
<a href=" Splashed Trifin Eel Pelt" class="display-item">Mauled Splashed Trifin Eel Pelt</a>

Mauled Splashed Trifin Eel Pelt

Category: Materials

Rarity: 3

Artist: Sullyhound

Resale Value: 4 Cogs

Well, that sure looked better in the water. 

<a href=" Trifin Eel Pelt" class="display-item">Splashed Trifin Eel Pelt</a>

Splashed Trifin Eel Pelt

Category: Materials

Rarity: 4

Artist: Sullyhound

Resale Value: 6 Cogs

That's pretty flashy for an eel.

<a href=" Splashed Trifin Eel Pelt" class="display-item">Exquisite Splashed Trifin Eel Pelt</a>

Exquisite Splashed Trifin Eel Pelt

Category: Materials

Rarity: 5

Artist: Sullyhound

Resale Value: 11 Cogs

One awfully nice eel pelt.

3 results found.