Comments on [Llynmere Lake] - Kiki in Ynnis Expeditions

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Roll 7/7
Your handler finds a piece of Parsage growing near the lake.

Kiki decided after not finding anything near the forest that they would have to go back near the lake. She gave Trigger a stern look. "Be good." She reminded him. As they made ther way over there he tore off back toward the patch he had been tearing up while the botanist spoke. She rolled her eyes at him. "Your really a parsage fiend huh?" She crossed her arms and watched as he tore yet another parsage from the patch. He brought it over to her happily trotting. "At least it’s not garbage" she gave in taking it from him and giving him a pat on the head.

2022-08-01 19:34:07 (Edited 2022-08-01 19:37:21)