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07/02/2022 Edited 07/02/2022

Kiki was sleeping soundly, getting the first good night's sleep she had in a while. the sip rocking back and forth had not made for a good sleeping situation for one as prone to motion sickness as she was. She had spent nearly the whole trip retching over the side of the boat and getting pitiful looks from those around her. Now being on solid land and having an actual bed to sleep on she was in heaven. "BARK" a loud noise echoed in her dreams and she shot straight up eyes widened and heart pounding in her chest. Once her eyes landed on a set of amber eyes peeking through her doorway she was able to steady her breathing and calm her heart rate. "Jeez, Hel. You scared the shit out of me. What time is it?" She turned to look at the window to see the sun barely dancing on the horizon. "No way! It's way too early and this is the first good sleep I've gotten in who knows how long. I am not letting you ruin this for me go back to sleep!" She called out before flopping back over and pulling the covers up over her head.

Hel's morning started off slow. She woke up and stretched deeply. Swinging her head from side to side to take in her surroundings. She was once again in this strange house with this girl she had known for a few days. Being a merchant hound she was used to rising early with her pack and this girl always seemed to want to sleep the day away. Not today Hel decided, after pacing a bit and thinking about the best way to get the girl out of bed Hel poked her nose in the crack of the door opening it just wide enough to stick her head in. "BARK" she let out on loud bark knowing it was powerful enough to wake the sleeping girl . Sure enough, the frail figure shot up in bed making eye contact with her. 'Success!' Hel thought to herself before the girl began her tirade of complaining just to flop back over.

Frustrated Hel paced around a bit before another idea crossed her mind. She went over near the door to outside and grabbed the red rope that the girl used to put on Hel when they were out and about in the city. It was probably a good thing after all the girl was new, and if she didn't have Hel there to guide her around and stay close by she would probably get lost. With the rope retrieved Hel padded back over to the room where the girl was asleep, shoved the door open, and walked over to the figure in the bed. She grabbed the corner of the blanket with her teeth and yanked quickly ripping the blankets off and exposing the girl. she then began to nudge the girl with the rope in her mouth.

Kiki was nearly back asleep, warm and snuggled up in her cocoon of blankets. Her mind began to drift off once again about hound training and her establishing the perfect line. When all of a sudden the warmth was ripped away from her as the blanket was completely pulled off. "What the hell Hel!" She screeched rolling over to be face to face with the large shadow of a hound. "What is your problem today?" she asked before her eyes fell on the red leash in Hel's mouth. "ahh" she grumbled. "You need to go for a walk? Your probably hungry." As soon as the w-word left her mouth Hel began to prance and howl joyously. It made Kiki roll her eyes but nonetheless, she obliged and shoved herself up forcing herself to get out of bed and pull some clothes on. She then took the leash from Hel's mouth and took the loop placing it around Hel's neck before she slipped her shoes on and was practically pulled out the door.

"We're going to have to work on your leash manners young lady" she chastised the hound. Once they were out of the house though, Hel did fall in step with Kiki and the two of them began their walk. "So where to?" Kiki glanced over at Hel. She had learned on their first day that Hel was a stubborn hound and she would go exactly where she wanted to go and nowhere else. The hound always seem to have something on her mind and a destination to go to it was always exciting and every day Hel took her somewhere new.

Today was no different, as soon as they were outside and the question was asked Hel began to trot down the street every once in a while checking that the Girl was keeping up. She always had to slow herself down so much when walking with the girl but that was okay. The sightseeing was quite nice. The buildings here were lovely and rose up on both sides of the street. the girl would stop every once in a while to look at them and Hel would wait patiently sniffing around the ground while she waited. It wasn't long before Hel felt the grumble of her stomach and heard the same from the girl walking next to her. This gave her a perfect idea of what to show the girl today. She put her nose high in the air and took a big whiff. She then swiveled her head and changed directions heading perpendicular toward the smell.

