Dice roll art: https://itona.io/gallery/view/915
Chosen roll: 5 - Your Hound and handler spend a few moments wading in the cool water of the creek.! You may take two additional exploration rolls.
The handler and trio of hounds make their way away from the larger group of people and hounds on the expedition. Naomi wasn't certain she knew what she was doing after the quick panning demonstration, but she does know the three girls she brought along would get in everyone else's way. Judith happily trotted along in front of the other three members of her group, not sure where she was going but she would know when she got there. Menace and Coffea trailed along a little behind their human taking moments to have quick 5 second wrestling matches that always ended too early for there to be a winner. After a bit Naomi called her three hounds to a stop when she spotted an odd spot in the creek and announced to herself, "let's start here."
WC - 136
Total rolls: 1/9(7+2)
Dice Rolled:
20-Sided Die
Rolled 2 times
Dice roll art: https://itona.io/gallery/view/916
Chosen roll: 7 - Your Hound splashes happily into the creek.
Coffea and Menace pause for a moment staring at the water their human took an interest in before both diving in separate directions pouncing on different ripples they had spotted. Naomi let out a sigh and nodded to her self, "you two aren't the brightest of the bunch but at least you're entertaining, right Judith?"
Judith blinked at her handler then went to join the two younger hounds at chasing anything that caught her interest.
Naomi laughed to herself as she watched her not very helpful trio before trying her hand at panning for the ore she thought she had spotted.
Wc- 101
Total rolls: 2/9
Dice Rolled:
20-Sided Die
Rolled 2 times
Dice roll art: https://itona.io/gallery/view/917
Chosen roll: 20 - Event! Your handler stops to pan in the river, and notices something interesting as they wash away the silt ... Submit a claim to investigate further!
Naomi failed the first few panning attempts she made but this one seemed like she was having some luck. As she washed away the silt she let out an excited "Oh!" And that was her biggest mistake.
All three of her hounds ears perked up, something more exciting than chasing waves was happening. Judith was the first one to move and bounded to her handlers side her full body wiggling in glee. Coffea and Menace couldn't stand the thought of being left out and went to join the other two. Unable to contain themselves the two younger hounds barrelled into their handler and Judith knocking them over causing Naomi to drop the pan ruining her attempt
WC - 116
Total rolls: 3/9
Dice Rolled:
20-Sided Die
Rolled 2 times
As the silt starts to wash away your handler notices ...
Roll -- Result
1 -- What ends up just being a shiny rock. Bummer.
2 -- A piece of Broken Glass Bottle. Careful not to get cut!
3 -- A piece of Dark Ore that glimmers slightly.
4 -- Something in the creek, but your Hound bounds off, distracting you.
5 -- A bright piece of Silvery Ore, that is a good size.
6 -- A beautiful Glittering Ore Chunk!
7 -- A Berdir Hunt Tag?!? How did that end up here?
8 -- A Duskrat Hunt Tag?!? Someone must have dropped it earlier ...
9 -- A dark vein in the lower silt. Maybe there's more ore upstream?
10 -- Event! -- A crystal. Your handler will need help identifying this! Submit a claim to learn about the results.
11 -- A little fish in the creek. But that's about all.
12 -- Your Hounds starting to grow restless. Time to move on.
13 -- Event -- That they feel like they are being watched from the valley sides ... Submit a claim to attempt to investigate.
14 -- A bone. Ew?
15 -- Your Hounds start to drift away. You call them back. Receive +2 training for this expedition.
16 -- Just a collection of tiny rocks.
17 -- An old bent Discarded Nail.
18 -- A single lost cog. A cog ... found is a cog earned?
19 -- A lost cog pouch! Score!
20 -- Event -- A glimmering trail of ore in your pan, that seems to be even stronger up the creek. Submit a claim to investigate.
Dice roll art: https://itona.io/gallery/view/918
Chosen dice roll: 20 -- Event -- A glimmering trail of ore in your pan, that seems to be even stronger up the creek. Submit a claim to investigate.
Menace is truly living up to her name, Naomi sits in the creek now empty handed surrounded by the smell of her wet hounds. Coffea was the first to pop up and return to her fun playing in the creek once she found her handlers excitement not one that she wanted to share and Menace soon joined her. Judith decided her human needed some assistance with the water dripping off of her nose and leaned forward giving Naomi a lick.
Naomi took a deep breath gathering her emotions and pushed herself back to her feet. "Let's try again I guess" Judith gave an encouraging tip that brought the two younger ones back to their handlers side.
To all of their surprise the pan still contained the silt and the whole commotion cleared it up even better than before. The ore sparkled an odd hue that Naomi and her three hounds had spotted trailing further in the creek than where they stopped. Naomi gave a nod to herself before deciding to take the hounds further down the creek
WC - 177
Total rolls: 4/9
Dice Rolled:
20-Sided Die
Rolled 2 times
Little bits of ore remain in the pan, but your handler now has a clear line of sight to where it all seems to be coming from. Up ahead a little runnel of water is flowing into the creek from the side of the valley. And each step your handler takes to get closer to it, the ore gets more and more dense! Your handler investigates the runnel.
