
<a href=" Azzaru Crate" class="display-item">Abandoned Azzaru Crate</a>

Abandoned Azzaru Crate

Category: Special

Rarity: 4

Artist: Sullyhound

Resale Value: 10 Cogs


A crate loaded in Azzaru, destined for another city. 

This crate can either be opened for Azzaru related loot, sold or taken to the merchants' guild in another city for a larger reward.

<a href=" Paet Crate" class="display-item">Abandoned Paet Crate</a>

Abandoned Paet Crate

Category: Special

Rarity: 4

Artist: Sullyhound

Resale Value: 10 Cogs


A crate loaded in Paet, destined for another city. 

This crate can either be opened for Paet related loot, sold or taken to the merchants' guild in another city for a larger reward

<a href=" Expedition Ticket" class="display-item">Ultimate Expedition Ticket</a>

Ultimate Expedition Ticket

Category: Special

Artist: Sullyhound

<a href=" Off Coupon" class="display-item">25% Off Coupon</a>

25% Off Coupon

Category: Special

Artist: Sullyhound

<a href=" Off Coupon" class="display-item">50% Off Coupon</a>

50% Off Coupon

Category: Special

Artist: Sullyhound

<a href=" Pup" class="display-item">Foundling Pup</a>

Foundling Pup

Category: Special

Artist: Sullyhound

A sweet little pup in need of a home!

Uses: Submit this pup to the Foundling Pup prompt stating which city your handler is in and receive a Hound phenotype back.

<a href=" Hunt Tag" class="display-item">Berdir Hunt Tag</a>

Berdir Hunt Tag

Category: Special

Artist: Sullyhound

This tag allows you to go on one Berdir hunt. 

<a href=" Eel Hunt Tag" class="display-item">Trifin Eel Hunt Tag</a>

Trifin Eel Hunt Tag

Category: Special

This tag allows you to go on one Trifin Eel hunt. 

<a href=" Hunt Tag" class="display-item">Duskrat Hunt Tag</a>

Duskrat Hunt Tag

Category: Special

Artist: Sullyhound

This tag allows you to go on one Duskrat hunt. 

<a href=" Passport Page" class="display-item">Ynnis Passport Page</a>

Ynnis Passport Page

Category: Special

Artist: Sullyhound

<a href=" Passport Page" class="display-item">Azzaru Passport Page</a>

Azzaru Passport Page

Category: Special

Artist: Sullyhound

<a href=" Token" class="display-item">Accessory Token</a>

Accessory Token

Category: Special

Artist: Sullyhound

This token allows you apply an accessory to a Hound that you own. Accessorries may cover up to 25% of a Hound. Up to 2 Accessory Tokens may be applied to a Hound at a time. See the Accessory Guide for more details!

To use this item select "Update Design" from the settings menu on a Hound. Attach this item in the "Add Ons" section. Proceed as though you were submitting a new phenotype!

<a href=" Token" class="display-item">Designer Token</a>

Designer Token

Category: Special

Artist: Sullyhound

Submit a claim with this item attached and a phenotype that you own linked to have one of our staff designers design the phenotype for you! General requests are welcome (eg. max white, minimum sable, etc.)

<a href=" Token" class="display-item">Dye Token</a>

Dye Token

Category: Special

Artist: Sullyhound

This token allows you apply a dye to a Hound that you own. Dyes may cover up to 25% of a Hound with one colour. Hounds may have up to 50% total dye coverage. See the Dye Guide for more details!

To use this item select "Update Design" from the settings menu on a Hound. Attach this item in the "Add Ons" section. Proceed as though you were submitting a new phenotype!


Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Token" class="display-item">Expression Token</a>

Expression Token

Category: Special

Artist: Sullyhound

This token allows you apply custom expressions to a Hound that you own. Expressions may alter up to 25% of a Hound. One Expression Token may be applied to a Hound at a time. See the Expression Guide for more details!

To use this item select "Update Design" from the settings menu on a Hound. Attach this item in the "Add Ons" section. Proceed as though you were submitting a new phenotype!


Purchaseable At:

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