roll for submission #1228

Hound Treats + Affable

1 in 13 befriends.

Rolled Between:
1 & 13

Result: 8

06/18/2024 Edited 06/18/2024

Roll for submission #1229

Hound Treats + Affable

1 in 13 befriends.

Rolled Between:
1 & 13

Result: 5


Roll for submission #1230

Hound Treats + Affable

1 in 13 befriends.

Rolled Between:
1 & 13

Result: 2


Roll for submission #1264

Duskrat Meat + Affable

1 in 8 befriends.

Rolled Between:
1 & 8

Result: 4


Roll for submission #1265

Hound Treats + Affable

1 in 13 befriends.

Rolled Between:
1 & 13

Result: 1