Comments on [Evermist Coast] Hilda Webber in Paet Expeditions

DarkHeartedSorrows Avatar
DarkHeartedSorrows Staff Member

Expedition Approval:

Primary Handler:
Bonuses: Brace Handling

Hounds: K-00068: Knife

Bonuses: Advanced Obed

Hounds: S-00062: Mud


Roll Result
1 Your handler wanders along the beach with their hounds, but doesn’t notice anything of interest.
2 - Event! Your hound furiously sniffs the ground and races into the forest. Your handler chases after them to see what they’re on the trail of. Submit a claim to investigate!
3 Your handler walks along the edge of the beach and forest and notices something growing among the roots. Receive a Mistcloak Mushroom!
4 Your handler finds some pretty neat driftwood, and their hound carries it around for the rest of the afternoon.
5 Your handler takes off their shoes and dips their toes in the lapping waves. It’s cold, but reinvigorating. You may take two additional exploration rolls.
6 Life still finds a way to grow between the grey rocks covering the beach. Receive a Paet plant.
7 Your hound catches sight of something in the shallows. Receive a Trifin Eel Hunt Tag.
8 Your hound gets in a fight with the waves gently lapping into the shore. The waves seem to be winning.
9 Your handler stops to observe a tidal pool. There’s so much life here, but also a lot of kelp. Receive Crimped Kelp.
10 Your handler stops to examine something that looks like a footprint in the forest, but can’t find a trail.
11 Your handler notices something red growing on the edge of the forest. They investigate and find a Tonato.
12 - Event! While exploring the forest, you notice something rustling through the ferns. Submit a claim to investigate!
13 Your hound finds a smooth, round rock. It is briefly obsessed with the rock.
14 Your hound and handler take a break to splash together in the shallows.
15 Your handler discovers a tall bluff on one end of the beach. They try to find a way to the top, but it’s too far away.
16 Where there’s a beach, there’s kelp. Receive Crimped Kelp.
17 Your handler finds a tree with sturdy looking branches. They climb up to take a short rest. You may take two additional rolls for this expedition.
18 Your hound rolls around in the pine needles beneath the trees. It seems content to stay there for a while.
19 Your hound discovered something concerningly fuzzy on the beach. Receive a Berdir Pelt.
20 Your handler draws a picture of a hound in the sand. A masterpiece.

2024-09-19 05:24:03

DarkHeartedSorrows Avatar
DarkHeartedSorrows Staff Member

Roll #: 1/7
Roll Result: 17 Your handler finds a tree with sturdy looking branches. They climb up to take a short rest. You may take two additional rolls for this expedition
Bonus Image:

Hilda had to admit that she wasn't a fan of the weather she'd experienced on this journey so far. The farther they traveled, the more the mist and the drizzling rain seemed to cling to them like a haunting, refusing to let up or turn into the downpour she'd learned to expect from living in Ynnis. She wasn't sure if she'd be allowed to see the sun for the rest of this trip.

Neither Knife nor Mud seemed to mind. Now that the group had stopped for a rest, both hounds were running around the beach, spraying damp sand and nipping at each other's heels. They smelled wet, but then so did everyone else's hounds, so Hilda supposed it was fine. She rested in the branches of a sturdy looking tree and watched them be young, excited hounds in peace.

2024-09-21 11:35:10 (Edited 2024-09-22 07:39:06)