Roll -- Result
1 -- No large ore chunks are apparently, but loads of little bits are getting washed down to the creek.
2 -- Three pieces of Dark Ore can be found right where the runnel and the creek meet.
3 -- Three pieces of Silvery Ore can be found right where the runnel and the creek meet.
4 -- Three pieces of Glittering Ore can be found right where the runnel and the creek meet.
5 -- Event! -- A crystal is wedged under a rock, but your handler manages to pull it free. Your handler will need help identifying this! Submit a claim to learn about the results.
6 -- As your handler looks around, it's clear this is the place that Roderick has been meaning to find. Your handler will have to let them know when you head back to base camp.
7 -- As your handler gets closer and closer to the runnel they begin to notice a cog here and there, on the creek bed. Receive a random amount of cogs.
8 -- Your handler hikes up the valley slope, next to the runnel, but doesn't see much of interest.
9 -- Your handler nearly turns their ankle as they try to investigate the runnel.
10 -- Event! -- Something much higher up on the valley slope splashes into the runnel. Submit a claim to investigate.
11 -- Your handler discovers a large grouping of Ore Chunks. Jack pot!
12 -- Your handler discovers a small grouping of Ore Chunks.
13 -- Your handler gets distracted by an interesting bird in the distance.
14 -- As your handler walks near the runnel they catch sight of a Berdir. Receive a Berdir Hunt Tag.
15 -- As your handler hikes up the slope they take a moment to enjoy the view of the valley.
16 -- Your handler has a good look at the runnel, and is quite sure it's carrying at least some of the ore into the creek below.
17 -- After walking around for a while, your handler takes a few moments to soak their feet in the creek.
18 -- Event! -- Your Hounds are very interested in a patch of trees near the runnel. Submit a claim to investigate.
19 -- As your handler walks along side the runnel they find a nice shady tree to rest under.
20 -- The further you handler hikes, the deeper the runnel seems to cut into the slope. Eventually, your handler has to turn back.
Dice roll art: https://itona.io/gallery/view/932
Chosen roll: 10 - Event! -- Something much higher up on the valley slope splashes into the runnel. Submit a claim to investigate.
Naomi and her three hounds make their way further down the creek towards the extra glitter spots they had spotted earlier. Judith followed her handler dutifully while Menace and Coffea pushed their boundaries. The two younger pups would wander ahead of the group or off into the shrubbery along the creek but luckily would return when called if they went out of sight.
As the group approached the spot that caught Naomi's eye menace splashed about chasing a small fish in the creek and bounded off in a run off not responding to any calls now. Judith a coffea hesitated for a moment but couldn't resist their urge to chase Menace and soon followed her. Naomi sighed accepting she'd have to abandon her original mission.
WC: 128
Total rolls: 5/9
Dice Rolled:
20-Sided Die
Rolled 2 times
Your handler looks up and catches sight of a Hound. Unlike strays that can sometimes be spotted in the city, this Hound seems entirely wild. The Hound bolts back into the tree cover, but your handler may be able to find them again later ...
After the expedition concludes you will have a chance to attempt taming this wild Hound.
Dice roll art: https://itona.io/gallery/view/933
Chosen roll: 20 - Event! Your handler stops to pan in the river, and notices something interesting as they wash away the silt ... Submit a claim to investigate further!
Menace, Coffea, and Judith stood in a small clearing staring at a rustling bush. Naomi finally catches up with her delinquent hounds in time for a fourth unknown hounds head to pop out of the brush before disappearing again. There was more rustling in the bush but it sounded as if the mystery hound ventured away from the clearing. Naomi and her three hounds were frozen for a moment in shock, the hounds at the thought of a new potential friend and Naomi shocked that her trio didn't run off to join the mystery friend. "Come on let's get back to the creek you three," she called to her hounds and turned to lead them back to the creek.
WC: 119
Total rolls: 6/9
Dice Rolled:
20-Sided Die
Rolled 2 times
Little bits of ore remain in the pan, but your handler now has a clear line of sight to where it all seems to be coming from. Up ahead a little runnel of water is flowing into the creek from the side of the valley. And each step your handler takes to get closer to it, the ore gets more and more dense! Your handler investigates the runnel.
Roll -- Result
1 -- No large ore chunks are apparently, but loads of little bits are getting washed down to the creek.
2 -- Three pieces of Dark Ore can be found right where the runnel and the creek meet.
3 -- Three pieces of Silvery Ore can be found right where the runnel and the creek meet.
4 -- Three pieces of Glittering Ore can be found right where the runnel and the creek meet.