Kiki was still pretty drowsy and tired as she followed Hel's lead. Takes a break every so often to let Hel sniff her surroundings. She didn't mind standing and waiting since her legs were not as awake as her mind. Her stomach began to growl and she was reminded that she had not eaten nor fed breakfast this morning. 'Perhaps we should start heading back' she thought to herself before Hel lifted her head and took an abrupt turn and started walking once more. Since Hel wasn't showing signs of hunger yet Kiki decided to simply follow. It didn't take her long before the docks began to come into view. "Where are you taking me Hel?" she asked. As they walked the smell of fish began to grow stronger in the air.

Hel followed the smell of the fish leading the girl to a fish stand where a man stood cutting a prepping the haul that he must have just brought in. There was nothing better in this coastal town than fish fresh off the boat. Even the thought of it made Hel's mouth water. There it was all laid out and waiting for her. Hel looked impatiently at the girl and when she didn't seem to be getting the hint she began to whine trying to draw the girl closer to the fish market stand.

With Hel whining next to her Kiki looked down confused. She then looked back up at the fish being prepped. "You want some breakfast too huh Hel?" with that Hel's tail began wagging so fast it sounded like a drum hitting the floor. "This fish isn't ready yet, lets's go to that breakfast place we went to the other day... oh what was it called again?" As those words left her m outh Hel grunted but stood up and started walking back into the city. "Don't get me wrong Hel fresh fish is good enough for you but we humans... need a little more than that." Hel didn't look back up as she padded next to Kiki leading her down a familiar road. Once she reached the bakery that they had visited the day Kiki got Hel her mouth began to water at the smell of freshly baked break, muffins and doughnuts filled the air. "I'll take one blueberry muffin and one hound scone." She asked the lady sitting at the booth. Once her food was handed over to her she immediately gave the scone to Hel and began nibbling on her muffin. After her muffin was finished she turned to Hel who had been done eating nearly as soon as she had gotten the biscuit. "Alright we ate, and we went for a walk. Let's go home now. I can hear my bed calling me." she let out a giggle thinking about it. Hel on the other hand let out an annoyed huff but she began to walk the path back home.

Hel was not happy that the girl had not gotten her any fresh fish. What was the purpose of having a human if they couldn't at least give her that? She had to admit the hound scone was good she practically inhaled it not realizing how hungry she had been. Hel nearly rolled her eyes at the girl when she laughed. This walk was not nearly long enough and already the girl wanted to be done. However, Hel knew that there was no way the girl would find her way home without her so even though she wanted to stay out longer she reluctantly began to lead the girl back home. 'perhaps' she thought 'i can get her to take another further walk later' there was still a good amount that the girl had yet to be shown.

When the two were in the home stretch Kiki wanted to sprint, the sun was nearly up and the birds were singing she knew the city would start to come alive soon and if she was not asleep by the time that everyone was up it would be way harder for her to fall asleep. She had no time to doddle however Hel kept her steady pace next to her and Kiki really didn't feel like getting the hound riled up by starting to run. Kiki told herself that she would need to go for a long walk later. Maybe Hel would cooperate and finally let her take the two somewhere. After all, they had walked through the city enough that Kiki was beginning to piece her mental map together. She was positive she could get to a couple of local things now without getting too turned around. They had yet to visit the beach or much in the way of out of the city at all. She looked down at Hel. "Tell you what you be a good girl and let me get some sleep and we can go down to the beach later. I bet you would like that. I wonder if you will get into the water?" she rambled on thinking of Hel all wet and sandy. She hadn't had to give Hel a bath yet perhaps that was not the best idea. She did know if she wanted Hel to be a good show dog she would need to get used to being groomed.

They reached the front of the place they were staying and kiki pushed the door open wide quickly closing it behind her and making a b-line straight to the bedroom. She crawled back in bed picked up her blanket Hel had so unceremoniously tossed aside and pulled it back over her head. "Be a good girl and take a nap Hel" she called before finally drifting back off to sleep.

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