Comments on [Llynmere Lake] - Deidra in Ynnis Expeditions

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Your Hound and handler have hit a special event! You may choose to proceed with this special event or return to rolling on the above chart. Choosing to participate in this special event will cost 1 roll. If you choose to participate in this special event please submit a claim with a link to your completed response in order to receive the next roll chart.

The berdir leaps from the brush, right in front of Arri and Dee. If Dee allows Arri to go after the berdir it seems that the hunt will be guaranteed to be successful!

You may choose to complete a piece of art or literature that meet our hunting prompt requirements in response to this special event. You will receive a guaranteed successful berdir hunt with a boost to the rarity outcome of your rewards! All Hound and handler bonuses may be applied.

2022-08-06 17:28:11