Comments on [Llynmere Lake] - Holland Ashdawn in Ynnis Expeditions

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Roll: 2 - Your Hound spots something out on a the lake - a duskrat! Receive a Duskrat Hunt Tag.
Sighing, Holland turned away from the brush and started heading back down the hill towards the lake. Axis looked agitated and was swimming furiously towards a floating log towards shore. She hurried down the hill to see what it was all about.

As she reached the lake once more she spotted what all the fuss was about. A duskrat! Aris had reached the floating log pile by the shore and was scrabbling around the slippery flotsam trying to get at the duskrat. If he got it, she hoped he wouldn't maul it like last time, she had barely been able to salvage the hide and it was virtually unsellable. At least the meat had been usable last time. - 118 WC

2022-08-02 11:28:38 (Edited 2022-08-02 11:35:52)