Comments on [Llynmere Lake] Ollie in Ynnis Expeditions

MoonRazor Avatar
MoonRazor Staff Member

<u><a href="">Submission Link</a></u>

<b>Primary Handler:</b> <u><a href="">Ollie</a></u>
<b>Bonuses:</b> Basic Hound Handling

<b>Hounds:</b> <u><a href="">S-00006</a></u>
<b>Instinct:</b> Independent
<b>Bonuses:</b> Advanced Obedience

2022-08-01 21:38:02 (Edited 2022-08-05 21:28:13)

MoonRazor Avatar
MoonRazor Staff Member

Items Found:
Berdir Hunt Tag (Roll 4
Ynnisi plant (Roll 6
Pieces of Trash (Roll 8
Hairy Pellet (Roll 10

Total WC
(100+ for each roll)

Extra Dice Art:

Bonus Prompt

Bonuses Prompt Rewards
1x Expedition Rolls
1x Randomized Parsage Roll
1x Randomized Hunt Tag

2022-08-05 21:20:37 (Edited 2022-08-09 21:59:04)

MoonRazor Avatar
MoonRazor Staff Member

Roll: 11/11
Extra Die:

Items Found:
Berdir Hunt Tag (Roll 4
Ynnisi plant (Roll 6
Pieces of Trash (Roll 8
Hairy Pellet (Roll 10

Chosen Roll:
6 -- Your handler finds a little creek in the woods.

Having caused quite a stir in the camp, Ollie was more than happy to lead the other expeditioners back to the site of his discovery. There was an unmistakable thrum of energy, driven by the revelation of something so new and unexpected. It energized him. After leaving some of the others by the tracks, he and Landfall continued their own search, hoping to find another glimpse of whatever they had discovered.

But the rest of their search proved uneventful, perhaps even a little fruitless. After the initial high of discovering those strange footprints, it was hard not to feel a little disappointed. Harder still to admit that they weren't going to find more hints as to this creature's whereabouts. But searching was hard work, and they had been out all day, going at full steam.

"Come on, Landfall, we've been out a good long while," Ollie said, peering at the sun. Its warmth was starting to fade as well, now that it was getting ever closer to the horizon, and he didn't fancy a trek back to camp in the dark and possible chill once it was gone. "We made some great discoveries today. We'll have to keep an eye out for more opportunities like this."

2022-08-05 21:17:11 (Edited 2022-08-09 21:39:49)

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Admin Staff Member

Ollie's discovery causes quite a stir among those who are still at the base camp. No one is exactly sure where the pellet has come from, but there's lots of excited chatter and whispers. Ollie ends up leading several expedition members out to where the pellet was found.

Roll -- Result
1 -- Your Hound bounds ahead, and returns with a piece of Parsage!
2 -- Just into the brush you catch sight of a berdir! Receive a Berdir Hunt Tag!
3 -- Your handler catches sight of another foot print! They feel energized to keep on tracking! You may take two additional exploration rolls.
4 -- Your Hound darts into the woods, but returns shortly.
5 -- Your handler find what appears to be a cave, but chooses not to go in.
6 -- Your handler finds a little creek in the woods.
7 -- Your Hound sniffs at a patch of plants, and turns up a nice herb! Receive a Ynnisi plant.
8 -- Event! -- Your handler finds a huge plume feather ... They'd better show it to one of the other expeditioners ...
9 -- Event! -- Deeper in the woods your handler catches sight of something huge, and goes to alert one of the near by expeditioners ...
10 -- Event! -- A berdir breaks across your path!
11 -- Birds trill in the trees above your handler, and a few break into flight.
12 -- Your Hound goes to dash off, but your handler successfully calls them back. +2 training to on Hound on this expedition.
13 -- Your handler and Hound(s) climb to the top of a rocky ridge, but can't see much beside more trees.
14 -- Your Hound proudly returns with the remains of a mauled duskrat pelt.
15 -- Your handler notices some bones near the trunk of a tree.
16 -- Your handler and Hound(s) carefully navigate between some brambles.
17 -- Your handler finds a shady place to take a quick break. You may take an additional roll for this expedition.
18 -- Your Hound begins barking at something further into the woods ...
19 -- Your handler and Hound(s) end up at the base of a huge tree. They notice an interesting grouping of herbs. Receive a Ynnisi plant.
20 -- Your handler and Hound(s) wander through the woods.

2022-08-05 09:27:52

MoonRazor Avatar
MoonRazor Staff Member

Roll: 10/11
Extra Die:

Items Found:
Berdir Hunt Tag (Roll 4
Ynnisi plant (Roll 6
Pieces of Trash (Roll 8
Hairy Pellet (Roll 10

Chosen Roll:
9 -- Event! -- Your handler finds a strange hairy pellet on the ground, at the base of a huge tree. ... They'd better take it back to the cabin and see if anyone can identify it ...

Feeling a little like he was doing something potentially quite stupid, Ollie rose to follow the tracks, heading away from the lake and into the woods. Landfall seemed unusually subdued and careful as she followed dutifully behind him, pausing to sniff once in a while as they tracked the footprints.

"Hey, look at this," Ollie said eventually, dropping down to pick up what looked like pellets, with bits of fur clinging to them. "This looks like... it was once upon a time part of an animal." He showed the item to Landfall, who peered at it curiously.

"Come on, maybe someone knows what this is."

2022-08-04 06:25:45 (Edited 2022-08-04 06:28:52)

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Admin Staff Member

The large print seems to be headed away from the lake, and into the woods. Your handler chooses to head in that direction.

Roll -- Result
1 -- Your Hound bounds ahead, and returns with a piece of Parsage!
2 -- Just into the brush you catch sight of a berdir! Receive a Berdir Hunt Tag!
3 -- Your handler catches sight of another foot print! They feel energized to keep on tracking! You may take two additional exploration rolls.
4 -- Your Hound darts into the woods, but returns shortly.
5 -- Your handler find what appears to be a cave, but chooses not to go in.
6 -- Your handler finds a little creek in the woods.
7 -- Your Hound sniffs at a patch of plants, and turns up a nice herb! Receive a Ynnisi plant.
8 -- Event! -- Your handler finds a huge plume feather ... They'd better take it back to the cabin and see if anyone can identify it ...
9 -- Event! -- Your handler finds a strange hairy pellet on the ground, at the base of a huge tree. ... They'd better take it back to the cabin and see if anyone can identify it ...
10 -- Event! -- A berdir breaks across your path!
11 -- Birds trill in the trees above your handler, and a few break into flight.
12 -- Your Hound goes to dash off, but your handler successfully calls them back. +2 training to on Hound on this expedition.
13 -- Your handler and Hound(s) climb to the top of a rocky ridge, but can't see much beside more trees.
14 -- Your Hound proudly returns with the remains of a mauled duskrat pelt.
15 -- Your handler notices some bones near the trunk of a tree.
16 -- Your handler and Hound(s) carefully navigate between some brambles.
17 -- Your handler finds a shady place to take a quick break. You may take an additional roll for this expedition.
18 -- Your Hound begins barking at something further into the woods ...
19 -- Your handler and Hound(s) end up at the base of a huge tree. They notice an interesting grouping of herbs. Receive a Ynnisi plant.
20 -- Your handler and Hound(s) wander through the woods.

2022-08-02 12:19:30