Naomi follows Judith into the deeper brush, and then suddenly the brush gives way to the clearing! The scent of parsage fills the air - this must be the exact place the botanist was looking for!
Roll -- Result
1 -- Your handler handler gathers as much Parsage as they can.
2 -- Your handler takes a moment to appreciate the pristine glade.
3 -- Your Hound seems determined to patrol the edges of the clearing.
4 -- Your Hound alerts you to the a piece of Brilliant Parsage.
5 -- Among the parsage your handler notices a few other plants growing, including Mature Candleweed.
6 -- Your Hound brings you a Duskrat Tail Feather.
7 -- Out in the deep woods your handler thinks they catch sight of something ...
8 -- Suddenly a berdir stick their head into the grove! Receive a Berdir Hunt Tag
9 -- Your handler sits on a nice smooth rock for a few moments. You may take one additional exploration rolls.
10 -- Your Hound stands over a patch of Silver Parsage.
11 -- Your Hound spends a few moments basking in the sun.
12 -- Your Hound brings your handler a nice piece of Parsage.
13 -- Your handler plucks two pieces of Parsage
14 -- Your handler notices and quickly harvests a nice piece of Silver Parsage.
15 -- Things in the grove are quiet and peaceful.
16 -- Your handler and Hound have a real bonding moment. +2 training to one Hound on this expedition.
17 -- Your handler notices some Brilliant Parsage growing nearby.
18 -- A nice breeze blows through the clearing.
19 -- Your handler gathers a piece looking piece of Parsage.
20 -- Your handler catches sight of a family of berdir just into the woods! Receive 3 Berdir Hunt Tag!
Admin Staff Member
Naomi follows Judith into the deeper brush, and then suddenly the brush gives way to the clearing! The scent of parsage fills the air - this must be the exact place the botanist was looking for!
Roll -- Result
1 -- Your handler handler gathers as much Parsage as they can.
2 -- Your handler takes a moment to appreciate the pristine glade.
3 -- Your Hound seems determined to patrol the edges of the clearing.
4 -- Your Hound alerts you to the a piece of Brilliant Parsage.
5 -- Among the parsage your handler notices a few other plants growing, including Mature Candleweed.
6 -- Your Hound brings you a Duskrat Tail Feather.
7 -- Out in the deep woods your handler thinks they catch sight of something ...
8 -- Suddenly a berdir stick their head into the grove! Receive a Berdir Hunt Tag
9 -- Your handler sits on a nice smooth rock for a few moments. You may take one additional exploration rolls.
10 -- Your Hound stands over a patch of Silver Parsage.
11 -- Your Hound spends a few moments basking in the sun.
12 -- Your Hound brings your handler a nice piece of Parsage.
13 -- Your handler plucks two pieces of Parsage
14 -- Your handler notices and quickly harvests a nice piece of Silver Parsage.
15 -- Things in the grove are quiet and peaceful.
16 -- Your handler and Hound have a real bonding moment. +2 training to one Hound on this expedition.
17 -- Your handler notices some Brilliant Parsage growing nearby.
18 -- A nice breeze blows through the clearing.
19 -- Your handler gathers a piece looking piece of Parsage.
20 -- Your handler catches sight of a family of berdir just into the woods! Receive 3 Berdir Hunt Tag!
2022-08-05 10:10:19
Feature Comment