Comments on [Evermist Coast] Hilda Webber in Paet Expeditions

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DarkHeartedSorrows Staff Member

Roll: 7/9
Result: 7 Your hound catches sight of something in the shallows. Receive a Trifin Eel Hunt Tag.
Bonus Image:

As she was collecting kelp, Knife suddenly became attentive to the water. Hesitant to jump into the salty waves, he stood in the sand with his ears pricked and whined pitifully at the water. Hilda came up beside him to see what he found, and quickly realized he was alerting at a small group of Trifin Eels.

They were hunting minnows in the shallows, swimming around each other in mesmerizing ribbons of color. Most of the shoal looked to be juveniles, but there were a few plump adults scattered throughout. Maybe they could take just a short break to try to catch some dinner...

2024-09-22 07:31:15 (Edited 2024-09-22 07:55:57)