5 -- Event! -- A crystal is wedged under a rock, but your handler manages to pull it free. Your handler will need help identifying this! Submit a claim to learn about the results.
6 -- As your handler looks around, it's clear this is the place that Roderick has been meaning to find. Your handler will have to let them know when you head back to base camp.
7 -- As your handler gets closer and closer to the runnel they begin to notice a cog here and there, on the creek bed. Receive a random amount of cogs.
8 -- Your handler hikes up the valley slope, next to the runnel, but doesn't see much of interest.
9 -- Your handler nearly turns their ankle as they try to investigate the runnel.
10 -- Event! -- Something much higher up on the valley slope splashes into the runnel. Submit a claim to investigate.
11 -- Your handler discovers a large grouping of Ore Chunks. Jack pot!
12 -- Your handler discovers a small grouping of Ore Chunks.
13 -- Your handler gets distracted by an interesting bird in the distance.
14 -- As your handler walks near the runnel they catch sight of a Berdir. Receive a Berdir Hunt Tag.
15 -- As your handler hikes up the slope they take a moment to enjoy the view of the valley.
16 -- Your handler has a good look at the runnel, and is quite sure it's carrying at least some of the ore into the creek below.
17 -- After walking around for a while, your handler takes a few moments to soak their feet in the creek.
18 -- Event! -- Your Hounds are very interested in a patch of trees near the runnel. Submit a claim to investigate.
19 -- As your handler walks along side the runnel they find a nice shady tree to rest under.
20 -- The further you handler hikes, the deeper the runnel seems to cut into the slope. Eventually, your handler has to turn back.
Dice roll art: https://itona.io/gallery/view/934
Chosen roll: 7 -- As your handler gets closer and closer to the runnel they begin to notice a cog here and there, on the creek bed. Receive a random amount of cogs.
Naomi and her three hounds safely returned to the creek. Coffea and Menace continued to bounce between running through the tall grass along the sides of the creek and splashing through the creek while Judith monitored the two pups. Naomi started to sift through the silt with her pan again occasionally needing to start over due to the hounds running into her and knocking either the contents of the pan or the whole pan out of her hands.
Naomi found herself getting frustrated, not with Coffea and Menace but herself for thinking she could bring two lightly trained hounds along with Judith with the hopes she could manage all three while still being beneficial to the expedition team.
WC: 118
Total rolls: 7/9
Dice Rolled:
20-Sided Die
Rolled 2 times
Dice roll art: https://itona.io/gallery/view/935
Chosen roll: 13 - Your Hound vanishes into the scrub, and returns with a Berdir Pelt!
Menace and Coffea chased each other across the creek while Judith trailed along slowly behind them "monitoring". Naomi sat on the edge with her feet sitting in the water taking a break from panning to watch her hounds.
Judith paused for a moment her ears swiveling before she bolts off into the shrubbery with Menace and Coffea hot on her heels.
"Not again," Naomi groans and pushes herself to her feet and goes to follow her hounds once again away from the creek.
It took her a few moments of wandering in the direction her hounds disappeared in before she found the trio again, playing tug of war with what looks like a pelt of some sort.
WC: 117
Total rolls: 8/9
Dice Rolled:
20-Sided Die
Rolled 2 times
Dice roll art: https://itona.io/gallery/view/944
Chosen roll: 4 - Your Hound plunged into the creek and returns with a chunk of Ore!
Naomi corralled her hounds back towards the creek letting them keep the new toy they managed to find. Judith happily carried the pelt with her while Menace and Coffea tried to steal it away, both failing with each attempt.
After the group returned to the creek Naomi returned to panning for Ore while trying to keep a better eye on her rambunctious trio.
Judith still held onto the pelt, but Coffea and Menace returned to searching the water for something more entertaining. A small school of minnows was the current interest as the two took turns attempting to pounce on the small fish.
WC: 103
Total rolls: 9/9
Dice Rolled:
20-Sided Die
Rolled 2 times
Expedition approval: https://itona.io/submissions/view/1595
Primary Handler: https://itona.io/user/Muddchi
Bonuses: brace handling
Hounds: s-00016
Instinct: n/a
Bonuses: expert obedience, basic hunt training
Hounds: K-00027
Instinct: Biddable
Bonuses: n/a
Hounds: K-00025
Instinct: n/a
Bonuses: n/a
Final Results:
Items Found:
x1 - Random amount of Cogs https://itona.io/comment/632
x1 - berdir pelt https://itona.io/comment/636
X1 - a chunk of ore https://itona.io/comment/639
Total WC:
(100+ words for each roll)
Extra Dice Entries: 9 Total
Bonus Prompt:
Bonuses Prompt Rewards
1x Expedition Rolls
3x Randomized Ore Rolls
1x Berdir Hunt Tag
Bramble tame attempt
Total Training: 66
From Art 62
From Lit 4
From Art 62
From Lit 4
From Art 62
From Lit 4