
<a href=" Crate" class="display-item">Paet Crate</a>

Paet Crate

Category: Special

Rarity: 6

Artist: Sullyhound

Resale Value: 25 Cogs


A crate loaded in Paet, destined for another city. 

This crate can either be opened for Paet related loot, sold or taken to the merchants' guild in another city for a larger reward

<a href=" Paet Crate" class="display-item">Luxurious Paet Crate</a>

Luxurious Paet Crate

Category: Special

Rarity: 8

Artist: Sullyhound

Resale Value: 400 Cogs

<a href=" Paet Crate" class="display-item">Abandoned Paet Crate</a>

Abandoned Paet Crate

Category: Special

Rarity: 4

Artist: Sullyhound

Resale Value: 10 Cogs


A crate loaded in Paet, destined for another city. 

This crate can either be opened for Paet related loot, sold or taken to the merchants' guild in another city for a larger reward

3 results found.