Abandoned Azzaru Crate
A crate loaded in Azzaru, destined for another city.
This crate can either be opened for Azzaru related loot, sold or taken to the merchants' guild in another city for a larger reward.
Abandoned Paet Crate
A crate loaded in Paet, destined for another city.
This crate can either be opened for Paet related loot, sold or taken to the merchants' guild in another city for a larger reward
Foundling Pup
A sweet little pup in need of a home!
Uses: Submit this pup to the Foundling Pup prompt stating which city your handler is in and receive a Hound phenotype back.
Duskrat Hunt Tag
This tag allows you to go on one Duskrat hunt.
Accessory Token
This token allows you apply an accessory to a Hound that you own. Accessorries may cover up to 25% of a Hound. Up to 2 Accessory Tokens may be applied to a Hound at a time. See the Accessory Guide for more details!
To use this item select "Update Design" from the settings menu on a Hound. Attach this item in the "Add Ons" section. Proceed as though you were submitting a new phenotype!
Purchaseable At:
Designer Token
Submit a claim with this item attached and a phenotype that you own linked to have one of our staff designers design the phenotype for you! General requests are welcome (eg. max white, minimum sable, etc.)
Dye Token
This token allows you apply a dye to a Hound that you own. Dyes may cover up to 25% of a Hound with one colour. Hounds may have up to 50% total dye coverage. See the Dye Guide for more details!
To use this item select "Update Design" from the settings menu on a Hound. Attach this item in the "Add Ons" section. Proceed as though you were submitting a new phenotype!
Purchaseable At:
Expression Token
This token allows you apply custom expressions to a Hound that you own. Expressions may alter up to 25% of a Hound. One Expression Token may be applied to a Hound at a time. See the Expression Guide for more details!
To use this item select "Update Design" from the settings menu on a Hound. Attach this item in the "Add Ons" section. Proceed as though you were submitting a new phenotype!
Purchaseable At: