Comments on [Llynmere Lake] - Naomi in Ynnis Expeditions

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12 - Your Hound brings your handler a nice piece of Parsage.

Extra roll 188
Judith and Naomi watched as the other group of scientists scattered to gather what they could, some even pulled out test tubes with a liquid in them and immediately dropped bits of plants in them.
It didnt take long for the pair to get restless and begin to shadow the botanist who organized the expedition watching closely at what she was doing. When Naomi felt confident enough she began to get her more of the parsage she could find trying to maintain a wide variety in her selection and placed them with the plants the botanist was gathering.
Naomi didn't know how long they spent gathering samples just that the group returned to the main camp well after dark. Many of her fellow handlers discussed how they wanted to stay up and research all that they could, but Naomi and Judith were ready for a good night's sleep, the past two days had been exhausting it didn't take long after they returned and had dinner that Naomi and her hound quietly slipped into their tent and the bedding they had packed and passed out for a good rest.

2022-08-05 16:13:04 (Edited 2022-08-05 19:09:09)