Comments on [Llynmere Lake] - Holland Ashdawn in Ynnis Expeditions

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For Bonus roll:
Roll: 17 - Just back from the lakeshore your Hound finds a piece of Silver Parsage!
Holland couldn't believe Axis had already made himself into a nuisance. Well, she could believe it, but she wished he would have at least waited a day. Lunch had gotten underway over by the cabin and as soon as she had stepped out of her tent to get her shoes on there went Axis, a pan of Tonato stew in his mouth. How had he not spilled all of it?!

After that debacle, they had gone to the lake where Axis proved his worth by finding some parsage. No one can deny Axis was excellent at finding rare parsage. This bunch happened to be the silver variety and Dr. Duvale was pleased with his find, softening her opinion of him after the stolen lunch incident, (it had been her pan of stew Axis had stolen after all). - 137 WC

2022-08-01 23:44:50 (Edited 2022-08-02 11:23:35)