Comments on [Llynmere Lake] - Naomi in Ynnis Expeditions

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Roll chosen 12 - Your handler reaches a rise in the ground, but can't see much of anything because of all the trees.

Extra roll: 142 words
Naomi and Judith wandered around the woods they had found themselves lost in. Naomi had hoped the hound could help lead the pair back to camp, but every time she tries to ask Judith just stared blankly back tail wagging happily.

Naomi had noticed the incline after they had gone a good ways up it, her pace picked up hoping that she could get an idea of which direction they should head in to find their way back to camp. Naomi didn't enjoy their adventure off the path, anime Judith. Well Naomi want sure if Judith even knew where she was, but she was having fun.
Reaching the top of the hill Naomi tried to get a glimpse of camp but all she saw were trees.
"Really?" She groaned frustrated they had probably traveled even further away from camp for no reason

2022-08-02 23:43:48 (Edited 2022-08-02 23:58:45)