Comments on [Evermist] Ollie Tiller in Paet Expeditions

MoonRazor Avatar
MoonRazor Staff Member

Expedition Approval:

Primary Handler:
Bonuses: Trio Handling

Hounds: K-00066
Bonuses: -

Hounds: K-00079
Instincts: -
Bonuses: -

Hounds: K-00011
Instincts: Biddable
Bonuses: -

Hounds: S-00041
Instincts: Packmate
Bonuses: -

2024-09-17 18:24:15 (Edited 2024-09-26 08:28:01)

MoonRazor Avatar
MoonRazor Staff Member

Roll: 10/19

Additional roll image:
Chosen die: 13 Your hound finds a smooth, round rock. It is briefly obsessed with the rock.

WC: 116/1087
Berdir Pelt

Ollie couldn't help but feel a little disappointed to have lost track of the little creature. But he'd just have to keep his eyes peeled for more. He rose, signaling to Roadstead, Sunshower, Niblet and He's So Mice, and together they wandered through the trees again. This time, Niblet decided it was time for a nice roll around the pine needles, and he threw himself into a pile of them with abandon while the others looked on.

"Ah, gone on then, get the wiggles out," Ollie said, happy to take a pause. The forest smell, mixed with the salty sting of the sea, felt good, and he was happy to spend more time out and about.

2024-09-17 21:58:56 (Edited 2024-09-26 08:20:58)

MoonRazor Avatar
MoonRazor Staff Member

Roll: 9/19

Additional roll image:
Chosen die: 18 Your hound rolls around in the pine needles beneath the trees. It seems content to stay there for a while.

WC: 101/971
Berdir Pelt

They crept through the ferns, but whatever they had spotted was gone. All that was left at the end of their exploration was a little trail of footprints. Roadstead, Sunshower, Niblet and He's So Mice sniffed at the tracks furiously, tails going crazy as they took in the scent. Ollie crouched down next to the trail to inspect the little footprints.

"That's interesting," he said aloud. "I've never seen anything like these before."

He made a note of it in his mind, to report to Alice when they returned to basecamp. Perhaps these foreign looking tracks would mean something to her.

2024-09-17 21:55:40 (Edited 2024-09-26 08:20:43)

MoonRazor Avatar
MoonRazor Staff Member

Roll: 8/19

Additional roll image:
Chosen die: 2 - A little trail of small footprints with three toes that ends suddenly. Odd!

WC: 105/870
Berdir Pelt

As they walked through the forest, Ollie kept his eyes peeled for signs of life. After a few moments of silence, he noticed Roadstead, Sunshower, He's So Mice, and Niblet perk up, staring off through the ferns at something in the forest.

What was that? Afraid of startling whatever was in the woods, Ollie kept the thoughts to himself, peering through the leaves to try to see what the hounds had picked up. He let a few more moments pass, but whatever had rustled the ferns was gone, so he pointed in that direction, and together the group of them slowly picked their way forward.

2024-09-17 21:51:29 (Edited 2024-09-26 08:20:31)

Ellanoire Avatar
Ellanoire Staff Member

Your handler follows the rustling ferns and finds…
Roll --- Result
1 - A patch of mushrooms, lightly disturbed. Receive a Mature Mistcloak Mushroom.
2 - A little trail of small footprints with three toes that ends suddenly. Odd!
3 - The tailfeather of a duskrat, skittering away! Get it! Receive Duskrat Hunt Tag.
4 - A pile of colorful feathers, but none of them seem like good enough quality to take home.
5 - A tiny ephemeral pond, filled to the brim with tadpoles. There are small footprints surrounding it, but the mud makes it too hard to tell what they are.
6 - Event! - Your handler hears a strange call, and thinks they can pinpoint the location. Submit a claim to investigate.
7 - Wow! You don’t think you’ve seen a duskrat that bright before. Receive Sunny Duskrat Pelt.
8 - The rustling leads your handler right back out to the beach, where they find a trail of three-toed footprints that weave in and out of the forest. Better tell Alice…
9 - The huge roots of these pine trees make a perfect cradle. Your handler decides to rest instead of continuing their search.
10 - A patch of tonatos that have been delicately nibbled on. You find one that’s still intact. Receive Spicy Tonato.
11 - Something dragged a piece of kelp from the beach into the forest. Why? Receive Charming Crimped Kelp.
12 - Your hound gets distracted by playing in the pine needles, and your handler can’t help but join them.
13 - Something had a meal here, but only a bit of the meat is left. Receive Trifin Eel Meat.
14 - A flash of color races past your handler’s vision, but it was so fast they can’t tell what direction it went.
15 - A concerning ring of mushrooms. Your handler takes a couple just to break the ring and make themselves feel better. Receive 3x Mistcloak Mushrooms.
16 - Shiny! Something has collected odds and ends into a nest of sorts, and you find a couple cogs hidden amongst them. Receive a random amount of cogs.
17 - A little stream that leads back towards the beach. Your handler gets distracted and follows it for a while.
18 - Your handler rushes to catch whatever’s moving, but nothing is on the other side.
19 - More ferns! They grow everywhere under the canopy of the trees. Your handler pauses to look for more rustling, but everything is still.
20 - Event! -
Your handler hears a sort of drumming noise that feels like it vibrates their whole body. They try to follow the sound to the source. Submit a claim to investigate.

2024-09-17 21:01:04

MoonRazor Avatar
MoonRazor Staff Member

Roll: 7/19

Additional roll image:
Chosen die: 12 - Event! While exploring the forest, you notice something rustling through the ferns. Submit a claim to investigate!

WC: 109/765
Berdir Pelt

Finally, after what felt like hours of running about in the waves, Ollie remembered that they had things to do. He called Roadstead, Sunshower, Niblet and He's So Mice out of the water, dried his feet, put on his shoes, and directed them away from the beach.

"Let's get serious!" he said, knowing full well that they would not.

They continued down the sand, and He's So Mice ran forward toward an odd fuzzy looking thing half buried in the sand. Ollie followed behind curiously, and when he arrived, he found part of a Berdir covered in sand.

"Huh, nice find, Mice," he said, giving the hound a pat.

2024-09-17 18:55:13 (Edited 2024-09-26 08:20:05)