Comments on [Llynmere Lake] - Naomi in Ynnis Expeditions

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Your handler notices what looks to be a berdir track, heading deep into the woods, and simply must investigate. Very quickly the woods become incredibly thick ...

Roll -- Result
1 -- Your handler gets all turned around, but eventually ends up on the right path.
2 -- Just into the brush you catch sight of a berdir! Receive a Berdir Hunt Tag!
3 -- Your Hound sticks close to your handler's side, as if wary.
4 -- Your handler finds a break in the trees and makes good progress! You may take two additional exploration rolls.
5 -- Your handler notices a fresh berdir track, they must be on the right path!
6 -- Your Hound ventures out ahead, and spooks a berdir! Receive a Berdir Hunt Tag!
7 -- Your Hound sniffs at a patch of plants, and turns up a nice herb! Receive a Ynnisi plant.
8 -- All along the berdir track Parsage seems to be growing! Your handler stops to pick some.
9 -- Your handler finds a little creek, and spends a few moments sitting beside it. They feel refreshed. You may take one additional exploration rolls.
10 -- Event! -- A berdir breaks across your path!
11 -- The woods are peaceful and quiet. It's a nice day for a little hike.
12 -- Your handler reaches a rise in the ground, but can't see much of anything because of all the trees.
13 -- The berdir track is winding, and at times hard to pick out. Your handler does their best to stay the course.
14 -- The scent of herbs drifts in the air, leading your handler and Hound to a little herb patch! Receive a Ynnisi plant.
15 -- You handler is briefly convinced they've passed by the tree up ahead already ...
16 -- Your handler sees a trainable moment with your Hound, and really reinforces a point! +2 training to one Hound on this expedition.
17 -- It takes your handler and Hound(s) ages to make any forward progress, the woods are just so thick ...
18 -- Your handler just catches a glimpse of something deeper in the woods ...
19 -- Event! Your Hound guides your handler into thick brush, but up ahead it seems to lead to a clearing ...
20 -- Your handler catches sight of a family of berdir just off of the track! Receive 3 Berdir Hunt Tag!

2022-08-02 21:56:27