Comments on [Llynmere Lake] - Naomi in Ynnis Expeditions

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Bonus art:

Roll chosen 9 - Your handler sits on a nice smooth rock for a few moments. You may take one additional exploration rolls.

Extra roll 144 words
Naomi groaned as she stirred, she thought her tent would have blocked more of the sun in the morning and that she had brought enough bedding she would have been more comfortable and not as achey in the morning.
A cold nose fully brought the handler out of her sleepy confusion as Judith pounced on her. Shoving the hound off of her Naomi realized why everything was off. She was still in the clearing in the woods no where near the camp. She’s not even sure she could find her way back to the camp.
The smell of the parsage surrounding her had her squealing in delight that they had found the plants the botanist needed. If only she could remember what they said to do after they were located, did she need to take some back or only remember how she got here.

2022-08-05 13:09:10 (Edited 2022-08-05 13:23:07)