Comments on [Llynmere Lake] - Naomi in Ynnis Expeditions

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13 - Your handler plucks two pieces of Parsage

Extra roll 179 words
Judith trotted at the front of the group, surprising Naomi with the brisk walk instead of just full on run. The hound stopped every few minutes to glance back to the small group following her as if she were checking to ensure they were still following her before turning back to her proud trot.
Naomi stuck to the front of the group closest to her hound. She was glad for the afternoon light from the sun and finally had the chance to fully take in the forest surrounding them. She could see the lake off to her left still shocked by how close they were to everything but still felt so far the previous night.
When they reached the clearing Judith proudly pranced to the center of the small clearing and sat facing the group she had just lead there.
The Botanist gasped and said something so quickly and excitedly no one could understand what she said.
Naomi went to stand next to her hound giving Judith a pat on the head paired with a "you did good girl."

2022-08-05 16:12:10 (Edited 2022-08-05 19:01:38)